Get your dancing shoes on and post some songs, Lushies!!
Just post a song (with or without a link) and maybe a few words about how you're feeling and why you want to play it...
Or something like that? I dunno! LOL
Have fun guys!

Quote by loud_bkrMazza......
This Afternoon - Nickelback
Just so cool...especially if us at lush had a party like that....
Plus I'm sure I recognize a few of you in the video....hands up who's in it
Quote by Gallexi
I was thinking its time for a slowy
Quote by loud_bkr
An oldie.....just love it.....
Big Bopper - Chantilly Lace
Quote by mazza
Enter Sandman, by Metallica
Because sometimes, you just need to have a bit of a jump around!!!