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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 154
United States


Active Ink Slinger
I know that Mr Clum is very busy and don't want to burden him to much with my creations :-)
So... anybody else interesting in proofreading my work?

The more the merrier :-)
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by SereneProdigy

Edit : Sorry to spoil the fun, but I did a reverse image Google search, and this is a fake picture.

So what is the question?

Would you fuck or pass the girl on the picture?
Would you fuck or pass the picture itself?
Would you fuck or pass the O.P. if she looked like the girl on the picture?
Would you fuck or pass the O.P. if she looked like a picture?
Would you fuck or pass the O.P. no matter what she looks like?

Active Ink Slinger

I was wondering if breast implants are a turn-on, turn-off, or irrelevant to a man's attraction to a woman?

Turn off.

Are there men out there that would never consider a woman with implants?

Never say never, and it kinda depends on how big they are.
The big fake "football" blowups are a total turn off for me. It looks awe-full and I always wonder what those woman were thinking.
It looks fake, it feels fake (yes, I tried it) and I feel that it actually doesn't add anything to their "beauty".

Small implants, the ones that enlarge breasts just a tiny bit are a bit better.
It still looks real (if done properly) but the feeling is already changed a bit.

Does it depend on how good the outcome of the surgery was?

I am not a fan of plastic surgery in general. We are who we are and we look how we look.
I am not a hansom guy, and if I would go to a doctor he could easily make a whole list of things that needs to be changed.
But.... I don't give a damn.

Your natural appearance is part of who you are. It forms you, it shapes you and is an essential part of your character.
I am 44 and starting to get grey on the sides. My hairdresser tells me to color it "It makes you look a lot younger."

Euh ????? I am 44.... no matter what the color is.....

I do understand P.S. in certain cases. When you are teased with something, or for medical reasons.
But I am against P.S. for cosmetic reasons.

Do some men actually like them?

I guess some do

AND... just to create more discussion: Let's say you have a girl that has a great tight body, but A-cup breasts. Would you prefer her with implants (if she wanted them), or would you prefer her to stay all natural even though she'd always just be a 'sweet petite'...

Natural.... nothing beats natural....

I always wonder about guy's who talk about big breasts.
They drool over it and have the biggest stories about them,
my bet is that they would be scared if they would actually see them and they would have no idea what to do with them.

I don't mind what cup size a woman has.
I dated woman throughout the entire "cup spectra".
One girlfriend did had P.S, she had to decrease her size cause it was giving her back pain.

I can have as much fun with a small, almost invisible, A cup as with a huge DDD.
After all, it is about the woman behind the breasts.
Active Ink Slinger
Do you write real life stories, fiction, or a mix of both?

Characters are real people (names are changed)
The stories are a mix, leaning towards real life.
Active Ink Slinger
I don't believe in "The Perfect Person"

And it may sounds strange, but the perfect person for me would be myself.

"Nobody's perfect... I am nobody"

I know myself, I know what I like, I know what I want.
I know my bad habits, I know my good habits, I know my feelings without having to explain them.
I know it all......

In the beginning I often think I have found someone that is close to being perfect,
but slowly it crumbles down to the point that this someone is not so perfect for me..... for others maybe.... but not for me.

I am a difficult person in a relationship, but (in my defense) I always warn woman upfront and it is up to them to
jump on the boar or not.

A perfect woman would accept me for 100%, no questions asked, no demands, no nothing except for 100% trust.
Active Ink Slinger

I love having sex outside, especially in a forest or something.
The smell of nature, the sounds, the idea itself... I love it.

One time me and a girl I was dating were caught in a nice summer storm.
We were walking my dog and figured we could make it home before it would hit us.
We hid under some big trees, trying to stay dry, but that didn't really work.

Slowly we got soaked. My girlfriend wore a short dress and well... think wet t-shirt's :-)
We ended up on the soaked soil making love while the rain kept pouring down on us.

It was awesome!!!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by tristalynn2000
im horny all the time infact im very horny now anyone interested

I am horny 24/7 so that would mean a big YES
Active Ink Slinger
**Image removed by mod. Content too explicit for this section of the forums.**

Active Ink Slinger
Hi Janell

I am sorry to hear your story.
I must admit.... Men are pigs (most of them)

You seem to be knowing exactly what you want,
you seem to be a woman that has her life in order... accept for a partner to share it with.

It's to bad that a lot of guys (and girls for that matter) are not taking time to look into a person.
They see a beautiful face, a tight ass, big tits ( or whatever floats your boat) and BoOoOoOoOoM.... their sold.

It's strange to see how many relations end up in the gutter,
and I believe it is mainly because of that little fact that they don't know each other.
After a few years they realize that looks, body size, money etc.etc. are nice for a while, but nothing more.

A hot looking guy who is an asshole becomes a not so hot looking asshole.
A bitchy beautiful "model" becomes a not so beautiful bitch.
Looks, appearances or however you want to call it don't mean anything.

Your post shows you have questions about yourself.
You doubt if you are good looking enough,
you say you are overweight,
you basically say you are a wall flower.
But you know what..... a flower is still a flower.
With some T.L.C. every flower can blossom.

You say you cannot seduce anyone.
But I don't buy that
Everyone can seduce.....

If you meet the guy that is REALLY the right one,
than you will see how good you are at seducing.
You will throw overboard the things that bother you,
because you FEEL that this is the real thing.

Personally I don't believe in "Be who you want to be"
It's the main reason for relations to blow up.

It's strange to see how many people "lie" in the beginning.
Small meaningless, innocent lies.

"Yes, I love to go to the movies" you might answer when a guy asks you this.
But the truth is that you hate it. You just say it in the heat of the moment,
you want to let him know that you do have things in common, he might ask you
to go to the movies with him, etc.etc.etc.

So the guy thinks you are into seeing movies, once every week he treats you to a trip
to the cinema.... until your sick of it....

"You" start to wonder why he does that? doesn't he know by now that "you" hate movies?
Does he really know you?

See what I mean?

Just be yourself.....
If a guy doesn't want you for WHO you are.... well.... then F*** him.
Active Ink Slinger
Introduce the title of your story:

The Mansion, a novel about a little Pennsylvanian town.

Provide the link:

The chapters I have posted so far:


01 - Brianna and Frank

02 - Brianna and Frank

03 - Tom and Mary

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

A couple of reasons inspired me to write this novel.

For me it is difficult to write about "made-up" characters and places.
At some point I mix them up or little things change.
So I always have been writing about real people and places.
I do change the names off course :-)

I don't like "Fake" erotic stories.
A guy ( at least 8") meets a girl ( always blond-38 DD ) and have sex....
hot steaming sex....
So I started to write about things I experienced myself.

I do have a couple of "fake" stories but I always try to write them in a way
that it looks like it actually COULD happen.

I am curious by, "the reason" why we do certain things.
Sometimes you run into pictures or a video that shows the most weird sexual things,
I always love to talk to people and in my culture we don't judge people for their sexual preferences.
People sense that and feel free to talk about their sexual lives.

"Why does he/she do that?" is my first question when I see or hear something "strange"
"What is it, that excites this person so much?"
It was easier for me to write longer stories to explain those emotions.

My fantasy "clicks" pretty fast and, because it is MY fantasy, it can go everywhere I want.
I can meet a woman out on the street, have a small talk about nothing but in my mind a new story develops.
Based upon whatever is going on at that moment.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

They are real.
Their physical appearances, their emotions, their character.... it's real.
I change the names and give them an erotic life.... a deep, sometimes dark, erotic life.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

Since this is the first story I post here, I must say "It doesn't"
My, unpublished, other stories are similar and that's why I began to combine them.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

Writing in English, which is not my first language

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

Stick around and let's find out what the people of Taylorsville are up too.
Active Ink Slinger
I wonder if there is a way to promote our stories on the forum.

I checked the "Ask Readers" section but the description doesn't mention it,
nor do I see others posting topics about finished stories.

So... is it o.k. to post a topic there asking readers to read ?
Active Ink Slinger
I only sleep naked.

Can't stand the feeling of clothes at night...
Active Ink Slinger
Grats! You're 86% kinky!

Well well well, you kinky bastard! Most likely you're into some weird shit, which is always great. Consider mailing the author of this test, and keep up the good work ;)
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Guest
If you have ever fallen in love with someone you cant have? if so, how did you get through it, what happened?

Happens to me all the time.

The way to get through it is to keep on living.....
Time will eventually heal...
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by SirLoin
Just wondered how many people would or have met others from here for sex?

Would I meet someone from Lush ?

Sure, it all depends on the person.
If the feeling is alright then I would have no problem.

Would I meet someone from Lush to have sex ?

Sure, it all depends on the person.
If the feeling is alright then I would have no problem.
Active Ink Slinger
For me F/F play is more interesting then M/M
Simply because I don't like to look at naked men, and that includes myself

Men don't turn me on. Woman do
Active Ink Slinger
Age is just a number....

I never ask a woman her age because I simply don't care.
My experience is that age really doesn't matter.

I had hot steaming sex/relations with younger woman, woman my age and woman much older.
It all depends on the woman itself.

What I do notice is that older woman are more relaxed and have stronger confidence.
Active Ink Slinger
Wonder what health inspection would say if they run into her ?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by sprite

trapped in a man's body, apparently. works for me. smile

Not for me though, it's too bad that Lesbian's don't buy my logic
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by AbigailThornton

Don't you just love logic ;)

Yes I do
Active Ink Slinger
I think we are all kinky, one way or the other.
Sexual fetishism is the sexual arousal a person receives from a physical object, or from a specific situation.

Normally this is associated as kinky and only for freaks, SM, perv's and other people with a strange taste.
I don't look at it like that

A woman that loves to wear latex during sex is considered to be kinky, latex is her fetish.
But a woman that loves to wear the plain old cotton undies is also kinky, cotton is her fetish.
Even if you prefer to be naked, not because it is easier but because you love the feeling of being naked.
Then being naked is your fetish... so you're kinky.

Some guys only want to date blondes..... pretty kinky if you ask me, blondes are their fetish
Some guys love BBW's.... yep, that's kinky. BBW is their fetish
Some guys only want to have sex "doggy style"..... you can guess it by now, right ?

Personally I don't consider anything to be kinky.
It all depends on your own sexual background.

I've done many things that might considered to be kinky by other's,
and as C50T said "It's only kinky the first time"

Our sexual education and the moral values ( laid upon us by society ), are making us feel a bit strange
when we do things out of the ordinary. We are "taught" that it is WRONG and BAD.
But is it ?

If you ( who ever you are ) love to dress up as Snow white and have sex with 7 midgets..... GO FOR IT !!!!
Active Ink Slinger
I am writing a "novel like" story.
Multiple chapters about a little town.

The characters I use are based upon real people.
Some of them, I met only once or twice, some I know pretty good
and some of them I saw just in a flash.

I began to use pictures I found to make it easier to write.
Posing pictures, as I call it.
Nude/erotic models that matched the real people.

My question is :

Would you prefer to see the pictures ( that match the description of the characters )
or would you prefer to create an imagine in your mind ?
Active Ink Slinger
When I write a lesbian action I write about the things I like.

After all...

Lesbians love woman, I love woman so technically I am a lesbian
Active Ink Slinger
Hi erotic story lovers.

I am looking for a serious proofreader(s).
Someone that can help me with my English language issue's.

English is not my first language, although I do live in the US.
Speaking is not a problem, writing is not a problem but the grammar rules are.

I posted so far one story which was accepted.
Another one I tried to post was rejected.
Time after time after time, and each time for grammar mistakes.

I correct the mistakes ( as far as I can find them ) re-send it and get rejected again.
The problem is that some grammar rules are completely different than what I am used to.
And that makes it hard to correct them.
It is a habit thing :-)

An example would be question marks and such.
In my language we use a space :

Is that correct ?

English does not use a space :

Is that correct?

I know that :-)
But to me it looks a bit weird and I notice that when I write I "forget" it.
There are more rules like that and I could definitely use some help with this.

The story that I am writing is a story about a fictional town.
And it's hard to describe the real format.

There are a few "lead" characters that are part of the entire story, almost like a novel.
Some "secondairy"characters are having their own story line almost as a "side novel" within the overall story.
And some stories are short stories but they take place within or around the fictional town.

Point is that all stories are in the same area, and characters can appear everywhere.
So far I have over 25 "chapters" ready but I am a bit scared in posting them.

So... anyone interested ?
Off course I will credit you within the story.


Active Ink Slinger
Music freak pur sang

I have my own recording studio where I currently compose music
for the TV industry.

I played in several rock/metal bands, toured around Europe,
even have been a D.J on the local radio and dance events
( what a combination right ? )

Classical trained guitarist, bass, drums and keys.

My style is very diverse.
Classical mixed with Vai and Satriani mixed with Prog-elements mixed with.... whatever.

It's a bit strange for me to tell this.
Not many people in my personal ( and business ) life know that I love to write erotic stories.
To be honest.... no-one knows :-)
Active Ink Slinger
An Ipod that works on solar energy with Beethoven's ninth.

Not sure about the second one ?
I am torn between a Wall Mart and a fully functioning fine dining restaurant
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by kelsey000
To those in a relationship or marriage: Do you celebrate anniversaries? If yes, do you actually like to, or is it just to make your girl happy?

If I am politically correct I would answer : YES !!!

But if I am honest I would have to say : Anniversaries ? what anniversaries ?

I don't even remember my own birthday.
No joke, I always have to think hard to remember it.
Its based upon the fact that I really don't care how old I am,
and that I don't like to celebrate birthday's.

As for other anniversaries..... don't ask me the dates.
I totally suck at dates

It usually ends up with the girl telling me there is an anniversary coming up
and if was thinking about doing something special.

Although I hate that stuff, I end up doing it.... just to please them.