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Do you write real life stories, fiction, or a mix of both?

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I just write fiction, I'm not so comfortable writing my real life stuff.
A combination of fantasy and reality.

I'll leave you guys to work out which is which
Devil's Advocate
I write a mix of both, blending different amounts of fantasy and memory.

My first few stories have been almost entirely fictional, and with good reason.

However, the story I'm working on now is heavily based on reality.
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
I have written some stories about my experiences but they may not be suited for Lush. My profile is a mixture of truth and perhaps a tad of Never Never land. Many stories I have begun and they linger in the closet of my open mind.
Gingerbread Lover
Three of my stories were real life memories. All my other stories are fiction.

Many of my poems on Lush contain depths that I am learning to explore, or that are based on my desires and history, particularly the darker pieces. However, most are fictitious explorations of how I think others might think.
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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Real life. But I do plan on posting some that are strictly fiction.
I write all three actually. One moment I'll write complete fiction then write a real life story or on a writing tear just blend reality and fiction together.
Detention Seeker
I write both I let my readers try to work out which.
Mostly fiction - inspired by different things like fantasies I want to experience one day or dreams I've had. Other things are based on the relationship concept and the sex comes from the situation.

Only two of my stories are real life: Want, Wait . . . And Finders Keepers. well, save for poetry, that's always real.
I write a combination of all three. Some are totally true, some are totally fiction and some are based on true events with added color.
Two were embellishments of partial fantasies that I should have or could pursued further. The other two were real life experiences and were so amazing that words can't really capture it.
Advanced Wordsmith
Usually a mix of both, but I do have a strictly real story up.
Hey there, I'm an inspiring erotic writer. I take story requests and write about most anything so hit me up if you have a crazy fantasy that you would like me to bring to life ;) Also, please check out my stories and comment and vote if you like them!
Prolific Writer
Most of my stories are fiction. A couple are true. Bits and pieces are memories of things that have happened.
Head Nurse

I see a flash of a picture in my head and then expand around it. My last one, I saw a girl worried about her bf, jump up to greet him when he came in the door. That flash built into an entire story.
Active Ink Slinger
Mine are purely fiction but what I really wanted to happen in my life. Both str8 and gay.
Active Ink Slinger
a mix of both
Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question. "Yes" is the answer. ~Swami X

Cheeky Chick
There is always some parts of me in all my stories, a few of my first few stories are based on actual things that happened to me.
Active Ink Slinger
Only real life. That is what makes all guys horny knowing my slutty sexual life.
Advanced Wordsmith
My first several stories published on Lush were all true. Later I ventured into some purely fictional stories and some fictional stories based on real life experiences.
Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado
My erotica stories are a mix of real life experiences and what I could envision happening with someone.

A few are real life accounts, with two of them, the ending changed to what SHOULD have happened.
Advanced Wordsmith
All true as best as I can remember.
Active Ink Slinger
This isn't an "or" question for me.

I like to write things based on real life, whether it is something I have experienced or something that I have observed.

Sometimes I see things in real life which give me inspiration, and which I exaggerate or expand in order to make into a good "mixed" story.

I like fiction, where I write things that I have observed simply in my head.

And then, there are the times where fiction gives me inspiration to create a real life experience which can become a story of its own.

Writing is an adventure in creativity and inspiration. I see no reason to limit myself to one particular method, even though I surely won't share everything I write. smile
Her Royal Spriteness
everything i write really has happened. sometimes it's only happened in my head, though. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I wrote one true story. It was crap.

If my life was exciting enough for my stories to be true, I wouldn't have time to write them.
Mainly fiction. I don't have a good enough memory to write 100% true events even if I wanted to.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by sprite
everything i write really has happened. sometimes it's only happened in my head, though. smile

What she said kinda goes along with my philosophy that 'fantasy is unfulfilled reality'

My stories are fantasy/fiction. My poetic scribbling is reflective of my real emotions / feelings / thoughts at the time written.
Active Ink Slinger
All of my stories are true stories about my life so far