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Over 90 days ago
Male, 64
United States


Just a perv. This is my first attempt at writing stories. If encouraged, I'll submit more. Otherwise, I'll occupy myself with reading other peoples'. If there's a gal out there that likes the way my perverted mind works, I'd love to hear from her most especially *smiles*

Outdoor wildlife and photography, anything you can in, on, or under the water, ancient history, physics

Favorite Books
If it's science fiction I've either read it, or it's on my list of to read. Other than that, its all technical documents.

Favorite Movies
Too many to list. Haven't met a genre where I haven't at least seen one movie I liked. My most recent aquisition was the Deadwood HBO series on DVD's. I am fascinated by it.

Favorite Music
Classic Rock 'n roll.