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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 65
0 miles · Auburn


Active Ink Slinger

I like to believe that I am adventurous. Auto racing, hiking, flying, deep sea fishing for tuna. These are a few of my passions.

What is the most adventurous thing you have done?

Active Ink Slinger

The Smithsonian or the Louvre.

Where would you rather visit, Rome or Jerusalem?

Active Ink Slinger

Too many people saying NO! It looks like intelligent conversations are a thing of the past!

I am up for intelligent conversations anytime away from work.

Active Ink Slinger

Yes, when my children were young. We went up into the mountains away from the lights of the city, and put our sleeping bags on the ground atop a 5000 ft ridge. Wonderful night, Great memories! One of the local ski areas has the chairlifts running for a couple of the yearly meteor showers.

Pepsi or Coke?

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by KimmiBeGood

Y'all will know what day is my birthday when you walk in and find me bent over the corner table with panties around my ankles and an assortment of spanking implements on the table with a sign that says, "Spank me. It's my birthday!" smile

Sounds like a fun Birthday!

Active Ink Slinger

Yes, it was sore! Both of us were sore. But what a memory! To this day she says we should go on another cruise so that I can be sexually satisfied for more than a couple hours... Maybe when Covid is no longer looming!

Active Ink Slinger

I don't know about best, ambience wise. The Coachman Baldwin WI. Best prime rib I ever had. And a Damn good porterhouse! I hear it is no longer there. sad

Best side dish and where?

Active Ink Slinger

It has been a few years, but seven times in 24 hr period. On a cruise with no port stops and my partner was feeling especially frisky. She came over and over on that trip. I think it has to do with letting go. Nothing that has to be done, and nowhere to go. No responsibilities and no obligations. No cell phone service and no internet. Good times!

Active Ink Slinger

I often (pre covid) would drive 55 miles one way to my favorite BBQ joint. The Ranch House west of Olympia WA

What was the best BBQ you have had and where?

Active Ink Slinger

I am hoping all you East Coaster's survived the snow. Earlier today I put ten pounds of pork loin in the smoker, experimenting with three different rubs. Smoking some onions also. They pick up the smoke and carmelize so deliciously. Dinner should be epic! Does anyone want to join us for dinner?

Active Ink Slinger

I just recently discovered the Amazon series "Bosch" I love it for a multitude of reasons.

Active Ink Slinger

Cautious (or slightly paranoid). So far so good, though I have lost several friends to the disease.

What does a Kraken Whisperer do?

Active Ink Slinger

She fell in love with a potter, but he had cold slimy hands.

Active Ink Slinger

Good luck! And if positive thoughts work eight time zones away, know that I am sending positive thought in your direction.

Active Ink Slinger

This sounds like the TV show "Ordinary Joe". How the choices we make can totally change how a story goes and ends.

Active Ink Slinger

A smile (pre covid), beautiful eyes, and brains ( a sense of humor goes a long way).

Active Ink Slinger

Happiness and pride. I have worked for myself for most of my life, I could have made more money working for others but I have always been happy with my decision. And I am proud of my children and all they have accomplished.

What did you have for dinner last night?

Active Ink Slinger

Do you want that kiss to be long and slow, or just a quick peck on the ass?

Active Ink Slinger

She fell in love with a used car salesman, but he failed to deliver a good ride!