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How many guys here are turned on by girls that are virgins?
Active Ink Slinger
John looks around and with a very guilty look on his face and hesitantly raises his hand...."Me Miss Taylor!"
Hello Taylor and welcome to Lush! You are a very beautiful girl and I am sure your inbox will be full in no time.

As for your question, I am not turned on about the fact that a girl is a virgin. I personally have to be attracted both physically and mentally to the girl, being a virgin doesn't add much to the mix for me.

The other thing that comes into question is that the first time you would have sex would place enormous pressure on the guy to be "amazing". I am not saying that I am not, but it could lead to a little performance anxiety.

Have fun out there! This is a wonderful community!
The night that changed my life, a four part series of a married man lusting after his co-worker

not really bothered probalby prfer those that have some experience
A woman's looks and personality turns me on, not her being a virgin.
Quote by Dudealicious
Hello Taylor and welcome to Lush! You are a very beautiful girl and I am sure your inbox will be full in no time.

As for your question, I am not turned on about the fact that a girl is a virgin. I personally have to be attracted both physically and mentally to the girl, being a virgin doesn't add much to the mix for me.

The other thing that comes into question is that the first time you would have sex would place enormous pressure on the guy to be "amazing". I am not saying that I am not, but it could lead to a little performance anxiety.

Have fun out there! This is a wonderful community!

Dude, you really are one classy guy!!!

Welcome to Lush, Taylor. Good Luck!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dudealicious
Hello Taylor and welcome to Lush! You are a very beautiful girl and I am sure your inbox will be full in no time.

As for your question, I am not turned on about the fact that a girl is a virgin. I personally have to be attracted both physically and mentally to the girl, being a virgin doesn't add much to the mix for me.

The other thing that comes into question is that the first time you would have sex would place enormous pressure on the guy to be "amazing". I am not saying that I am not, but it could lead to a little performance anxiety.

Have fun out there! This is a wonderful community!

Really? I´ve heard some guys say that they like being with virgins, because they feel less pressure to perform well, because she won´t be able to compare it to anyone else.
Quote by rxtales
Really? I´ve heard some guys say that they like being with virgins, because they feel less pressure to perform well, because she won´t be able to compare it to anyone else.

I guess that would be the pressure I would place on myself to be "memorable". It has been such a long time since I have been with a virgin though, those days are now long gone.
The night that changed my life, a four part series of a married man lusting after his co-worker

The Linebacker
Not turned on by virgins!
Active Ink Slinger
I like experienced women who already understand their own (and men's) sexuality. Not interested in virgins.
Quote by Buz
Not turned on by virgins!

Agree with Buz and the guy right above me. The experience is what turns me on.
I'm attracted to a woman's soul,
Not the tightness of her hole.
I do not care one little jot,
Whether I'm her first or not.
Rookie Scribe
Well it's been a few years since I had the pleasure, but for sure there is an excitement to the first time. Just watching her innocent face, her eyes widening as you push in deeper and deeper....fucking erotic! Those who say it's not special have perhaps never had the pleasure and responsibility of introducing a young lady to her womanhood and the ecstasy and passion of becoming one with a man with his hardness penetrating her as she goes into her throes. Just writing this post brings back memories.....
Constant Gardener
Quote by Talentedtongue
Those who say it's not special have perhaps never had the pleasure and responsibility of introducing a young lady to her womanhood and the ecstasy and passion of becoming one with a man with his hardness penetrating her as she goes into her throes. Just writing this post brings back memories.....

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
I am, just for the fact I have never been with a virgin. Although I think it is just for the feeling of being the first.
Active Ink Slinger
I have no interest in teaching someone , nor do I care for young ladies. I porefer mature women who know what they want, and who aren't afraid to tell me. Besides, mature women have more curves.
"There's only three tempos: slow, medium and fast. When you get between in the cracks, ain't nuthin' happenin'." Ben Webster
i truthfully find virgins hot
The fact that a girl may or may not be a virgin has no bearing on her attractiveness.
Active Ink Slinger
i must admit, virgins dont float my boat at all, I like a girl with experience and high sex drive, they need to want it, and that comes from past encounters and enjoying it more and more. I think this is kind of a misplaced fantasy, imo theres is something not right with an adult who is virgin, dont give me all that "saving herself" bullshit, Theres a reason why they are still a virgin, could be religion, strict upbringing or she just has no interest, whatever, and i have a hard time dealing with people like that. I find that attitude unnatural and against human nature. Ok im not saying as soon as people are old enough they should fuck the first person they see, but i do think people should try and experiment and try sex as soon as they feel ready to. (you can tell i have a vendetta against this relgion BS). Inexperienced people dont have a fucking clue what they are doing, and im sorry there is nothing attractive about that. Virgins also tend to groom and maintain their personal areas poorly, because they dont expect anybody do be going there, so the lady garden will either be full of cobwebs, or try and sell you a copy of the big issue. I have no interest trying to break through that forcefield
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Archadia
i must admit, virgins dont float my boat at all, I like a girl with experience and high sex drive, they need to want it, and that comes from past encounters and enjoying it more and more. I think this is kind of a misplaced fantasy, imo theres is something not right with an adult who is virgin, dont give me all that "saving herself" bullshit, i actually think its not really natural (you can tell i have a vendetta against this relgion BS). Inexperienced people dont have a fucking clue what they are doing, and im sorry there is nothing attractive about that.

I didn't realise that all adult virgins had been waiting because of religion my mistake.

In all seriousness, that's a harsh attitude to take. Lots of people wait to find someone who is worthy of giving their virginity to, and honestly, more people should.

You say people should experiment as soon as they feel ready, who are you to judge when they feel ready?

And really - you meet a girl, you get on really well together and you really like her then you find out that she's a virgin. Are you going to tell her that there's something 'not right' with her?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by freakycactus
I didn't realise that all adult virgins had been waiting because of religion my mistake.

In all seriousness, that's a harsh attitude to take. Lots of people wait to find someone who is worthy of giving their virginity to, and honestly, more people should.

You say people should experiment as soon as they feel ready, who are you to judge when they feel ready?

And really - you meet a girl, you get on really well together and you really like her then you find out that she's a virgin. Are you going to tell her that there's something 'not right' with her?

Well ok, i see your point and im with you, but the thread tends to indicate that the question is "do you find virgins more attractive than everybody else", or at least thats the they way it looked to me, and the simple answer to that is no, i dont. But that attitude of waiting for somebody you actually want to be with is a good thing, so im down with that. Hell i didnt loose my V plates until i was like 16/17, so i was hardly a teenage stud, but i have a hard time with people being tormented my their parents about sex, or religious hysteria telling people when to have sex. Having sex is entirely on that person, and if a virgin wanted to have sex with me, and i liked her, i happily treat her the same as every other girl, and if she was worth it and i wanted to be with her, i would of course be happy help her get better at it and to stick with her. But i still stand by what i said about inexperience being unattractive, which i thought was what the topic was asking for.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Archadia
Well ok, i see your point and im with you, but the thread tends to indicate that the question is "do you find virgins more attractive than everybody else", or at least thats the they way it looked to me, and the simple answer to that is no, i dont. But that attitude of waiting for somebody you actually want to be with is a good thing, so im down with that. Hell i didnt loose my V plates until i was like 16/17, so i was hardly a teenage stud, but i have a hard time with people being tormented my their parents about sex, or religious hysteria telling people when to have sex. Having sex is entirely on that person, and if a virgin wanted to have sex with me, and i liked her, i happily treat her the same as every other girl, and if she was worth it and i wanted to be with her, i would of course be happy help her get better at it and to stick with her. But i still stand by what i said about inexperience being unattractive, which i thought was what the topic was asking for.

Preferring experience to inexperience is fine, I have no issue with that. What got to me was the rant that followed, and as much as I understand where you're coming from, there are less inflammatory ways of putting it.

Quote by Archadia
i would of course be happy help her get better at it

Who knows, maybe they'd teach you a little something too ;)
I prefer a woman who has a variety of sexual experiences to draw from; one who is secure enough in her sexuality to know what she wants, but opn-minded enough to try new things. I'm not turned on by the mere fact a woman is a virgin, however I know of one who writes erotic stories... her mind is very experienced and the thoughts that float around her mind is a huge turn-on.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by freakycactus
Preferring experience to inexperience is fine, I have no issue with that. What got to me was the rant that followed, and as much as I understand where you're coming from, there are less inflammatory ways of putting it.

Yeah i know, im sorry. My opinion wasnt intended to be aggressive, i was simply making a point, but reading over it i can see I was a bit too confrontational. Apologies.

Quote by freakycactus
Who knows, maybe they'd teach you a little something too ;)

Haha maybe, although i tend to think not. I remember when i was a virgin, i was useless ha
Active Ink Slinger
apologies for the multi-post, my internet fucked up big time sad
Active Ink Slinger
I have fantasies about virgins all the time. I love a tight hole
Rookie Scribe
I'm not at all interested in a virgin. I LOVE women with lots of exerience and no hang-ups. To me the word SLUT is not negative at all. I love sluts.
Having dated several virgins over the years, I can honestly say it was never was what attracted me. But, no matter why they are a virgin, I believe they should be respected for it.