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Words Sticking Together In Stories

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Do your words stick together in stories?

I want to know how many others have this issue also.

I looked through the forums to find if this has been talked about before and haven’t seen it so I’m going to ask.

I have noticed this with not only with my stories but others also.

I type up my stories on Microsoft Office Word 2007. I make sure all my errors and such are corrected before moving it to Lush. I copy from MOW and paste right into the Lush submits spot. I then read through it to make sure nothing messes up. Once I’m happy with everything turned out I hit continue which brings it to the next step. I then scan it again to make sure it’s all set before sending it off to the mods to read.

I however have had a few of my stories sent back to me for (particularly in the form of words stuck together.) I then go to my story and look it over and it looks fine UNTIL I open it up to edit that is where I see all the words are stuck together. Mind you it’s not the entire story just random bits throughout the story. The one I wrote today and submitted was probably the worse one I've seen yet.

I have seen others with this problem too. Even when I read their stories the problem is still there.

So my question is how and why is this even happening? How can we fix this to stop it from having to re-submit 2 or 3 times because of this ONE issue? It didn't always happen when I first started writing for Lush but my last 5 or so stories I've noticed it.

Any advice?
New one on me, Poppet, and I use the same method (type and revise in Word, then paste in to the submission box). I'm using Word 2010 but 07 and 10 aren't that different so I'm not sure that would be the difference. It does prompt me when I paste from Word as to whether I want to clean up the Word file and I think I normally let it do so. Maybe that's messing up somehow for you? Hope one of the admins or story moderators can shed some light for you.
I hope so also. I would very much like not having to re-sub because of issues that I'm not even causing. Or, at least I don't think I'm causing. Still waiting... :3
I use abiword and have had no issues. Maybe try pasting it unformatted and see what happens. Could be a minor incompatibility issue.
Happened to me yesterday. I wrote everything in a draft email on mail. I corrected all spelling errors within there as well. When I pasted here though, there weren't any errors on first glance (no red lines under any text) but as I went through to proofread it one last time, it was only when the insertion point (the blinky vertical line which poops out letters) would reach the next paragraph that a red line would appear under stuck together words in that paragraph. kindalikethis

Oh geez... I didn't explain that very well. Hehe. Anyway, bottom line, it happened to me. Correcting it wasn't much of a bother though
The same thing happens to me with 2007. The first story I submitted was approved and published. I didn't re-read the story once it was up. I didn't even realize there was an issue until I read one of comments where someone suggested I use the spellchecker next time. (talk about pissing me off!!) I had no idea what they were talking about, because I had gone over that story a bunch of times before publishing and knew there weren't spelling errors. I had a Lush friend read it and that's when she noticed there were 3 or 4 places where the words were mushed together. Once I realized what I was looking for I went back and looked at my original copy, and the spaces were in the document.

Before I submitted my second story, I copy and pasted it into a PM and had the same friend read it. There were missing spaces again and more of them. She put them in for me, and then I submitted from that corrected PM.

I don't know how to prevent it from happening, but that's how I worked around it. Good luck!
Well as crappy as it is t know it happens to others, I'm glad it's not just me.. Now I'd just like to know what is causing it. I just submitted a story about 5 seconds ago so I'm hoping there is no issues.. I hate fixing things I didn't do wrong, so if there is away to fix it I want to know! lol I put a lot of work into my stories so I want them to come out perfect. Q.Q

Thanks for answering guys. Hoping a mod will respond too so I know what is going on! :3
Quote by Poppet
Well as crappy as it is t know it happens to others, I'm glad it's not just me.. Now I'd just like to know what is causing it. I just submitted a story about 5 seconds ago so I'm hoping there is no issues.. I hate fixing things I didn't do wrong, so if there is away to fix it I want to know! lol I put a lot of work into my stories so I want them to come out perfect. Q.Q

Thanks for answering guys. Hoping a mod will respond too so I know what is going on! :3

wasn't an issue on this one! smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

It happened to me just the other day.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
I think that it's all the sex juices that stick them together, in much the same way as it can make a keyboard sticky...

Seriously though, I think that it's often to do with the preview that you see on screen - sometimes it can look fine to you in your word processor, but then when there are words at the end of a line on your screen, you can see if there is a space between them or not...

If you get a kind mod and there aren't too many other mistakes, they will usually correct this for you as they read/verify your story and probably just PM you once they've approved it, or mention it to you in their rejection...

Some of the stories which get submitted can be very carelessly put together with lots of typos and spelling errors and it can be quite frustrating for the story verifier...
I submitted my first story yesterday and the same thing happened to me.
I use word 2007 and have never had this problem. I do however have a problem with a sticky space bar (I've mentioned this in another forum and no: I'm still not going to admit why it got like that..). Maybe it's a common fault on the keyboards of Lush users?
You do have the capability to give your story a last read and edit before submitting it. If there are issues in transferring it from your word processing program to Lush, you can catch them there until this issue is resolved, if indeed it is a problem here.

It is probably not a bad idea to look at your story one last time in a different font in the editing function here as mistakes (other than this issue) may be more evident - mistakes that you might have missed reading in a familiar format. I found that apostrophes mysteriously disappeared on the last story I submitted. I guess technology does not always marry these things seamlessly. (btw I am using Word 2010.)
I have had this problem myself in the past but always check the story in edit now just in case and again in preview.
Quote by sprite

wasn't an issue on this one! smile

You have no idea how happy I was when I saw how FAST this passed and without issues.. Thank you so much Sprite!!!!
I always check my work. I look before moving it from Word 07 to Lush, then look it over again, then hit continue, then look again before hitting "submit" then look again. I've even deleted a story and re-submitted when I saw mistakes. I never want to make the mods work harder then they already do! I'm hoping the issue stops. I haven't had a problem with my last two stories now. It was real bad for my um 3rd story ago.
Ms P, if all else fails, save your story as a .txt file, double check the formatting and then submit (your.txt version, that is).

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Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwords. -- ROBERT HEINLEIN
I've had it happen 4 or 5 times out of around 30 or so stories I have written and submitted. I occasionally see it while verifying stories. I am sure it is some kind of gliche that happens sometimes when copying and pasting from one software program into another. It is easy to catch in that last edit mode before you post your final submission. The 2 words stuck together should show up with a dotted red underline because the software will see it as a misspelled word. That last chance to edit before submitting is excellent, so make sure that you utilize that feature. I have caught things I've missed despite proofing several times and having a friend proofread for me. I suggest you all do that too. A fresh set of eyes can catch things that you the author can easily miss.
Quote by Buz
I've had it happen 4 or 5 times out of around 30 or so stories I have written and submitted. I occasionally see it while verifying stories. I am sure it is some kind of gliche that happens sometimes when copying and pasting from one software program into another. It is easy to catch in that last edit mode before you post your final submission. The 2 words stuck together should show up with a dotted red underline because the software will see it as a misspelled word. That last chance to edit before submitting is excellent, so make sure that you utilize that feature. I have caught things I've missed despite proofing several times and having a friend proofread for me. I suggest you all do that too. A fresh set of eyes can catch things that you the author can easily miss.

Thank you so much. That is what I thought the problem might have been. I'm glad I'm finally getting some answers from everyone but mostly the mods who actually SEE this. Thank you!!!
Quote by RumpleForeskin
Ms P, if all else fails, save your story as a .txt file, double check the formatting and then submit (your.txt version, that is).

I could do this, but here I go and sound dumb. I don't even know what a .txt is. ._. What's the difference? And why would this way help?
Quote by RumpleForeskin
Ms P, if all else fails, save your story as a .txt file, double check the formatting and then submit (your.txt version, that is).

There are dozens of formats being submitted, and there isn't a program on the market, which can process all of them perfectly.

Flat file format is always the safest, on any site.
I've been on this fine site for over three years now, and can tell you, very frankly, over 200 stories and poems later between three Lush sites, that the only way...or rather the easiest way, is to copy and paste your story somewhere else, and then copy and paste to a Lush site...

What you can do is paste something in the forum, and then copy from there...and you won't have any formatting's not anything to do with Gav, or his's something to do with the "pre-made" program stuff he is using for the story entry interface and the like...

What I've been doing is post poems over in this thread here...and then copy and paste them before submitting to the blue site...

Put one of yours here...

For some reason you can post stuff in the forum, and then copy and paste...and it comes out fine...I believe the forum is a different software...

The other option, is to post a story or poem in a Facebook group...copy, paste it here, and then delete it...that will work...

I've tried Nicola's advice about stripping code...don't count on really are better copy and pasting somewhere else first...

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Quote by DirtyMartini

I've tried Nicola's advice about stripping code...don't count on really are better copy and pasting somewhere else first...

Hey man... those other places you are posting to first - they are stripping the formatting. Then you copy & paste a non-formatted or, as Rump & Nic point out...

clean text.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Wow! Thank you all for the advice. I'll have to try them. I have been lucky the last 3 stories I haven't had an issue. I'm sure I will again at some point unless I try one of these suggestions. I appreciate it! Thanks sexies.
I never had an issue with this.

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