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When or how do you write the best?

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Was curious about what, when, where, and how you write the best?

I'm new to writing, but so far I seem to be far more productive with a pen and a notebook, and the story flows much better than typing on the computer.

Although, it means I will have to type up all this gibberish eventually! ;(

What about music? I seem to write just fine with music playing, but sometimes I get too into the music and wind up air guitarring instead of writing.

In order to know virtue, you must first become acquainted with vice.
- Donatien Alphonse Francois de Sade

En vis mann slår aldri en hund i klubben med en stokk, fordi hunden vil vende rundt og biter mannens ballene av.
I write best when:

The house is completly emtpy and im alone with my thoughts

There is completey silence

A bit in the mood...

I have a really awesome idea Ive been thinking about all night and just cant wait to write it.

I have a hot cup of coffee next to me, all comfy spread out on the couch, my laptop battery is fully charged and I know there would be no possible reason for me to have to get up in the next couple of hours.
i can pretty much write anywhere and with anything in the background
"Haters make me FAMOUS!!!"

When I wrote my 'sad' story "it won't be long now...." I had actually stopped taking my meds for depression. I don't advise this for anyone else but hell, it worked for me LOL. My latest one came to me whilst I was vacuuming the floor, so I quickly got on the computer and wrote the beginning and end and filled out the sex part later. Poor Hubby had to step over the vacuum all night as I had just left it in the middle of the floor. Lazy so and so wouldn't finish the job for me. grrrrrrr
Have to have the tv on in the background. If the room is too quiet then my brain starts to wander away from the story. So in other words I don't think I just write.
Quote by Necho
I write best when:

The house is completly emtpy and im alone with my thoughts

There is completey silence

A bit in the mood...

I have a really awesome idea Ive been thinking about all night and just cant wait to write it.

I have a hot cup of coffee next to me, all comfy spread out on the couch, my laptop battery is fully charged and I know there would be no possible reason for me to have to get up in the next couple of hours.

That's pretty much the same way I go about writing, except I like a cup of tea beside me and a Tim Tam..or three.
Oh yes, Tim Tam, the new crush one! Hmmm
Wtf is Tim Tam? Sounds like a boy toy you found while on a sex tour in Thailand

In order to know virtue, you must first become acquainted with vice.
- Donatien Alphonse Francois de Sade

En vis mann slår aldri en hund i klubben med en stokk, fordi hunden vil vende rundt og biter mannens ballene av.
Its a type of biscuit you get in Aus and Nz

Quote by Necho
Its a type of biscuit you get in Aus and Nz

STOP!! Please!! The torture! God I miss Tim Tams so much.
They're a backpacker's best friend! Fortunately I found a US based webstore to order them from while I lived in the US. But atm no such luck.

On topic: I write the best when I'm totally secluded from the world, music playing to create a total vacuum in which I am one with the story. I usually write my stories in 1 go. Do some proofreading obviously but that's minor editting.
If anyone dares to disturb me during a writing session I become like a wild animal protecting its food during feeding time. lol
Insert typical super smart ass comment courtesy of thepainter here.
I have recently been a bit of a lazy writer, to much procrastination that I can't shake off.
I do like writing in bed, late at night. I take a cup of tea, a hot water bottle, and yes, I know ha ha but I like the warmth on my feet as I write. I always have a pen and my writer's notebook beside my bed, and usually I have to wake up a few times in the night to write my scribblings down.
I have of latly been having dreams where I see parts of a poem or a story, this wakes me up so I have to jot down a line or two. I need a dictaphone so I can just talk the words I've just seen.
I also like sitting on the sofa late at night with some Cadbury's chocolate buttons and writing when it is so quiet, some nights I have been known to write till 3am in the morning.
When I get a thought in my head, I will sit in front of the computer, and be totally oblivious to what is around me. A Dream to Build a Life On, I wrote in a two or three days. My story I just finished I wrote entirely on my phone, in the taxi to and from work, in the stair wells, during breaks, even a few paragraphs during class. It just would not get out of my head and I couldn't think of anything else till it was finished.

I can write pretty much anywhere as long as I am hooked up to the internet.

The only thing I write on paper anymore is poetry that is for my eyes.

I write best when an idea is in my head, or my muse is working over time.
Living life and enjoying life are two different things... just need to figure out how to do both at the same time to live it right!

Woman... GO FLY A KITE!!!!! Take a slideshow walk with me on a walk through the parks of Inner Mongolia, China. Then enjoy the tale of a very traditional day in the life of a white Woman in China.
I can only start writing after I have most of the story worked out in my head...then I just sort of sit at the keyboard and do it...I take breaks usually after a few paragraphs, grab a cup of coffee and think about how the next few paragraphs should go. If I don't have the idea worked out in my head, I will just sit in front of the computer and nothing will happen. I usually do my stories in one shot...the same night...wrote 41 in the first three months I started, so I guess it works for me.
I never have music or TV in the background, though I might listen to a song or two when I take my coffee break...does that help? Probably not...I would guess it's different for different people. For instance, I never even read my story until I post stories always post first on another site that lets you edit it for 24 hours. Some people tell me they read their stories several times before submitting them. I know if I read my story before I submit it, I will keep trying to make "improvements"...I can be a bit anal that way...and I know that is like a bottomless pit...once I start trying to "improve" a story, that can go on with no end in sight, so I don't even read it till posted...and then it is just to correct errors in grammar and spelling...
Works for me,

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I'm working on improving my story, taking me forever! ;)

In order to know virtue, you must first become acquainted with vice.
- Donatien Alphonse Francois de Sade

En vis mann slår aldri en hund i klubben med en stokk, fordi hunden vil vende rundt og biter mannens ballene av.
I normally have as notebook and pen on me at most times and when I'm inspired(normally on the train going to and from work) I write it down and then type it out later...
Hey careful about "improving" your story...that is a never ending trap you can easily fall into. If you don't just sort of release it out into the world at some point, you can always find some way to "improve" your story...twenty years from now you can still be sitting there looking for ways to "improve" your know what I mean...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
well I have to be in the mood you know sexually and have my fantasy working and running in my mind and I can not write it I have to be typing it I had hand writing cause then later I can not read my own writing...LOL...and if I am not sexually aroused when writing I know it is not a good story. and I have to be left completely alone no kids at home when writing.

Behind every strong soldier there is even a stronger woman who raised him " Proud Army Mom"
Some of the stuff i write is just fantasy and to be honest it all comes to me in story form while im working (i work in a bakery lol) It mostly happens when its been a little while i since i last had sex and i feel slightly in the mood and my mind just wonders and i think of how id like my partner to have me and it just evolves in my head. Then i have to remember everything i thought up until i get home to my laptop and i just pour it out. Then when i finish i have to go get myself a hot tea (milk, no sugar) and some chocolate while i read it back and organise the gibberish parts.

Some of my other work is more of an emotional release for me and when something has happened that gets me down or upset and i spend days replaying the confrontation in my head trying to think how i could have handled the situation differently i just somehow end up sitting at my laptop and coming up with intense, emotional but sexy stories. I dont know where they come from but i always feel better after i write them.
I like to write erotic stories when I'm out, either at a cafe or park. I waste less time doing that because I'm not in the comfort of my own home, and can't get myself off whenever I feel like it. I also like the background noise.

I tend to use my laptop for writing, but If I'm writing a more than a stroker/flicker I'll often start up a notebook to plan my writing in, and collect items/picture that help me build up clear images of who my main characters are.
I am new to writing fiction. Until now I have had no particular pattern other than I write when I feel like it. Usually the story flows out of me, then I rewrite it. I think a lot about what I am doing when I walk, which is often.

I know my current methodology is not going to work very well if I actually want to do something decent. I am changing my ways. I have signed up for two classes in creative writing, specifically writing poetry and short stories. I am collaborating with and learning from an on-line friend who is more experienced than I. Another thing I will be doing is participating in poetry slams. The interaction with others in real time I feel will be quite stimulating.
Up until recently, every story I've written has been in long-hand, on a pad I carry with me at all times. There is no plotting or outline. Sometimes I have a phrase in my head that won't go away. Sometimes I envision a scene, and I have to sit down. Recently, I've forced myself to sit at the computer. Typing in over 50 badly written pages is very time consuming. Generally, I don't know where my story is going until my characters tell me.