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Stolen Stories

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For those interested, Both Dancing_Doll and i have had stories stolen by the linked person...

Dolls is the full moon rave story, mine is the object of obsession. we are both attempting to have this member banned and the stories taken down. This person even stole Doll's bio word for word. feel free to go and review either of them and point out there were plagurized. I am fairly sure you don't even need to sign up to do it, just put in a review. thank you for your help.


You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I think I almost feel more violated about the stolen bio for some reason. Feels like someone was impersonating me... and the worst part... linking me to stolen Twilight-esque stories. Gaak!

I sort of laughed that they changed the 'green-eyed blonde' to 'blue-eyed blonde'... I guess that was their attempt to be original?

This person's entire portfolio was stolen. Someone else on the site contacted me that she had stolen their story as well but so far it doesn't seem that much is being done about it.

Thanks to anyone who can help put the pressure on to nuke this plagiarizing parasite.

It's kind of a surreal adrenaline jump when this kind of thing happens. Okay, I will now return to my violent cyber-murder fantasies.

Ashleigh XO
Look at it this way, Doll. Everyone wants to be you, cause you're just that wonderful. that said, there's only one you. I think i'm actually more pissed off about your bio than my story, too. that said, yeah, i feel kind of violated. this is my first time at having to deal with this. it's not a good feeling. righteous anger mixed with a deep down, in the pit of my stomach, nausea, and my weekend was going so well... silly

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I can't believe that person has done this, let alone gotten away with it before it seems, from comments on the other stories they claim as theirs, you have my full support in bringing this person to justice.
Hi Ashleigh,

I hope you received my pm about this.

If you'd like me to personally approach the owner, after you've touched base with them, please drop me a line. I am more than happy to help out. The same goes for any other author here. I have successfully had stories and profiles removed from other sites. The majority of web site owners will be totally innocent in it all, and more than happy to remove the offending member immediately.

I've heard there are low-lifes stealing stories and making out they wrote it, but trying to steal someone's identity too? That's really low. They must have seen how popular you are here, and wanted to try and emulate your popularity elsewhere. Flattering, and pathetic, all rolled into one.

I don't know much about programming. But I wonder if there was a way to somehow make it so when people copy a story it gets jumbled up when it's pasted. I've seen that before. At least that might discourage the lazier plagiarizers from doing it. It's a bitch to have to retype the entire story. It kind of sucks because I'm sure most authors on here can copy and past the first few paragraphs of their stories into a google search and you will find them posted on other sites.
Hey guys! Apparently this person is a twilight junkie. They stole my story "the seduction of Alexis". I placed a review on it as well. She seems to be ignoring me.
I followed the link and saw that this person had stolen several stories and put them on that site. I sent their site a complaint too. And placed a review saying that the stories were stolen (whether or not they let that get posted I don't know.) That site is not a very good one.
The plagiarizer is Blondie 18076 at You can send an email to complain about her stealing stories to:

I hope my fellow Lushies overwhelm them with complaints!!!! Give 'em hell!
to sprite (I hope the bitch didn't spoil your b'day! ) and DD

Love the reviews! Keep it up.

I just hope she is not a member of Lush, considering the 5 stories (maybe more) and the bio came from here and the dates of her submitting them at fanfiction are different.
If you get no joy from the report abuse link, which is usually a hotline to the top or near there, then try writing to the site owner:

FictionPress LLC
2107-D W. Commonwealth Ave #448
Alhambra, California 91803
United States
Registered through:, Inc. (
Created on: 17-Sep-98
Expires on: 16-Sep-13
Last Updated on: 08-Mar-11
Administrative Contact:
LLC, FictionPress

As I've said to a few people privately now, I wouldn't feel any animosity to over this, they have to assume that stories / profiles etc, are legitimate, as we do. Once they are made aware though, they should act swiftly, and remove the offending accounts.

Anyone who has issues like this, should contact the site in question directly. Provide proof if possible, so the site owner has something to go on. If you need me to intervene, you know where I am
Quote by nicola

As I've said to a few people privately now, I wouldn't feel any animosity to over this, they have to assume that stories / profiles etc, are legitimate, as we do. Once they are made aware though, they should act swiftly, and remove the offending accounts.

Site owners are generally very receptive to this sort of thing...they don't want their sites to be known as hotbeds of plagiarism...not good for business...

I've seen this sort of thing before, and the site owners have been very nice...something tells me I'll probably see it again...

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Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Good luck on getting justice. A story of mine, Flaws of Beauty was stolen and posted on fanfic last year and though I reported twice, nothing happened. See? Still there!

Having said that, I'm going to report again.

What's worse, is she took my story and turned it into a frickin Hannah Montanna fanfiction. That's beyond cruel.

I agree FanFic have to take people at their word, but why aren't they doing anything when plagiarism is reported, along with proof? When I submitted my report, I linked back to my original posting of the story on another erotica site, along with the date etc etc of posting. Nothing. Not even an acknowledgement. That's when I get grumpy!
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That doesn't bode well Just-SJ.

Looking at their whois information, they are part of a massive network of around 500 sites. One could guess their morals may have gone out the window if they are ignoring these kind of reports. Not a good sign at all.
That sucks DD, Sprite. I saw this post and decided to have a little check up on what my stories have been up to behind my back and lo and behold, Bad Girl crops up on a site called XHamster -

The dude even has comments!

I've contacted the site, they have processes set up to invite people to report copyright infringements, so I'm optimistic. I'll let you know how I get on.

Good luck with the fanfic site.

EDIT - finished the search and found another three of my stories on a total of four more sites. Hmm, think I may be at this emailing for a while!
This thread I started a few years ago, touched upon copyright and protecting your work:

Copyscape is a good free service which allows you to easily search the web to see where else your work has been posted, by you or otherwise.

Another way I track stolen material, is taking a unique sentence from a story (something with a name / place / unusual description) and put it in quotes, then feed it to google.

Once you have found your work on other sites, go straight to the top, contact anyone and everyone there, demanding your work is taken down - provided you want it to be! Sometimes the source is fully acknowledged, and it's beneficial. Other times, like D-D's case, they have ripped off her identity as well as work.

You should always touch base with site owners directly initially, being the owner of the copyright, you are the most likely person who has readily available proof that you own the written works. Forget about reasoning with the thief!
Warning: Fanfic is loaded with spyware
It looks like the stories have now been pulled, but my stolen bio is still up.

I'm surprised they haven't just outright banned this person rather than just pulling the stories. I don't even know if I have any real copyright claim over someone taking my bio/identity. Every time I see it coupled with that skanky blonde avatar pic they used it just makes me want to hurl.

Like some of the other Lushies, I did some searches on my other stories and found them on various sites. One allowed me to put in a formal legal copyright violation claim with Google. We'll see how that goes.

And Budwilliams, you are right. I clicked on a link on Fanfic and it crashed my computer.
I just quickly checked the site, it appears all 10 of the offenders stories have been removed, however the profile it's self is still up and DD's bio is still up there
Quote by nicola

Another way I track stolen material, is taking a unique sentence from a story (something with a name / place / unusual description) and put it in quotes, then feed it to google.

If you have Google Chrome, it's actually very easy...just highlight a couple of sentences, and right click, and it gives you the option to search Google...

I can see this could keep me busy all day...I started with my second story "Morning In The Park" and found it on some porn site...

Note that is says the author has "published 2564 articles so far"

Do you think there might be a couple more stolen stories here?

Yeah, have fun with this one...if someone's not actually selling something of mine, I'm not sure it's even going to be worth it...

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Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Quote by Dancing_Doll
And Budwilliams, you are right. I clicked on a link on Fanfic and it crashed my computer.

MacIntosh security vs the Internet
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Btw, there is a site called which is apparently using people's stories but giving credit to the author...

I mentioned it, because I just my story "Morning In The Park" listed there shows the first paragraph, and then when you click to read the rest of the story, it links to my story on another site where I'm still Exakta66...

Very strange, that one...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
I found a couple sites with references to my stories, but had links bringing them to lush.
Ehhhhh, What's up Doc?
D_D - you should ask for your profile to be removed totally (again), if they don't comply, please let me know. Drop words like "identity theft" and "Illegal" in there, that usually gets web site owners moving.

A note on searching for your stories. Some smaller sites and blogs in particular, take our RSS feeds, and use them as posts. They are not stealing your work, merely putting a snippet of the story on their site, and it should give a link back to your full story page, unless they are up to no good. That actually benefits authors as you will get greater exposure. It's not story theft as such.

Please note, you guys should contact site owners directly as a first course of action. Only if you get no luck with having your work removed, then contact me. I am extremely pressed for time running this site as it is, so please only contact me when you have exhausted all other avenues. I know how rife it is on the web for content to be plagiarised, I could seriously spend every minute of the day sending out messages to site owners.
Quote by Dancing_Doll
It looks like the stories have now been pulled, but my stolen bio is still up.

Ash, I've summoned the legions of darkness. Someone has lifted my gf's published work. We're on it...AGAIN!!
Tracy Ames
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I haven't seen any of my stories plagiarized yet, but I could be wrong. I'm just so busy these days that I need a minion to do the checking for me.

I don't feel sorry for the person who's that underhanded to commit a crime like that. I guess hard work doesn't come easy for him/her/it. I hope that person gets caught and removed completely from those sites. stealing someone's bio is just plain wrong.

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