I've been writing erotica for several years now, and I have to admit that I still have an issue with 'cum' as a spelling for either orgasm or the fluids that accompany it. Usually the context of any given sentence is more than enough to make clear whether someone is having an orgasm or merely arriving, so why is this separate spelling necessary?
I know it's been considered acceptable for decades but it's just one of those semi-literate terms, like 'bar-b-q', that always bothers me when it appears in an otherwise well-written sentence, particularly when it's used as a verb: 'cumming' just looks like really bad spelling to me.
If 'cum' must be used I would suggest that it be used only as a noun, to distinguish between, say, semen, and the act of having an orgasm. For example, "At long last he was coming - groaning with pleasure as he spurted again and again, covering his beloved's face with cum."
Or am I the only one who even notices this anymore? Writers and readers, over to you.
Personally, I agree with your definitions. However, I've written for various publications over the years and it appears to be down to the house-style or preference of the editor. 'Cum' is preferred by several (but not all) top-shelf porn mags. I've had my text changed both ways - I notice but I can't say that I'm bothered.
I tend to agree with Zen; I use "come" as a verb, and "cum" as a noun.
"There's only three tempos: slow, medium and fast. When you get between in the cracks, ain't nuthin' happenin'." Ben Webster
I had never actually thought about it until now. I will probably be thinking about it every story I write in the future though! It does make sense.
If 'cum' must be used I would suggest that it be used only as a noun, to distinguish between, say, semen, and the act of having an orgasm. For example, "At long last he was coming - groaning with pleasure as he spurted again and again, covering his beloved's face with cum.".
I was only having this conversation with another Author yesterday. I agree with you.
I agree with the OP 99% although I occasionally use cum as a verb for effect
I’m going to have to agree. I actually hate the words cum, cummed and cumming. To me it looks trashy and not well written. I don’t know why. I much rather use the word orgasm. I've been finding new ways to express or talk out when someone is having an orgasm to avoid using those first three words. I just don’t like them. You won’t see them in my stories.
I am so glad to see a forum about this. Thanks Zen!
Often words grow in to acceptance in our vocabulary. Just call me a cumster for supporting the word cum, cummed, cumming.
But I have never felt sure about 'came' so I haven't used it in a story.
One thing I really like about using cum as a verb is that it does make it raunchier and sleazier. It is edgier.
I think it was Clum that said it best on the other Forum thread about this, "just be consistent."
Okay! This being a writting site I am going to take the authors stand here. Cum/Come should be used in the context of the situation. If a master were to say "come here my lovely little slut" would mean that she might be moving to her masters side (I would generally put said slave on her knees to enjoy the bruising pain of a concrete floor against her bare knees). However, the foreshadowing effect to put a 'cum hither my love' would signal the explosion of an orgasm with dripping wet consequences running down her legs.
So yes contextual clues allow for lots of foreshadowing foreplay in what and how we say those lovely words.
I look at it this way, picture this sentence and allow your mind to go there.
"Tommy, are you going to come eat?" "Yea Ma, be right down, I'm coming."
"Tommy, are you going to come eat?" "Yea Ma, be right down, I'm cumming."
I rest my case.CUskzvbWcf7KqIU7
I never use "come" for "cum" in any situation. When I am cumming, I am most certainly not "coming"... I am already THERE! ;) And I also agree that it is not natural to use terms like "I am having an orgasm" or "I am ejaculating!".. LOL We are not writing medical manuals.
However, no matter what you use, it should flow and seem natural in the situation and style of writing.
But that is just my views on it all.
I like and see the reasoning in the original post. It sounds great and makes sense. But like some others have said I just love the raunchier sound and feel of the words cum, cummed, and cumming esp. when I am reading erotic stories. And I don't mind the word came esp. since it is something I hear all the time....."I just came".
When I read an erotic story some grammar things are on my mind like spelling and someone changing tense and stuff like that bother me. But as far as the words like cum/come to me I just like the more raunchy. Also like John C said I do not like the terms I am having an orgasm or I am ejaculating. I would never use those and I have never had a partner use them.
I think what sounds natural is just better and definitely hotter in an erotic story.
Oh, I do have to add though, that "came" seems more natural in writing than "cummed". So even then there (for me) isn't a set rule. It is what works or does not work.
But we often find things that follow the "rules" in grammar or sentence structure in general that don't flow naturally too. So often times breaking the rules just works better. It also has to do with how we talk and communicate in general. You see this when reading books published from different periods of time.