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The Question Game

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Active Ink Slinger
1.. what's the difference between good sex and great sex?With GOOD SEX, you still want more. With GREAT SEX, you want Gatoraid.

2.. If you could change one thing about your character what would you change?I'd have more self-restraint, more self-control. I'd only give in to wild impulses when I made an overwhelmingly conscious decision to, instead of just giving in on a whim.

3.. Do you believe in love at first sight?No. I believe in LUST at first sight - I think real love takes a while. You have to really get to know your partner's little ways before you can honestly say you love him/her.

1. If you were King/Queen of the world, what's the first law you would pass?

2. If you found out you only had a week to live, who would you spend it with, and what would you be doing?

3. What's the one thing you've always wanted to do, but never had enough nerve or guts to make happen?
Active Ink Slinger
1. If you were King/Queen of the world, what's the first law you would pass? Everyone has to walk around naked. clothes are banned!

2. If you found out you only had a week to live, who would you spend it with, and what would you be doing? The ones i love the most and we'd be making fools of ourselves in public and having a blast!

3. What's the one thing you've always wanted to do, but never had enough nerve or guts to make happen? Go on the "Sky diver" at Kings Island in Ohio. I'm too afraid of heights though

1. What is your worst "guilty pleasure"?

2. What is the strangest thing that you've ever eaten?

3.Whats your favorite place to have sex?
Quote by ChelleLaBelle

1. What is your worst "guilty pleasure"? -- watching porn beside anybody as they sleep beside me

2. What is the strangest thing that you've ever eaten? -- Cow's eye

3.Whats your favorite place to have sex? -- on the Kitchen and couch

1. Who's the sexiest Person for you here on lush?
2. Who's your crush here on lush
3. What part of your body when kissed turns you on instantly?
1. Tech Goddess
2. Tech Goddess
3. Penis.

1. What were you thinking the first time you tried oral on somebody?
2. How many dates before you would have sex?
3. Who is the first celebrity you would call to have sex with?
What were you thinking the first time you tried oral on somebody? What will this taste like, and I hope it's not obvious that I don't know what the fuck I'm doing.
How many dates before you would have sex? There is no predetermined minimum here.

Who is the first celebrity you would call to have sex with? Megan Fox...I'm a sucker for petite, brunette, insane women- and there are more than a few in this world.

1. What single physical feature about yourself would you change, and what would you do with it?

2. Your partner, whom you trust completely, are completely secure about, and love with your whole heart, tells you he/she wants you to watch him/her have sex with a stranger. What is your reaction?

3. What one thing, above all other, could a potential partner say to you that would disqualify them from ever getting into your pants?
Story Verifier
1. What single physical feature about yourself would you change, and what would you do with it? I'd change my body back to it's pre pregnancy state.

2. Your partner, whom you trust completely, are completely secure about, and love with your whole heart, tells you he/she wants you to watch him/her have sex with a stranger. What is your reaction? I'd be aroused by the prospect but irreparably saddened by the fact that he thought for a second it was okay to share me.

3. What one thing, above all other, could a potential partner say to you that would disqualify them from ever getting into your pants? telling me any lie would do it..
A Professional Writer is an amateur who didn't quit"
Story Verifier
Oops.. questions.. surprised)


1.. If you're a guy.. would you let your partner use a strap on to fuck you? if you're a female.. would you do it?

2.. What do you think about sex without kissing?

3.. Would you forgive your partners infidelity?
A Professional Writer is an amateur who didn't quit"
EDIT: I answered the wrong questions:

1.. what's the difference between good sex and great sex? When it is over you are not alone, you have connected and touched, you feel the gentle wind of a butterfly. For others it may be different.

2.. If you could change one thing about your character what would you change? Gain a willingness to sing my song without fear, with all my being. I want to burn my candle from both ends, like Amy Lowell said, "it may not last the night, but what a flame it will be".

3.. Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes


1.. If you're a guy.. would you let your partner use a strap on to fuck you? if you're a female.. would you do it?

2.. What do you think about sex without kissing?
Like eating without drinking.

3.. Would you forgive your partners infidelity? Maybe.

1. Do you believe in love?
2. Do you believe lost innocence can ever be found?
3. Is there life after death?
Active Ink Slinger
1. Do you believe in love? YES
2. Do you believe lost innocence can ever be found? NO
3. Is there life after death? YES ( I would have said no untill quite recently, too long to go into in this thread, but needless to say something changed my mind)

1. when did you last have sex
2. with whom was it
3. Did you realy enjoy it
When did you last have sex? earlier today

With whom was it? her name is Lisa, we date casually

Did you really enjoy it? I enjoyed it moderately

What non-erotic activity always makes you think about sex?

What's your biggest regret, when it comes to past relationships/partners?

Is kissing more intimate than sex?
Active Ink Slinger
1. Oh god I don’t believe I’m about to share this with the internet world… Uhm peeing.

2. Not being upfront about things, letting them drag out for too long because I didn’t want to hurt them.

3. To me it is, may be it’s because of the shit I’ve done in my past… I don’t kiss unless I love someone. Those who have know the real Mara not just the “freak.”

1. Do you believe in Monogamy..?
2. Do you enjoy outdoor sex?
3. Describe the perfect kiss…
Artistic Tart
1. Do you believe in Monogamy..?

No, I think people in power told is it was sinful to not just have sex with one person. Nature says to have many partners.

2. Do you enjoy outdoor sex?

Outside? with bugs and heat and shit? No way, lol. Pool or hot tub sex works though.

3. Describe the perfect kiss…

I will tell you when I have a perfect kiss

1. Would you let yourself get a curable STD for a million dollars?

2. Are you attracted to other races more than your own? which one?

3. If you could live anywhere where would you live?
Active Ink Slinger
1. Do you believe in Monogamy..? Not without further proof of its existence. Call me a Monogamy Agnostic.

2. Do you enjoy outdoor sex? Yes, if memory serves.

3. Describe the perfect kiss… Lips gently pressing together, my tongue softly caressing her mouth until she opens it for me to probe, her hands in my hair, my hand on her breast, our naked bodies pressed hard against each other.

Damn forum ninjas.
1. Would you let yourself get a curable STD for a million dollars? Where do I sign up?

2. Are you attracted to other races more than your own? which one? No

3. If you could live anywhere where would you live? Florida, land of the hurricane

1. What was your most awkward sexual encounter?

2. Do you have a fetish you've been afraid to reveal to a sex partner?

3. If yes, what? If no, which of your fetishes do you think is the most difficult to discuss?
Rookie Scribe
1. Most Awkward sex encounter= the next day when the guy wouldn't leave me alone
2. Fetish I don't want to tell my partner= no
3. Most difficult fetish to discuss= I think for guys...if they're into ass play it's awkward for them to talk about

Questions for you:

1. What's your ideal sex partner/ what do they look like?
2. If you could sleep with any celeb who would it be?
3. If you could trade places with anyone who would it be?
Active Ink Slinger
1. What's your ideal sex partner/ what do they look like? I like the avatar pic of DreamerGal for the body. Nice and tight and toned. (If that is you, let me say that you have a smoking bod). I have always thought that Paulina Porizkova had a beautiful face.
2. If you could sleep with any celeb who would it be? Angelina Jolie, hot and kind of wild, but I wouldn't want to have to hang out with her afterwords because she seems crazy.
3. If you could trade places with anyone who would it be? This is a tough for me to know because I would want someone with the money and means, but I wouldn't want the fame and publicity.


1. Where's the one place in the world you would visit or move to if money wasn't an issue?
2. What's one thing your partner can do while having sex that just pushes you over the edge (ie. dirty talk, ass play, spanking, nipple play, etc.)?
3. What's your favorite genre or topic of erotica that excites you?
Constant Gardener
1. Where's the one place in the world you would visit or move to if money wasn't an issue?

2. What's one thing your partner can do while having sex that just pushes you over the edge (ie. dirty talk, ass play, spanking, nipple play, etc.)?

Passionate french kissing, with active hand/finger, grasping/petting/clawing/caressing - during the act of hetero sexual penetration.

3. What's your favorite genre or topic of erotica that excites you?

Reluctance stories

How good, giving and game - are you?

01) If a casual sexual partner asked you to do something you felt was too kinky or that you'd never considered doing, (on your own) - would you?

02) If your more established and monogamous sexual partner asked you the same thing, would you?

03) If he or she refused to participate or explore your sexual adventurousness or particular kink...would that be a deal breaker, causing you to leave the casual or serious relationship?
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Story Verifier
1. Who is your favourite super hero? Erm.. anyone that can fly.. I often dream I can fly and it's awesome!

2. Which character in a book best describes who you are? Bridget Jones.. only worse!

3. What everyday things make you think of sex? Everything!! really.. Today I lent my vacuum cleaner to my neighbour.. it was missing attachments.. they're in my bedroom lol
A Professional Writer is an amateur who didn't quit"
Story Verifier

1.. Do you think it's possible to have a relationship that throws away the rule book in the bedroom, yet is entirely conventional in every other way?

2. Do you remember your first orgasm?

3. Did you ever have an orgasm so intense it made you cry?? I appreciate that's probably a girly question.
A Professional Writer is an amateur who didn't quit"
Active Ink Slinger

1.. Do you think it's possible to have a relationship that throws away the rule book in the bedroom, yet is entirely conventional in every other way? Yes

2. Do you remember your first orgasm? My first orgasm was from masturbating and I don't remember how old I was when I started that. My first from a man was when I was 17 and he 21. He rubbed one out . Many other people were in the room and I had to be quiet. My first double O was in a boat on a small lake. Took me by surprise.

3. Did you ever have an orgasm so intense it made you cry?? I appreciate that's probably a girly question. No I seldom cry.. But When I feel very emotionally connected during one I often get a red blotch chest. Very sexy! Lol

New Questions:

1. Do you remember what you and your partner were wearing before you had sex for the first time?

2. Where is the one place you have always wanted to have sex but haven't?

3. If you were charged with delegating $500,00 to a charitable/philanthropic organization, where would it be?
Active Ink Slinger
1. Do you remember what you and your partner were wearing before you had sex for the first time.? I remember she was wearing a form-fitting, pink top with a plunging neckline and a pair of faded, soft blue jeans with black shoes. I was wearing a black Mossimo t-shirt and a pair of jeans.

2. Where is the one place you have always wanted to have sex but haven't? Good question here. I have 2. First, on a boat in non-rough water. Second, there is a spot a couple hour drive from my house where I was hiking one day. It had a small peninsula into Lake Michigan that was covered in grass. I always thought under the moonlight on a hot summer's night with the wind coming off the lake, on the soft grass would be real sensual.

3. If you were charged with delegating $500,000 (I'm guessing) to a charitable/philanthropic organization, where would it be? I would give it to cancer research. I have lost 2 friends under the age of 35 to cancer (and if you're asking, they didn't smoke, weren't alcoholics, or have a job that put them at risk).


1. What is the most important quality(ies) for a sexual partner?
2. What adventure (doesn't have to be sexual) do you really want to undertake, but haven't yet?
3. What was your best first date and what made it the best (again doesn't have to be sexual)?
1. He has to be caring, sensual, and know how to please me in every way.
2.I would love to go see a lighthouse, and have sex in the top of it.
3. It was not really a date, but would say the first night my husband and I were together before we got married. Ok to explain it. We started out as friends, he came and got me from Col to bring me here, we stayed in a hotel room the first night, and I will say this, it was the best night I ever had. We were all over each other, and the sex was awesome.


1. What made you fall in love with your partner?
2. If there was one thing you could change about your partner, what would it be?
3. What is one thing that your partner does for you that makes you very happy?
Active Ink Slinger
1. What made you fall in love with your partner?
2. If there was one thing you could change about your partner, what would it be?
3. What is one thing that your partner does for you that makes you very happy?

1. We met online, so it was her personality and her sense of humour, then she sent me pics and she was gorgeous, then she ssent other pics and she was filthy. Definite love haha. Getting married in 48 days. Holy Fuck!!!!
2. Her obssession with control.... endearing but sometimes i could take a bat to her haha.
3. She would do anything for me, so much so ive never had to ask for anything.

If your partner asked you to do something objectional, would you do it for them?
If you could live a life from a film, what film and which character?
Ive heard theyre making a film of my favourite book "On the Road". What book would you like to see filmed (Or which Lush story!!)?
If your partner asked you to do something objectional, would you do it for them?
yes, i would. i love him.
If you could live a life from a film, what film and which character?
hmm... Lost and Delirious and I would be Mouse.
Ive heard theyre making a film of my favourite book "On the Road". What book would you like to see filmed (Or which Lush story!!)?
I would rather not see any books made into films. I believe that ruins the books.

1.Where did you meet your very first lover?

2.What's your favourite smell?

3.What's your DREAM destination?

1.Where did you meet your very first lover? In high school

2.What's your favourite smell? strawberries

3.What's your DREAM destination? Hawaii

1. What is the biggest age difference between you and some one you have been with?
2. What is the most amount of times you had sex in one day?
3. Where is one place you would love to have sex but haven't?
Constant Gardener
1. What is the biggest age difference between you and some one you have been with?

I was 42, she was 20. It was rather forgettable, actually I almost did, forget it.

2. What is the most amount of times you had sex in one day?

Seven times with six different young women.

3. Where is one place you would love to have sex but haven't?

The geographic location isn't what is most 'important' to me. Like a forest, building, mountaintop, etc...There remains one woman I know, and with her I would enjoy our coupling, in her bedroom, on her king-sized mattress.

01) Do you have a particular set of 'sexy clothes' you choose to wear, on those occasions you feel - especially horny for someone else or when you're going 'out' in public?

02) How long before you know a sexual partner, before you introduce them to your toy collection?

03) Do you prefer a few cocktails or a drug high to relax you, before sexual encounters?
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Active Ink Slinger
01) Do you have a particular set of 'sexy clothes' you choose to wear, on those occasions you feel - especially horny for someone else or when you're going 'out' in public? I have a lot of clothes that I feel sexy in, not just a "set". I always like to have on a sexy bra and underwear.

02) How long before you know a sexual partner, before you introduce them to your toy collection? That would depend on the partner. I generally use toys more when by myself. I genuinely prefer real flesh to any toy. But if I thought they were open to it and I wanted to use toys out they would come.

03) Do you prefer a few cocktails or a drug high to relax you, before sexual encounters?

No to the drugs. Occasionally with the drinks, but not a necessity.

]1. Is there a certain song that always puts you in the mood?

2. What is your happiest memory?

3. Do you have bucket list?
]1. Is there a certain song that always puts you in the mood? LOL When I was with one bf we use to get in the mood when we heard Dr Feel Good.

2. What is your happiest memory? When I married my husband.

3. Do you have bucket list? Yes I do, I want to go see a Lighthouse and have sex in the top of it, before I kick the bucket.
Quote by cuddlebunnie73
]1. Is there a certain song that always puts you in the mood? LOL When I was with one bf we use to get in the mood when we heard Dr Feel Good.

2. What is your happiest memory? When I married my husband.

3. Do you have bucket list? Yes I do, I want to go see a Lighthouse and have sex in the top of it, before I kick the bucket.

Decided to play this game!

Song? I hate music playing while I'm actually having sex but I like mood music, tunes that let us both know where the evening is going... Romantic stuff, Nick Drake, James Taylor, Kate Bush...

Happiest Memory? Sexually? Maybe the first time I made someone else come, (it turned out to be her first EVER orgasm!). I felt like a magician.

Bucket list? I've never paid for sex but the thought of enjoying the services of a professional fascinates. Of course I could never do it as I'd insist that the person would have to really, really fancy me which isn't necessarily part of their brief!

OK! My turn...

1. Your most memorable sexual experience ever, in a good way, the one you re-play when you need to get off!!!! (I know I've got one!)

2. If you could have any fictional character which one would you choose?

3. Honestly.... Would you exchange your current partner for a lost Ex? (Evil Question!)
Quote by stephanie

Decided to play this game!

OK! My turn...

1. Your most memorable sexual experience ever, in a good way, the one you re-play when you need to get off!!!! (I know I've got one!)

2. If you could have any fictional character which one would you choose?

3. Honestly.... Would you exchange your current partner for a lost Ex? (Evil Question!)

Same here for little o' me to decide to play.

1a) 1st threesome w/ my girlfriend & her aunt.
2a) What do you all think?
3a) If I did I would be headless.

Now for my three q's...
1) If you never had done it before, Would you bungee jump?

2) What is your favorite kids show to watch as you are now an adult?
example: Seasame Street

3) Favorite snack food watching a sporting event?
1)If you never had done it before, Would you bungee jump? --had the opportunity to do it at the highest jump in the world and SAID hell No..heights and me are not friends

2) What is your favorite kids show to watch as you are now an adult? --I like Dexter's laboratory(though haven't watched it in a while)

3) Favorite snack food watching a sporting event? --anything that goes with BEER...

What is your favourite non sexual item that you have used to get yourself off?
If you were stuck on a dessert Island with a CD player which 3 cds would you make sure you had with you?
If you had to lose either your sight or your hearing what would you chose?