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The Question Game

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Story Verifier
I recently played the question game with a new friend you know the game don’t you. You each have 3 questions, they’re entirely random and you find out all about each other. I asked him “Tell me about the last bad sex you had, and what made it bad?” his reply “I’m a guy, there’s no such thing as bad sex!” Of course I disagree with that but I’m tired as always, and if a guy wants to tell me that basically “Any sex is good sex” bless his little heart, who am I too argue.
Let’s play the question game and get to know each other, if you’re game?

My first 3 questions are..

1. Well let’s clear up the bad sex one shall we?
2. The nicest thing you ever did for someone?
3. The thing you’re most ashamed of?
A Professional Writer is an amateur who didn't quit"
1. Well let’s clear up the bad sex one shall we? In a public bathroom, way too small, way too hot, way too smelly.
2. The nicest thing you ever did for someone? I gave up a very important competition to go and watch a very good friend accept an award that meant everything to them.
3. The thing you’re most ashamed of? My gummy bear dvd collection.

So do I ask three new questions?

1. The name of your first pet?
2. The weirdest dream you have ever had?
3. The one date you wish you never went on and why?
Active Ink Slinger
1. The name of my first pet? Sammy the hamster
2. The weirdest dream I ever had? I never dream, or if I do I never have any recollection of it when I wake.
3. The one date and why? A blind date because the poor girl was as rough as ten bears and I climbed out of a bathroom window to get away.

1. the most embarrassing thing you’ve done
2. the most stupid thing you’ve done
3. the most dangerous thing you’ve done
Story Verifier
1. the most embarrassing thing you’ve done... The list is endless.. seriously.. Trying to climb drunk into a fridge and claiming I was going to the toilet comes high on the list.. along with getting myself naked and getting into father in laws bed.. drunk again!

2. the most stupid thing you’ve done.. ignored my intuition countless times just to see what will happen.

3. the most dangerous thing you’ve done... Not sure on this one.. probably some sort of asphyxiation experiment lol.

1.. Favourite food?

2.. A person you miss?

3.. Number 1 in your wish list?
A Professional Writer is an amateur who didn't quit"
Constant Gardener
1. Freshly caught rainbow trout, gutted, finned, skinned and headless - baked on foil with butter over a hickory fueled campfire
2. Angi
3. To be a better person towards others tomorrow, than I am towards them, today.

Q1. Sandals or heels or sneakers -or- wingtips or loafers or flipflops
Q2. Sunrise or sunset
Q3. Full moon or new moon
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Active Ink Slinger
1. I absolutely love heels the higher the better, they make my legs look extra sexy [never mind the occasional leg cramp.]

2. Sunset, I’m not a morning person.

3. Full moon, isn’t that when the wolfs cum?

1. Favorite outfit?
2. Favorite position..?
3. Why…?
1. well i like her to wear a nice corset panties and garder... heels a must!
2. love to do it from behind
3. there so much to play with that way! LOL

1 Weirdest place you ever done it?
2 feet ugly or sexy
3 what 3 words best describe you?
Forum Whore
1. High school auditorium.
2. No real opinion on feet. If they float your boat, fine.
3. Submissive. Loyal. Compassionate.

1. Submissive or dominant? (or neither?)
2. What nonsexual action can another individual do to turn you on?
3. Favorite animal. Explain.
Story Verifier
1. Submissive or dominant? (or neither?) submissive naturally but it's not set in stone.. I do have some dominant tendencies that creep in every so often
2. What nonsexual action can another individual do to turn you on? Loads of things.. touching the tips of my fingers. holding my gaze a little bit longer than is necessary.. ooo brushing my hair for me lol..
3. Favorite animal. Explain. Cats.. when they look at you, they really look very wise, like they can read your thoughts.. I don't think they can, my cats aren't going to win any prizes but.. I just like the all knowing way they look at you. surprised)

1. Favourite board game?
2. Your sexual "thing"? everyone has one..
3. biggest turn off?
A Professional Writer is an amateur who didn't quit"
Forum Whore
1. Favourite board game? -- Checkers.
2. Your sexual "thing"? everyone has one.. -- When someone bites my lower lip. Drives me the best way.
3. biggest turn off? -- Bullying.

1. Favorite childhood hobby?
2. Favorite fetish?
3. One thing you want to do before you pass on.
1. Favorite childhood hobby? I had a passion for going through every single book in our library, loved the encyclopedias
2. Favorite fetish? Watching men read and duct tape
3. One thing you want to do before you pass on? Scream really loudly in front of a lot of people for no apparent reason.

Continue the sentence

1. My life would be complete if...
2. My job is best described as...
3. I never tell people...
Active Ink Slinger
1. My life would be complete if... I had my love by my side.
2. My job is best described as... not good enough. why barely get paid to deal with kids from pre-school to seniors in high school???
3. I never tell people... That I'm bisexual and I'm head over heals in love with a beautiful woman.

1. How old were you when you got your first pet? (if you never had any then what would you want?)
2. How many kids do you want/ have?
3. why?
Story Verifier
1. How old were you when you got your first pet? (if you never had any then what would you want?) I had a hamster called Casper when I was about 11.. I used to put it in my knickers!! wouldn't do it now.. damn those animals bite hard lol

2. How many kids do you want/ have? I have a son.

3. why? He's set to be the greatest man I've ever known.. I doubt I could ever love another child as much.. incidentally.. I never wanted any children.. I found out when I was 6mths along.. obviously mother natures way of making sure it happened.

1. What are you doing this evening?
2. Does your lover give you enough of what you really like?
3. Do you give your love enough of what you know they really like?
A Professional Writer is an amateur who didn't quit"
Active Ink Slinger
1. What are you doing this evening? Staring at my life in boxes, eating nasty microwave meals as the fridge is defrosting, looking at an empty bookcase and desperately wanting to hold a book in my hands.
2. Does your lover give you enough of what you really like? Yes in the areas she knows about.
3. Do you give your love enough of what you know they really like? Absolutely, i gain pleasure from her pleasure.

If you could only keep one memory which would it be?
When was the last time you scared yourself?
If you could have one gift what would it be?
Active Ink Slinger
1. I would keep the memory of me dancing in my grandfather’s living room while singing along to Selena whishing I could be her. He took me into his arms and told me that I didn’t need to be anybody else but myself and that I was perfect as is… He died about a month later.

2. This morning while trying to get in my car to go to work, I swore I could feel someone behind me. I hate feeling like this…

3. I’d love to have everything my son needs to be happy. To be more specific I’d love for his dad to love him like I do… I’d be a happy woman.

1. What was your weirdest masturbation experience?
2. What was the funniest thing that happened to you today?
3. Have you ever been instantly attracted to someone without knowing why?
Active Ink Slinger
1. What was your weirdest masturbation experience? hmmm i'd have to say the time mom walked in on me. luckily i was covered up and i quickly acted like i was taking a nap.

2. What was the funniest thing that happened to you today? I was trying to tell the kids how they're supposed to be posed. It was a simple cross your arms with your elbows on your knees and back straight well for some reason i kept saying "put your ankles on your shoulders". The kids looked at me like i had 4 heads... That's what happend's on 'rush rush rush' days.

3. Have you ever been instantly attracted to someone without knowing why? Yes, in Middle school. So i asked him out. We dated for a year and a half. I still to this day can't figure out why i was so attracted to him.

1. Whats your favorite song right now?
2. Whats one thing the opposite sex can do that you wish you could do?
3. What is your favorite quote?
Active Ink Slinger
1. My favorite song right now for some reason is “Bad Romance” by Lady Gaga… The music gets stuck in my head and I find myself singing along to it every fucking time I hear it.

2. They can penetrate females with their penises… I often wish I had a penis, hell I’d love to have one at least for a day.

3. My favorite quote; “Pain is temporary, quitting last forever.” – Lance Armstrong

1. When was the last time you cried?
2. What do you wish you could be doing right now?
3. What’s your favorite body part?
Active Ink Slinger
1. When was the last time you cried? last night

2. What do you wish you could be doing right now? with Mara. I don't care what we do.

3. What’s your favorite body part? on me- my eyes and my hair. lol on someone else their legs!

1. What is/was your main goal in life?

2. What is your favorite movie and why?

3. Does it annoy you that Mara and i answered each others questions?
Active Ink Slinger
1. What is/was your main goal in life? To be able to smile and laugh every day. The rest is all icing and id rather have cake and no icing than icing and no cake.

2. What is your favorite movie and why? Changes ALL the time depending on my mood etc and im a complete movie geek, but my most watched movie is Swingers. Its a chick flick for guys and cut thru every single hangover i had for a yr and a half. VEGAS BABY!!!!

3. Does it annoy you that Mara and i answered each others questions? Nope cos when i read it its like youre talking to me haha.

Would you rather lose your sight or your hearing? (not nice but it speaks volumes)
Is there anything you would really like to do/try but are too afraid to bring up with your partner?
Real paper book, or E-book?
Would you rather lose your sight or your hearing? (not nice but it speaks volumes): My hearing, Id rather see the world than listen to it, it usually speaks nonsense anyway.

Is there anything you would really like to do/try but are too afraid to bring up with your partner? When I get a partner I will get back to you

Real paper book, or E-book? real paper

1. Have you actually read what all the other people have written?

2. Do you consider yourself a 'good' person and if so or not, why?

3. Who do you think built the pyramids?
Active Ink Slinger
1. Have you actually read what all the other people have written? Now that you asked, I went back and did so LOL

2. Do you consider yourself a 'good' person and if so or not, why? I consider myself a mostly good person with moments of inner wickedness and the occasional display of poor judgement.

3. Who do you think built the pyramids? I don't buy into the alien theory - I think they were, in fact, built by the ancient Egyptians.


1. Speaking of aliens, if you could travel to a distant solar system in some form of suspended animation, but knowing that IF you come back at all, everyone you've ever known (family, friends, etc) would be long dead, would you still go?

2. If you had to choose between bungee jumping or parachuting, which would you do?

3. Have you ever used a different online username to spy on your SO in an online community?
"I can resist everything except temptation." - Oscar Wilde
Active Ink Slinger
1. Speaking of aliens, if you could travel to a distant solar system in some form of suspended animation, but knowing that IF you come back at all, everyone you've ever known (family, friends, etc) would be long dead, would you still go? No. I am loving my life here on Earth.

2. If you had to choose between bungee jumping or parachuting, which would you do? I HATE heights....... but parachuting. i only have to fall once.

3. Have you ever used a different online username to spy on your SO in an online community? Nope but i would if i had any suspicions.

1. What is your favorite TV show that is REALLY corny?

2. Whats the longest you stayed awake without any kind of sleep and why?

3. What body part turns you on the most and why?
Active Ink Slinger
Damn I better watch out miss Chelle007…

1. I love to watch Roseanne, I know every episode by heart; most people find her incredibly annoying. I love her!

2. When I was 19yrs old I was really into drinking and doing drugs, I stayed awake for a whole weekend from Friday to Sunday [thanks to the help of a very powerful white powder.] I’ve been clean for years and I enjoy whatever sleep I can get. I’m really quite lazy!

3. Oks… I’m not even sure if this counts but on guys their teeth… On girls I really love the pouch that most of them have around their pelvic area.

1. Do you have a routine for when you take a shower? Like an order in which you do things?

2. Have you ever cut yourself shaving your private area?

3. Have you ever had to lie your way out of bed with an unattractive person?
Active Ink Slinger
1. Do you have a routine for when you take a shower? Like an order in which you do things?
Hair, shave, wash body
2. Have you ever cut yourself shaving your private area?
Yes, a few times, dont know if it's the same with the girls but shit it stings when having sex after
3. Have you ever had to lie your way out of bed with an unattractive person?
No, but not sure why you would need to ??

Q 1. Where the world would you live if you could live anywhere
Q 1. Why would you live there
Q 3. And with who
Rookie Scribe
Q 1. Where the world would you live if you could live anywhere: the Planet Mars
Q 2. Why would you live there: Because I'm Allergic to almost everything on Earth
Q 3. And with who: My Wife

1. Dogs or Cats?
2. Have you ever caught people screwing somewhere public?
3. If stuck on an Island what book is a must to have with you?
Active Ink Slinger
1. Dogs or Cats? Dogs
2. Have you ever caught people screwing somewhere public? Yes
3. If stuck on an Island what book is a must to have with you? The Twilight Saga (I don't read often)

1. If you had the chance to choose your last meal, what would you choose?

2. If you could find out the day and time of your death would you want to?

3. After you die is there anyone you'd like to haunt? and why?

Alpha Blonde
1. If you had the chance to choose your last meal, what would you choose? Jumbo tiger shrimp with extra spicy cocktail sauce, jasmine rice, a bottle of bordeaux and fresh juicy ripe figs with creme fraiche for dessert.

2. If you could find out the day and time of your death would you want to? Yes, because then I could live wild and reckless up until then knowing that I had nothing to worry about. Also I could make sure I had accomplished everything I want to with no regrets.

3. After you die is there anyone you'd like to haunt? and why? Nope.


1. Have you ever had a crush on a friend/sibling's boyfriend or girlfriend? What did you do about it?

2. Have you ever loved someone enough that you would rather give your life for their's?

3. If you could have dinner with anyone from current day or back through history (living or dead) who would it be?
Active Ink Slinger
1. I have, she’s one of my best friends so I didn’t do anything… I tried to stay away from them as much as possible I just had this inexplicable sexual gravitational pull towards him. They broke up 6 months later [thank god!]

2. Yes, I love my son more than I have ever loved anyone else; if I could give my life for his I would without even thinking about it.

3. Selena, it may seem weird to you but I LOVED her!

1. What was the weirdest thing anyone has ever said to you while having sex..?

2. If you could be any fictional character who would you be…? Why?

3. Have you ever tried something weird sexually; to please your partner? What?
Constant Gardener
1. What was the weirdest thing anyone has ever said to you while having sex..?
I used to enjoy the company of an older woman, when I was in my mid 20's...she once started to talk about how well-endowed two other men - she'd enjoyed before me - were...while I was attempting to help her cum via penetration. She claims she only brought them up (during sex) to tell me that no other man had ever made her cum that way, before. I still felt it was pretty thoughtless of her. heheh...

2. If you could be any fictional character who would you be…? Why?
John Carter of of the first authors I read, as a younger teen...Edgar Rice Burroughs. You'd do well to read the novel, but this will give you the abridged synopsis:

3. Have you ever tried something weird sexually; to please your partner? What?
She...had a fetish with receiving - golden showers. After much begging, I agreed to help her out - in the shower. I initially thought it would be too humiliating - but with that whackjob wench - I actually enjoyed the brief 30 seconds.

01....Do you feel you are more uninhibited (sexually or otherwise) than most of your circle of friends, and why?

02....How do you tip for: great service - good service - 'meh service - poor service

03....If one of your friends just wants to vent or cry on a shoulder, do you listen...or do you listen and then feel you need to offer un-asked-for advice - and why?
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Story Verifier
01....Do you feel you are more uninhibited (sexually or otherwise) than most of your circle of friends, and why? Erm just read my stories lol.. I think I'm getting worse.. or better depending on your perception.. My friends would be shocked if they knew half of what is in my head..

02....How do you tip for: great service - good service - 'meh service - poor service? Hmmm I give back what I get and then some!

03....If one of your friends just wants to vent or cry on a shoulder, do you listen...or do you listen and then feel you need to offer un-asked-for advice - and why? I have big ears.. I listen and listen.. I love it.. and though I have a lot of advice to give as far as other peoples lives are concerned... I generally keep it to myself unless asked..

1.. what's the difference between good sex and great sex?

2.. If you could change one thing about your character what would you change?

3.. Do you believe in love at first sight?
A Professional Writer is an amateur who didn't quit"