is there any way you could completely fuck up my food order because i'm too tired to come back and correct it?
Barkeeper, by all means pick up that filthy cloth from the floor and wipe of my glass with it. I love exotic bacteria....
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing
In many countries being gay is a crime, and even in modern societies, politicians try to legalise discrimination. Your voice can make a difference. Have a look at All Out to find out how.
Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i No thank you, I've had more than enough chocolate for today.
I want my children to grow up to be just like Donald J. Trump
No, Ginger.... don't strip and bend over.
my glaring alarm clock really sets the mood for sleep.
It doesn't matter if they win, just getting to the World Series is grand
“It's nice sometimes to open up the heart a little and let some hurt come in. It proves you're still alive.”
no more wine for me, thanks.
Well thank u for let me in (if yr in a car ) some people put hand up. But never spoken ?
is there anyway we can go to the mall right smack dab in the middle of the holiday rush?
Just the tip, only the tip... and mean it
...gosh, I have entirely too much ammunition....
Want to spend some time wallowing in a Recommended Read? Pick one! Or two! Or seven!
- SN,E... I really enjoy sleeping on the cold, hard ground, waking up stiff, sore, and cold,
when a warm, soft bed is across the street at the local Motel 8
i wish more people randomly called me at 8:42 am on a sunday.
While you're bagging my groceries, please be sure to put the delicate items beneath the canned products.
Can I return this vibe when the batteries die?
Oh no, I don't mind that you can't fix my reception problem until an automatic reset occurs at 1:00 AM. It's only the Steelers playoff game I'll miss.
(This actually happened last night as I missed the Steelers 18-16 victory at Kansas City. Thanks Dish!)
no, no i own entirely too much black clothing.
Give me that delicious looking Brussel sprout...said nobody EVER!