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Person above has been arrested for what naughty crime?

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adagio was arrested for watching people in his book store reading.....while completely naked... and masturbating
Stripping and jumping in the

Fountain while intoxicated
Quote by kiera
Nice one

Maisie couldn't find the sex toy shop in time so got carried away with a cucumber at the back of isle 4 at the local Tesco

I only got caught because Kiera was trying to wrestle cucumber from me, for her own pleasure

Shortnsassyone got arrested for racketeering, selling cucumbers to Maisie and Kiera at highly inflated prices
LYB arrested for water hoarding during a drought
Jason was arrested for trying to drown me in skinny dipping thread lol
pubic disturbance
Stealing Mr Incredible's suit while he was wearing it in public
Unlawful anal penetration with a phallus....
Casting spells on young ladies causing them to unlawfully penetrate an anus with a phallus....
Seducing straight girls and making them give up men
lewd act with a fire hydrant
For stealing red hair from her best friend when she was asleep and then gluing it on her scalp. Tranq...Why?
Waxing in public, I thought she meant she was waxing her board.
taking off my underwear in public to get u know a....... guess on!!!!
Exposing himself in the streets of Kanpur.
For holding up a sex shop for a new stash of toys. M I am bailing you out one last time.
For trying to sell, the toys stolen in previous raids, to raise bail for Maisie
For holding back some of the toys for personal use when returning the rest
Trying to get the toys back. As he was failing, he tried to save face by calling the authorities in, not knowing Maisie has hidden them under his couch.
for using the toys that maisie had hidden!!!!!!!!!!!! trying to fool the law huh!!!!
Kiera was caught putting powdered glass in her boyfriend's lube because he rubbed her up the wrong way.
Arrested for being so unbelievably gorgeous and distracting other drivers!
For being in receipt of the toys that I was supposed to have stolen, but it seems every one was taking advantage of Maisie, and a free Maisie campaign is now underway.
For breaking in to the print shop to make the posters.