That awkward moment when you send someone a note telling them something that you feel bad about, then they call you and say something bad about themselves and you realize they haven't read the note yet. Now you feel like crap.
That moment where you are having a naughty txt convo and u get a txt from ur dad and you txt the naughtiest txt ever to him instead of ur sex txt buddy... hahaha that happend to me
When you have lost weight, and you are pushing your grocery trolley to your car outside the supermarket, and that is the precise time your loose skirt decides to hit the ground.
When you're at a friends house having a drink and the friends hot milf friend with low self esteem tries to drag you out for a drink to "keep an eye on her so that she doesn't end up somewhere she shouldn't be". You really don't want to because you know what will happen: she'll start blubbing and come onto you and because you've had so much to drink in the last couple of days, you know you're gonna have several moments of weakness and shag her. You don't wanna be shagging your best friends friend, do ya? So you give her all the excuses you can think of, meanwhile your friend has her excuse: she's meeting a Dom, so she has plans. Frantically you try all your excuses and eventually she gets the message. That moment was awkward as fuck.
That awkward moment when you are cybering and the other person says they want to do something that you reeeeealllly dislike, but you really like the person.
The awkward moment while your having sex and your partner mentions your finger down south, and then you remember both your hands are on the bed by her head....