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Where and how did you learn of the attacks on 9/11/01?

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At work when the first plane hit. It just didn't feel right on such a clear day. All the second did for me was confirm my thoughts. Horrible day as I am originally from the NY Metro area and knew some victims.
It started with a friend calling to say we'd gone to war. I had to go to work because I didn't realize how serious things were going to get. On my way to work, Tower 2 fell, then Tower 1. To hear it lacks the impact of seeing it. Sadly, by the time I got home my then husband had unplugged all the televisions because he didn't want to see the footage any more. It would be five years before I'd seen any of it.

I wish now I had stayed home... but I had a family to feed.
I was between my first and second classes at Ohio State that morning. My senior year. Everyone on the Oval was running for the Union to see what was happening and I asked someone what was going on, and he said a plane crashed into the World Trade Center tower. It was before they knew it was a planned attack. I kept thinking, how are they going to put that out, because I had plane tickets to fly to NYC in a week and a half, and I had planned to go shopping at the mall under the Trade Center, because I had missed it on my last visit to New York. When both towers fell, I was just incredulous! I didn't believe it was possible to bring down those towers so easily! I had been on top of tower two just a few months before!
I was just a kid, ten years old. All I remember is coming home from school and people were standing in the living room, watching the television. Standing, and not saying anything.
As usual, that day I was watching Fox & Friends. The report came across and then they showed the first Tower on fire. While watching that suddenly the second plane came into view and it was like a bad movie as I witnessed the second plane striking the second tower.

That day I had a golf outing sponsored by a company that I represented. I called by co-worker to see if he still thought we should go. We decided that there wasn't going to be any work done nor any of the companies we represented having their offices open, so decided to go anyway. I live in a rural area and even though it is rural, while playing golf and seeing nothing in the sky; hearing nothing in the sky ... it was just strange as hell. About 3PM I saw a 747 accompanied by two fighters and knew the only thing in the sky that day was President Bush, on Airforce One. As it was later verified, he was on his way back to Washington. The whole day was just eerie.

When I got home, there were tears and prayers, along with pride in our country and the brave heros of the day.
At home getting ready for work and had the radio on. Heard the news flash, turned on the TV...WOW.
Just stayed home that day, no need to call in....glued to the television in total shock.
I was at work and was told what happened by my assistant. I didn't believe him at first and insisted that he show me the site that was the source of this information. I thought at first it was some kind of internet hoax.

I remember that I tried unsuccessfully to contact a classmate who works for Goldman Sachs which is in that area and could not get him until many hours later.

It was a glorious day - blue sky, warm weather - and hard to process what had happened. Everyone was so upset and worried about something happening in our financial district that we cleared the office and sent everyone home. Of course I spent the rest of the day and night glued to the television, thinking about the last time I had been in New York and in that neighbourhood. I remember crying for all who had been lost and also thinking about a time that I had been to Windows on the World, the restaurant atop the WTC for dinner.
I was on a job installing when the customer told me. We stopped and watched TV. Being army reserve I was appalled but also aware that this meant I would be called up. Which I was. Now this is the longest war in American history.
I haven't a clue. Too young. I'm sorry for the innocent people who were killed and injured that day and for the hundreds of thousands around the world that have also been injured or killed senselessly since then.
I was at the little library in our small town that I had helped put together. I was a volunteer, checking out books to a few patrons. After hearing the news of the first tower being targeted I spent the rest of the day following what was happening in New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. During the next two weeks I was armed with an M16, carrying ammunition, and guarding the armory in Topeka where my National Guard unit was headquartered. We had no idea what was coming next.
I was peacefully asleep on the other side of the world at the time it all happened, having gone to bed early planning to get into work early. I remember my alarm going off on the morning of Sept 12th, being half awake and wondering why my clock radio was not playing music, but instead had someone talking about New York. I got up, switched on the TV, then sat and stared for ages. I was late into work, but so was everyone else...
It's a day as many have said I will never forget. I was home with my babies 1 and 3yo. I was getting them breakfast ready and had the news on. I woke my husband up who was off that day and we watched the second plane hit. It was one of the hardest days. Living in New Jersey and being a Navy veteran I was scared for many people. My husband's cousin was supposed to be there that day but he was running late. The schools were locked down, offices as well. The day was beautiful and clear. That night we sat outside thinking of all we had seen. The horrifying images of the people in and around those towers. The solidarity of the nation following this day was beautiful but that night there was so much silence. I live in a rural area and the stars shown without a plane to be heard. There was no traffic on the highways there was only silence.

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Hanging in the background but around

I was at home watching CNN when it happened. Both strikes. Damn. Then,
the other two. Hoping, praying there would be no more.

I watched the whole day. In shock. It reminded me of how a younger me felt
while watching Challenger. I was watching the launch when that happened.
Stunning tragedies.

The same feelings washed over me when, many years before, I visited the
USS Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor in Honolulu. You can't stop the tears.
You hear the voices, the screams. And you feel the pain. You see the family
and friends visiting, paying their respects. An aircraft carrier was entering
the harbor, passing by us while on that memorial. The deck was lined with
all in their whites, paying respect to their fallen comrades. My God! That
was a powerful image. That was over 30 years ago and I still get chills
thinking about it.

I know tears will flow when I visit NYC.
I was home sick with bronchitis and one of my co-workers called and woke me up. She was crying and hysterical telling me I had to turn on the TV. I was groggy and sniffly and disoriented but turned it on to try and figure out what she was talking about. Her words about one of the Twin Towers getting hit by a plane didn't really register. It didn't register even as I watched the second plane hit. I remember hoping this was all some despicable hoax, that nobody could possibly have done that on purpose. I was an adult but was so naive about the level of hate that exists within some people. I didn't understand it then and still don't understand it now.
I was living outside of Chicago with friends and 6 months pregnant with youngest and my oldest was 2 yrs old and the friends oldest child game down hollering the basement apartment stairs and crying so we all went upstairs to see the news . It was a sad day and I remember my little girl looking up at me and asking why did the bad men attack us and for once I didn't have an answer and told her I didn't know. We all just sat inside in disbelief til the kids said they wanted to go play in the pool since it was still warm enough to swim...
I was at home behind my PC when a housemate came into my room and told me to turn on CNN. It was around 15h00 (CET) and a few minutes later the second plane hit the second tower.


I was sitting in 5th grade waiting for our D.A.R.E. instructor (who's a cop) to show up. She comes running into the room late going "Turn on the tv! Turn on the tv!" My teacher turns it on and we see the second plane hit. I was 10.
I was working in City of London, I remember it vividly, the person I was working for came in looking so pale, he said what happened and told everyone that we had instructions to leave now by London Underground. I called friends for details and I remember my friend trying not to cry and told me turn on the TV when I got home. The City (financial centre) was evacuated fearing an attack here.

It was very sombre, very orderly and very British. The schools had just finished for the day too and many of them were blissfully unaware laughing and joking. No-one said anything, I think because we all knew that a lot of innocence would be lost that day when they got home and found out. Ignorance was bliss if you like.

I spent most of that evening on the phone with the TV on and talking to a recent ex-girlfriend who was very shaken by it trying to console her. We all feared the reprisals which I think were remarkably restrained. A dreadful day and it still has the ability to jar my thoughts, the people that jumped are the subject of nightmares even now.
I had gotten up late, was in a rush to get to work. I remember opening our waiting room and turning on the two TVs out there, then unlocking the doors. Patients starting coming in, then one says with a gasp "oh my god" rather loudly as the first reports came on of the first plane hitting the tower. Most first thoughts were what a terrible accident. Then the 2nd plane hit....... silence fell over the office and all were glued to the TV. My first thoughts were, where are my family members? A co worker was nearly in a panic when she could not get a hold of her daughter who was in school in Detroit. She wanted her to come home in case there were attacks there too.

Was a sad sad day for most of the world, and an eye opener for many in this country that thought it would never happen here.
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I was in bed with my girlfriend I thought it was a movie at first then I saw the second plane. Terrible. Strangely I have never found any eye witness accounts of anyone in the street or in nearby buildings who saw the plane hit only tv pictures. I also feel that Osama Bin Laden should have been captured rather than killed so some of the anomalies may have been explained.
Got to school at 7:30am and went to the library to set up the tv for showing a video to my first class. When I turned on the tv, I watched as the second plane crashed into the tower.

I was in 2nd grade back then and it happened when I was in class. They did not mention anything to us. It was when I came home and my parents were watching the TV that I was explained what happened. Even though I was young, I still remember the images I saw on TV of the rubble. I even remember going to a interfaith candlelight vigil full of prayer and songs, held in my city's park.
Around 9:30am. I'd just gotten up and was drinking my morning coffee. My roommate came back from class saying that someone had crashed a plane into the World Trade Center in New York. I thought he was fucking with me and told him to get lost. An hour later, I finally turned on the TV, and pretty much stayed in front of it for the next couple of days.

Don't believe everything that you read.

I was actually on the way to catch a flight to Indianapolis needless to say we didn’t fly that day....
I had just open my bookshop for the day and a customer rushed in, scattering her purse. Once she told me, I closed and went home to watch the news.
I was in the Hilltop Suites in Commerce, Los Angeles and went down for breakfast bright and cheery and said to the Maitre'd "what beautiful day". He just looked at me and said "you haven't seen the tv have you".I said "no why?" he told me to go and watch the tv. I joined my boss (we were on a trouble shooting factory visit from UK) and we watched the second plane crash. The Americans in for breakfast were busy ringing their wives saying they were reporting to the National Guards centres and would contact them again later. Several were in tears. We cancelled our planned factory visit for later in the week. As soon as we could we rang our wives to say we were safe etc. They didn't believe us until later (we had a friend working in the Towers...lucky for him, he'd taken a day off). We told our wives that the aircraft were en-route to LA and had been hijacked. A day I will never forget.
I was in the eighth grade and in history class at the time. All of the sudden, the PA came on and the principal came on. I had no idea what it was about, but he slowly announced it. Although, after he did, I jusy had no idea how to process it. Just like all the other tragedies that have happened, I can never think of how it felt to be there, whether you saw it, were affected by it or whatever.
Walking through the hallway in 8th Grade.

I remember not believing it until the principle pulled everyone into the lunch room and put the news on.
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Hubbie and I were laying in bed after our morning round of sexual bliss. He turned on the bedside radio which was tuned to the Walton & Johnson show. Shortly they reported that an airplane had crashed into the first tower. Hubbie told me that not long after WWII a B-25 had crashed into the Impire State Building while flying in a heavy fog. He told me that was probably the case with this accident. He got up and went into the den and turned on the TV. As soon as it came on he came to the bedroom door and said, "Brandie this is no accident. The weather is severe clear." I got up and we were watching when the second plane flew into the other tower. Shortly after the Pentagon was hit the phone rang and he was ordered to report to Base. He told me he was concerned that it might be considered an act of war. He was still in the Air Force Reserves and stayed gone for almost two weeks.
