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Tell me something you did in 2019

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Advanced Wordsmith
I quit a job in order to chase my dreams.
I forgiven people for their past mistakes and turned it into healthy relationships.
I've written a lot more than I ever expected.
And I think... No, I KNOW that next year will be better for me.

2020, here we come
Southern Barefoot Angel
I have a cute little series that has a loyal following on another site
My poetry is getting better and has attracted new readers.
I've made some good decisions and stuck to them
I like this one! It's been a hell of a year, so it's a great idea to pick out things I'm proud of.

1. Learned how to begin to fight insurance companies and the giant healthcare system.
2. Went to Alaska and hiked to a glacier and inside ice caves.
3. Saved. Money, people, animals.
4. Began the Lisa Challenge, doing a submission here at Lush at least once a month since February and will complete the year of doing that next month.
5. Backpacked in the wilderness on an island with girlfriends.
6. Won a series award for This Side of Nowhere.
Wouldn't you rather have a nice cup of tea?
2019 has been a hell of a year. Been through a LOT of major life transitions in the past year. Still have a few more pieces that need to fall into place, but overall, things are settling nicely, and I feel that I'm ending in a far better condition than I started.

Don't believe everything that you read.

Non Sexual would be that I lost 21 pounds without dieting. On the other side of the coin...I got into Sexting with 3 different women. 2 of them I kinda knew & one from here on Lush. I really like sexting & the freedom to share your naked body with someone.
Captain Turtle
So this year, I did a few things.

I wrote more, not as much as I have done in the past, but more than not writing anything
I collaborated with another author doing some editing work
I let myself get a bit more of a social life
I was kind
I helped where I could
Insert something witty here.
Active Ink Slinger
I rejoined Lush!
Active Ink Slinger
Let's see...

Published my 500th story
Got my 800th follower!

Not a bad year Lush-wise. Thank you all for your support! smile
Active Ink Slinger
I joined lush.. now I'm behind on my work.

I'd still do it again, it was 2019 after all.
Mana wahine
In terms of Lush this year:

- 3 competiton top tens
- 1 EP
- 7 RR's
- This year alone my writing has improved drastically. I've found my style, I know what works for me and what doesn't. I know how to push my boundaries.

Outside of Lush:
- Joined social clubs and made lots of new friends
- I exercised more and have been more active
- Found new hobbies/interests that I enjoy
- Fell in love and been with my man for nearly a year
Love Bug
On Lush I started to find my voice as an author again after a long dry spell.

IRL I did the scariest thing I have ever done and put everything in storage and joined my husband in his truck OTR. He drives and me and my puppy ride full time. It has been the best year. Getting rid of clutter is so liberating.
The Bruiser
On lush it would receiving my first Recommended read back in January and winning a platinum membership

For the past few months I’ve been using Instagram and been using the site to post my photography . Here’s the link to my profile

My recommended read

here’s a link to my photography album in my media

The Bruiser
On lush it would receiving my first Recommended read back in January and winning a platinum membership

For the past few months I’ve been using Instagram and been using the site to post my photography . Here’s the link to my profile

My recommended read

here’s a link to my photography album in my media

Active Ink Slinger
Went back to school after a long, long time away. It was scary, but I'm really doing it!
Her Royal Spriteness
-spent 2 months on the international space station.
-worked as as stunt double for Dwayne The Rock Johnson
-coached the philly eagles for a week
-bought an island of the coast of peru
-had a dinosaur named after me (rachelsaurus rectum)

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Baked Orange
Submitted for a grant to get some office management/bookeeping. I got it and I start in Januarysmile
Baked Orange
Quote by sprite
-spent 2 months on the international space station.
-worked as as stunt double for Dwayne The Rock Johnson
-coached the philly eagles for a week
-bought an island of the coast of peru
-had a dinosaur named after me (rachelsaurus rectum)

*Bats eyelashes dreamily*

What a life you must live.
living dead girl
Quote by sprite
-spent 2 months on the international space station.
-worked as as stunt double for Dwayne The Rock Johnson
-coached the philly eagles for a week
-bought an island of the coast of peru
-had a dinosaur named after me (rachelsaurus rectum)

Where's my invite to this island?! I demand one and one for Alyx also!
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by vanessa26

Where's my invite to this island?! I demand one and one for Alyx also!

long as you bring snacks you're both invited. and by snacks, i'm not talking cheese and crackers. ;)

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Rainbow Warrior
I didn't die. (came close to it though if the squad hadn't arrived in time!)
Υπηρέτης της Αφροδίτης
Met the Greek Girl
In the world's harsh wear and tear many a very sincere attachment is slowly obliterated.

Είμαι ταξιδιώτης τόσο στο χρόνο όσο και στο διάστημα
Chat Moderator
Putting myself first and landing on my feet.

Although it's not a new practice, it never gets old.
I spanked Sprite's magnificent ass. After that 2019 was all downhill.
Active Ink Slinger

Something my friends and family would never never never suspect I'd do

No regrets.