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Have your political views changed with age?

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Wild at Heart
Quote by TheTravellingMan

Yeah, the insults, how predictable, and I am pompously naive? Come back when you have graduated out of the sandpit and found your big boy pants.

See? I can do name calling too. Obviously, you think dressing in black and smashing people and things up is a great method of political engagement. Your stunning lack of awareness cannot equate this to similar acts of violence in the 1930s and you are happy to condone it too.

What a charming individual you are.

1930's? Stunning lack of awareness? You're right, dressing up in white and smashing people and things is far more effective. What a good point. Especially since you either forgot or never learned about racist acts of violence from a decade earlier.
Quote by Magical_felix

I care less and less every second. Once you come to the realization that politics and government are just the same windowless van, regardless of what hood ornament you voted for... you tend to stop caring and wasting energy on it.

This is beyond accurate for me, if that is possible. Yes, my position has changed. I always swung both ways, switching back and forth, but with age, I prefer a left-dangle.

There needs to be fiscal responsibility. There needs to be some form of a social safety net. There needs to be national security. There needs to be opportunity for a country's citizens to thrive and survive, not necessarily in that order.

We need to ask ourselves what kind of world (country) we want to live in, and what we want our government to do for us.

But MF is right. We are being kidnapped in that window-less van. No blindfold required because it is happening with our eyes open, and witnesses galore.

I had been involved with all three levels of government, working and managing campaigns for many years. It really is the same shit, but different colour lawn signs.

If truth be told, if people really wanted to know what was going on, and after realizing what that was, half the population would rise up against the other half, and it would get messy. No Bluto calling himself a zit and blasting a mouthful of mashed potatoes at the preppy crowd, instigating a much needed cafeteria food fight. People would die. Yet, I think people have become comfortable and complacent cowards, not willing to stand up for what our countries once stood for. So, they tend to stop caring and stop wasting their energy on it, and live their lives they way they see fit. Just another form of NIMBYism. Just get the hell off of my lawn or I'll spray you with my hose.

Shit. I think I just called us comfortable and complacent cowards.

Hmmm.... I'm okay with that. Wanna beer?
Her Royal Spriteness
i always get a good laugh when someone brings the 'my ancestors did this and that' into the argument, as if it somehow reflects on them too, and it's always something cool, like they fought in the war for freedom, never, 'my ancestors owned slaves'. just a random thought.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I accepted the binary party system. The end of all parties could be a century away.
"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Quote by sprite
i always get a good laugh when someone brings the 'my ancestors did this and that' into the argument, as if it somehow reflects on them too, and it's always something cool, like they fought in the war for freedom, never, 'my ancestors owned slaves'. just a random thought.

Our collective Dutch ancestors colonised many parts in the world and made lots of money off of that. They enslaved people and took part in the international slave trade. The 17th century, in which we saw the biggest increase in wealth because of such activities, is still referred to as our "golden century" by many. It's only very very recently that this name is starting to fall out of grace as an acknowledgement of the atrocities committed during that time.
While I'm not sure whether any of my own ancestors took part in this or directly benefited from it, Dutch society as a whole sure did. And if people could actually turn in their graves, it would be the millions of victims when they'd see how little acknowledgement there is in modern Dutch society for the privileges we now have that can be traced back to those atrocities.

As for my political views: it's not so much my position on the political map as it is the shape. In many aspects my views gained more shades of grey while in some other cases it probably became more black and white.


The Linebacker
Quote by sprite
i always get a good laugh when someone brings the 'my ancestors did this and that' into the argument, as if it somehow reflects on them too, and it's always something cool, like they fought in the war for freedom, never, 'my ancestors owned slaves'. just a random thought.

Yep, I had both ancestors that owned slaves and ancestors against slavery. One ancestor was lynched for using his farm as a hiding place for slaves seeking freedom. Yes, part of the famous Underground Railroad. I seriously wonder if I also had an ancestor amongst the lynchers. They mostly come from the same area.

My mom was a kid sitting in the floor reading when a rock with a nasty evil note wrapped around it in rubberbands. crashed through their living room picture window because my granddad, an educator, was writing letters to the editor of the paper in support of civil rights for African-Americans and pushing for integration of schools. On the other hand, I did have one great-great-great grandfather that was a member of the KKK. When doing your ancestry reseach you'll find a widely varying cast of characters, those you can be proud of and those you can't. There was one scumbag that made Ripley's Believe It or Not for fathering an unbelievable number of children. Nearly all by other men's wives, etc. He was very wealthy and had to take a couple of armed guards everywhere he went. A lot of husbands wanted to shoot him. I actually come from one of his legitimate daughters. He was a very successfully-crooked asshole in business, owned slaves, and one of those scummy crooked 'Home Guard' leader during the Civil War. So, not proud of him.

To contrast him, I have several ancestors that were hardworking and honest, quite a few Methodist and Presbyterrean ministers in my line, and a great-great grandmother considered a pillar of the community and an extremely charitable person that was the result of Union soldiers gang her mother during the Civil War.

I am proud to have ancestors that served in Gen. George Washington's Continental Army during the American Revolution, and others that served in the Western Carolina volunteer patriot militia. So far, I haven't dug up one single Tory ancestor.

And I am one-quarter Cherokee, but most of what is known about my Cherokee side is lost to history, probably destroyed with The Trail of Tears. But two sources site a Cherokee great-great-great-great grandmother as being strikingly beautiful, as well as being a strong and highly respected lady in her community.

We're all the result of some amazing history if you look into it. We are what WE make of ourselves.

I am strongly influenced by my mother's family history that was radically abolitionist and pro-civil rights and that made their lives in the South and where they lived difficult. Before the Civil War they had to move away from the Piedmont region to the Appalachians where slavery was not popular. And my dad's side, where my granddad, still alive and a lifelong FDR-loving Democrat, was a very active Democrat politician. To this day, you can easily say he is not fond of the GOP.

I did lean very libertarian and very much like the idea of as many personal liberties and freedom as possible, but as I get older and take on more responsibility and am more aware of the community around me, I realize that there are things the government does have to enforce, rules to lots of things because a lot of people are dishonest liars and cheaters, and that includes too many business leaders and politicians. And I strongly realize that the healthcare system in the USA is only great for the financially priviledged. If you're wealthy, our system is awesome, If you are not, it seriously sucks. So that MUST be changed. Everyone deserves great healthcare, and we as Americans should be ashamed of the current system.
I have never been a follower of a political party. Politicians are meat grinders and their constituents are the fat. It's like porn. The same thing over and over. I look at things at I see them and listen to my own shadow. Both sides have good point of views. Yet, I wonder when the nation is going to demand term limits. I am a staunch believer in the Constitution, yet there are people who want to draw lines through it. We as a nation show a weakness when using words to defame others. Bashing others for their beliefs plays into our enemies' hands. Yes, my views have changed but its no-one's business on a porn site.
Sexy Seductive Siren
I've grown more resistant to change. I don't particularly want any party telling me how to think, act or speak.
Sexy Seductive Siren
I've grown more resistant to change. I don't particularly want any party telling me how to think, act or speak. Politics is just too divisive. No wonder the country is so polarized.
Maker of Mediocre Jokes
The more I learn, the more my views change, and I will never stop trying to learn. I have views now that were abhorrent to me five years ago, and the views I held five years ago are abhorrent to me now.

Whether it has resulted in me leaning more the left or right, I'd say both yet neither. In some areas I'm definitely more liberal, in others more conservative.

I've also moved to a much more absurdist view of the world.
No, I still try to find and do what is best for the country as a whole, rather than what furthers the cause of one Party or the other.
The Linebacker
It is interesting to note that the hippy generation of the 1960s seem to have mostly evolved into Republicans.

Are they desiring to protect financial security? Because Trump wants to cut Social Security and Disability, so that doesn't seem to jive. Maybe it's to protect investments. I can understand that. But Trump going after social security and disability really sucks. Especially considering he's asking to increase the military defense budget.
Became more liberal with age
No they have not. Born into a working class family, I have held those views and values of the Conservative party from when I can remember and still hold them today and I doubt they will ever change.
Advanced Wordsmith
People become more conservative with age as they learn more. Not everyone learns more as they age.

Left wingers (socialists, communists) often resort to name calling to end a political discussion. (Racist! Fascist!)

In today's world, leftists are the ones trying to suppress free speech. (see Twitter/Facebook/Communist China)

In the USA, the KKK was like today's Antifa.....the violent wing of the democrat party.(See Senator Robert Byrd)

True socialist/communist societies fail, but the West is supposed to become more like them? (Venezuela, Cuba, USSR, North Korea)

My most left wing friends cheat big time on their local, state, and federal taxes, then lecture people about the the wonders of socialism, unaware of the irony (I'm not giving out their name)

Democrats today haven't been this angry at Republicans since Lincoln took away their slaves.

Left and Right wing people are equally horny.

I have friends of all political persuasions and sexual orientations and we tolerate each others views quite nicely, and share a lot of common interests, and have a lot of fun together.,
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Buz
It is interesting to note that the hippy generation of the 1960s seem to have mostly evolved into Republicans.

Are they desiring to protect financial security? Because Trump wants to cut Social Security and Disability, so that doesn't seem to jive. Maybe it's to protect investments. I can understand that. But Trump going after social security and disability really sucks. Especially considering he's asking to increase the military defense budget.

I think you are off by at least a decade. The hippies are now in their 70s-80s, and I think they stayed pretty left wing on average.They witnessed Kent State. Those now age 40-65 are pretty conservative comparatively, they saw Reagan help free Eastern Europe.

I'd like to see a reference to Trump wanting to cut Social Security and disability. I don't believe that is correct.
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
No, preference, as well my family, und most everyone I've ever known
have always felt immense Patriotism to our country, but have believed in a rather middle road political view,
liking only the best of all political parties,
und shunning all extremism (Socialism/Marxism/Nationalism) regardless of their Liberal or Conservative agenda.

Our past has suffered much extremism, by the hands of both political views, that we will never allow again.
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I used to think I knew where I stood politically.......the middle of the road. Now I know where I stand. On the outside looking in. I am neither, conservative, liberal or middle of the road. I am apolitical and very happy being that.