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Have you ever visited a psychic?

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So, have you ever gone to a psychic for a reading?

Had you palm read?

Had a tarot card reading?

Been part of a seance?

Used an Ouija Board?

I've done all of the above with the exception of the seance.

My wife reads Tarot and I read palms (though it's been a while for me).

I've been to at least four psychics and I'll say all but one was complete nonsense. One said she could detect medical problems (she couldn't).

I've been part of Ouija Board sessions, but either it didn't move or I didn't believe it was being pushed.

I think I'd like to see what a Medium has to say. I've lost a lot of people in my life and would like to see if there's any sign that any of them are anywhere.

So, what about you? Have you ever had a reading? What did you think? If not, is there one that you'd like to have done. Or is the whole of paranormal experience a load of bunkum, in your opinion?
I did visit a palm reader once, I think. What she said didn't come true at all.

I've had tarot card readings.

I've used a Ouija board

I'd like to meet a pet psychic so I know exactly what my cat is trying to tell me, besides that he loves me very much.

and just another psychic for me.
I’ve always been curious what would be said to me.. but I’ve never gone. My husband says it’s a waste of money but honestly I think it’d be fun even if it’s a hoax.
I would never play with a ouija board though
I've had TWO girlfriends who read Tarot, and had some real training in it. While they were both empathetic enough to intuit my life and feelings accurately during readings, I didn't get the sense the cards themselves revealed annything about me. Very cool cards, though, and I do like the archetypes they depict.

I won't do Ouija boards or seances. I've seen too many scary movies.
I've done ouija but not in years. We actually made our own just using letters on cards and a glass. Results were interesting at times. I think I've had a tarot reading done, too, at some point.

Since my teens, though, I've been fairly skeptical of the occult so have never really ventured into that world again. Might be interesting to try but I'd want to put some effort into it, find someone who is well-regarded and not an obvious fraud.
Yes, but when I got there, they were closed due to unforeseen circumstances !
In the world's harsh wear and tear many a very sincere attachment is slowly obliterated.

Είμαι ταξιδιώτης τόσο στο χρόνο όσο και στο διάστημα
i like to keep an open mind. btw, as a disclaimer, i believe in fairies. smile

i've had tarot cards done for me, not by 'professionals' but by people who did them a lot and they seemed to be fairly uncanny at reading what was going on in my life.

also, i've seen a ghost before, or i think it was, and no, i wasn't high at the time. my wife has too, on a separate occasion, and she's pretty level headed, so i am pretty open to the idea that there is life after death and spirits and all that. as for mediums, never done anything like that. think it would be interesting, but i think that there's probably a lot of fakes who do it that you'd have to wade through in order to find someone who is actually skilled at it?

ouija boards scare me, btw - couldn't pay me enough to do them

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by Verbal
I've had TWO girlfriends who read Tarot, and had some real training in it. While they were both empathetic enough to intuit my life and feelings accurately during readings, I didn't get the sense the cards themselves revealed annything about me. Very cool cards, though, and I do like the archetypes they depict.

i have alice in wonderland tarot cards, tho only cause i like them - i don't do readings smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

So, have you ever gone to a psychic for a reading? Yes, I have and she hit my future right on the head. I never fed her any info just to make sure she was telling the truth. She predicted everything for the next ten years after it perfectly.

Had your palm read? Yes, and my health has played out exactly so far.

Had a tarot card reading? Yes, but I beat the card of death twice now.

Been part of a seance? Yes, I have run a few over the years. I have talked to many people in the grave.

Used an Ouija Board? Oh, yea. Love these because they are so fake. LOL.

I believe in an afterlife. Just look at my profile pic.

Remember to check out a few of my stories. You can find them here.

For those who like a change and prefer something a little more PG, check out my stories on Storiespace.

We did the Ouija Board thing as kids. It was fun, then.

I do not believe there's any truth in any of these activities, nor do I believe in an afterlife. People hear/see what they want to hear and/or see.


I guess, yes, I have. Something like that. She practiced something like Voodoo and Santeria mixed, and told fortunes, er, rather inferred futures. There were sacrificed animals and lots of weird handmade symbolisms hanging around. The creepiest place I've ever been.
No, I've never visited a psychic.
 Kissing your lips while straddling your lap. 
Quote by Melissa999
Yes, but when I got there, they were closed due to unforeseen circumstances !

Quote by Buz
I guess, yes, I have. Something like that. She practiced something like Voodoo and Santeria mixed, and told fortunes, er, rather inferred futures. There were sacrificed animals and lots of weird handmade symbolisms hanging around. The creepiest place I've ever been.

Whoa. I have Halloween decorating theme ideas now.
always wondered why they want you to make an appointment - shouldn't they just know that you're going to show up at a certain time and be ready for you?

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite
always wondered why they want you to make an appointment - shouldn't they just know that you're going to show up at a certain time and be ready for you?

Well. I’m not a fan of just burning cash for shits and giggles.
No, I was raised in a very fact-oriented, science-based environment, and I never believed in the paranormal or anything that couldn't be verified by scientific method. Then I met my Cherokee grandmother! And she proceeded to freak me out with her Native American mysticism, presenting me with things I just couldn't explain. She influenced me to learn about my Native heritage and embrace it, so I spent my teenage years learning about the spiritual/metaphysical aspects of the world while still being a critical-thinking skeptic. She always succeeded in challenging me with phenomena I couldn't explain, including my own "medicine", or native power, which she accurately predicted would manifest itself one day, and it DID! SOooooo... I'm more open-minded about spiritual things, but I still think 'psychics' and others in the 'business' of the paranormal are fakes and frauds.
No, none of the above.
Quote by Beffer
No, I was raised in a very fact-oriented, science-based environment, and I never believed in the paranormal or anything that couldn't be verified by scientific method. Then I met my Cherokee grandmother! And she proceeded to freak me out with her Native American mysticism, presenting me with things I just couldn't explain. She influenced me to learn about my Native heritage and embrace it, so I spent my teenage years learning about the spiritual/metaphysical aspects of the world while still being a critical-thinking skeptic. She always succeeded in challenging me with phenomena I couldn't explain, including my own "medicine", or native power, which she accurately predicted would manifest itself one day, and it DID! SOooooo... I'm more open-minded about spiritual things, but I still think 'psychics' and others in the 'business' of the paranormal are fakes and frauds.

I'm very annoying to hard-core believers. I has a BF take me to a woman who claimed that she could tell medical problems. Went on and on about how my BF has liver issues and should see someone (he was much older than me... she didn't see any problem with me). Afterwards he asked me what I thought and I told him that I though if she was for real, the first thing she would have seen was that my pancreas was dead (I had been diabetic for years at that point).

I love your Native American heritage and the spiritualism that came with it. That's much more organic.

Quote by vanessa26
.... I find myself drawn to tacky bullshittery sometimes.

"Tacky bullshittery" is my new favorite descriptive.
No, I AM psychic! ...oh wait, I meant psychotic.
Does putting a quarter in the "Zanzabar" machine count?
Yes. In university. Some dorm event, they had a "past lives" reader. Of course everyone was someone who had been in a position of power. Me, who sat wordless through the whole thing, she declared to have been a Greek or Roman woman of "high importance".

It was scary even then how many people believed her nonsense.
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You shouldn't believe that stuff. I know because I was a psychic in a previous life


I prefer to throw my money directly into the garbage....
If there aren't goat heads and dead chickens hangin' from the ceiling, it ain't a real psychic.