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Who are the pet owners and animal lovers here?!?

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This is my little Peanut. She is a 13inch rabbit beagle and not spoiled at all.

I have a new story out! Wish You Were Here A teasing sub may I have pushed too far, but the punishment is oh so sweet.

If you haven't already, please check out my story with leftlingula. A husband and wife rediscovered each other and It all started with one simple word...
Nightshade Part 1 & Nightshade: Part 2

Quote by MadameMolly
This is my little Peanut. She is a 13inch rabbit beagle and not spoiled at all.

Haha, my father had a very similar Beagle a few years ago, called Pistachio. I'm not sure what's the link between Beagles and nuts, but apparently there's one.

That's not his dog, but he looked very similar, with spots and an overall larger stature than a regular Beagle:

Quote by SereneProdigy

Haha, my father had a very similar Beagle a few years ago, called Pistachio. I'm not sure what's the link between Beagles and nuts, but apparently there's one.

That's not his dog, but he looked very similar, with spots and an overall larger stature than a regular Beagle:

Hmm, it would be interesting to see how many other beagles have nut names. lol She is Peanut because she was so tiny when we got her.

I love Blue Tick hounds. I've always wanted one.

I have a new story out! Wish You Were Here A teasing sub may I have pushed too far, but the punishment is oh so sweet.

If you haven't already, please check out my story with leftlingula. A husband and wife rediscovered each other and It all started with one simple word...
Nightshade Part 1 & Nightshade: Part 2

I have Norman and Lily, a 6 year old neutered male Great Pyrenees and an 18 month old spayed female Great Pyrenees/Anatolian Shepherd cross and Hank, a 10 year old Turkish Angora cat. All three are "secondhand" pets; Norman and Lily both came from the National Great Pyrenees Rescue, and Hank I found on craigslist being sold because he was "too loud" in his owner's new house.

Norman and Hank last summer (Hank is an indoor-only kitty, but he is allowed out on the patio if Norman is out):

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I've rarely had fewer than two cats, and occasionally as many as five, for the last 40 years. No dogs; just cats. Love me some cats.

Right now there are two altered males. Nice guys.
We have a cat that does a lot of this, makes me want to do the same.

A cat I can tolerate but those four legged shit factories ( dogs) that yap and fart - no way. Probably I dislike the owners who won't clean up after them more so.
I cannot believe that dogs are allowed in hotel rooms and restaurants in Europe. That is so unhygienic. I have seen dogs licking the plate clean after the human has eaten their fill. Smoking is as bad. I blame politicians for a lot but ours have had the guts to ban both.
I love animals (except for cats). I have two dogs, both border collie/Australian shepherd mixes. Both are rescue dogs.

I also have a horse - quarter horse. At one point, I had 3 horses, but sold one, and had to put one down because of colic. The horse in my avatar is the one that coliced. He was a Belgian draft/thorobred mix. He had a huge personality, like a 1700 pound friendly dog.
Red is the color of sex and signs that say Do Not Enter

The best thing to hear in the middle of the night - Lick Me
Dog lover, had numerous ones over the years ever since I was a young boy. But our last two were Sassy and Andy. Mixed - Part Poodle and Part Schnauzer (sp?). Andy was the needy one, diabetes and other problems over the years but we took good care of him, insulin shots stated once a the last couple of years, morning and night, until the end when his kidneys were failing and he wouldn't eat or sleep and vet said put him down to end his suffering. We did but it hurt. Sassy lasted couple of more years but last year just about this time of year, she started having problems with urinating and wouldn't eat. Vet said she was suffering from old age and her body was worn out. We had to put her down too. Both are buried out in our back yard in a small strip of to each other. Still see them in my mind's eye and especially Sassy. Miss her a lot.
A determined person with perseverance can overcome many obstacles. They can, many times, perform better than those who are more intelligent, stronger and with better finances by determination and perseverance
I love animals and my pet is a solid black cat named rescue! He was thrown into a pipe when he was a tiny kitten and a friend of mine got him out of the pipe and gave him to me a week later! He is such a love!
Believe in yourself and all things are possible
I haven't had a pet since I've left home! I'm a dog lover and I miss having a running/snuggle partner and winter foot warmer.

I adore big unwieldy breeds like Danes and Mastiffs but I grew up with gun/sporting dogs and love their stamina and independent spirits.
A real dog lover, showed, and bred Malamutes for many years. Plus have a slew of working cattle dogs.

kisses, amy
I like animals better than humans most of the time, we do have quite a few, I've got 10 dogs, a cat, 5 horses, rabbits and pigeons and some fish..
I am a dog lover. I've had a few over the years ever since I was a boy. They are so much fun. I don't mind cats, but I am allergic to cats. If I would ever had a cat it would be an outside cat. I have 2 dogs right now.
I have two cats that showed up one day and never left. They are sweet babies until they are hungry. LOL! My daughter has a horse. She is a bit of a diva. I want to get another dog, but not until I find a more suitable place to live.
Quote by MadameMolly
This is my little Peanut. She is a 13inch rabbit beagle and not spoiled at all.

Such a cute baby!!!
I have a cat who is a little shit
I have a giant orange Maine Coon cat and a boat load of Australian Cattle Dogs that I work, show and trial.

The more people I meet the more I love animals.
2 dogs here- Sheltie (11 years old) and German Shepherd ( 4 years old). The sheltie herds the 120 German Shepherd around and acts like he is the mother of the shepherd. Have had both since they were 6 weeks old.
I love animals but know I can't make such a big commitment at present.

Although, I do like to think I part own a few of the cats from the village who pop over for an extra dinner and a cuddle sometimes.
I have 2 cats. They were strays that I thought belonged to my next door neighbor. I fed them because I thought that she wasn't and when I found out they weren't hers, I adopted them.
My dog is a min schnauzer. His name is Miles and he is a rescue. Great and smart dog. You can see him with me in my profile
I am a huge animal lover. I love all animals and if I could I would probably have a zoo. when I visit other peoples homes I have had many pets come up and let me pet them as the owners tell me that they never let others pet them that quick. LOL at the moment I only have two cats and love em both. they give me a lot of enjoyment and total love back at me.
Frankie is on left at 10 years, Sherman on right at almost 2 now..
Love my bulldogs..