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Who are the pet owners and animal lovers here?!?

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Active Ink Slinger
I've always loved animals! People's pets tend to know I'm their friend, even if I haven't met them before.

I've got one fat 13yo cat at home. Had her since she was 8 weeks old. Her name is Ziggy Stardust! Wouldn't trade her for anything!
Active Ink Slinger
We have 2 cats and a dog, all adopted. Strays seem to make their way to my house, and I do my best to find them new homes. Always wish I had a farm so I could keep them all.
Active Ink Slinger
2yr old Boxer, bridle, and protector of the kids. Great dog, but don't mess with the kids, he'll show you who's boss. LOL
Active Ink Slinger
Had multiple dogs for years. Currently a lab and husky. Love my furbabies...
Cryptic Vigilante
I have two black cats, brother and sister. I had them since they were babies (1-month-old), they'll be 10 years old in April.

And yes, they bring me a lot of bad luck. The male can open my windows and he once invited two other cats in my apartment (four in total) while I was away.

My cats (2-month-old):

My cats (as silly adults):

Gentleman Stranger
Love 'em! 5 dogs currently, all strays and abandoned pups that we rescued, plus about 6 other rescues we've found good homes for. Live out in the country with lots of room to indulge our love of animals.
Active Ink Slinger
One 5 lbs Chihuahua name Paco..But we call him Puk short for Puka Shell
Rainbow Warrior
Here's me and my beloved pup Candy just before she died. I got her when I was a teenager, and she left me to go to doggie heaven just before I turned 30. I haven't had the heart to get another best friend yet.

The 2 dogs in my dog-walking avatar pic are my mom's. David and I borrowed them for the photoshoot. They love me too! Their names are Makita & Makaya.
Active Ink Slinger
Just check my Avatar.
You can't beat a Kelpie.
You never own a Kelpie, they own you.
Australia's greatest working dog.
They even crossed the Iditarod Huskies with the Australian Kelpie, to give them more stamina.
Active Ink Slinger
Dog, cat and fish. Fish are beautiful and relaxing to watch; dog and cat keep us amused, and both love being with people
Quote by Milik_Redman
This is Missy

Milik my heart melted!
This is Sheldon! I wasn't trying to dry him, I swear!
Active Ink Slinger

I have a six month old border collie called Sophie who I utterly love. I'm more of an animal person than I am a people person. I've always loved animals and have horses, cats and dogs all my life and other small furry pets too, I absolutely hate animal cruelty and think that those who abuse animals should be hung using cheese wire.
I've had dogs my whole life until two years ago when our pooch ran away and never returned. At one time or another we've had gerbils, a rabitt, guinea pigs, hamsters, turtles, frogs, a ball python, rats (both pets and feeders), and I'm probably missing a few. Now the house is empty, but I get to enjoy three grand dogs and a satanic cat.... Oh and the ball python given to my youngest. Guess that would make me an animal lover.
Active Ink Slinger
cat lover here
Active Ink Slinger
a siamese/tabby ol boy that I carried in my truck and now 3 ankle biter hellions...a JackRussell/chihahua, a Pug/chihahua, and da baby a silver pug....and some goldfish....
Active Ink Slinger
Nice to see people posting their photos! Here is my little Ziggy.

I have an elderly, rescued Staffordshire Bull Terrior who is the softest animal on the planet. Staffies do not deserve their bad reputation.
Bonnet Flaunter
I don't have any pets but am resident dog/cat/bunny/goldfish sitter for my neighbourhood! And Serene Prodigy your cats are the business!!! Too cute!! biggrin
Active Ink Slinger
I have a solid black cat named rescue! And I do a lot of animal rescue!
Believe in yourself and all things are possible
Internet Philosopher
Quote by ShyVixen

Milik my heart melted!

Lol, thanks. Missy is 12 now and the most adorable little dog I've ever had. She's pretty sure she's in charge most of the time.

Sheldon looks to have a similar belief!
I have the sweetest little pussy.

A black cat.

Active Ink Slinger
Daddysweetheart, can we see a picture of your sweet little pussy? And your cat as well?

Not actual photo of my cat..

Active Ink Slinger
We rescued our chocolate lab Kramer 8 years ago. We recently adopted 2 cats. The first one, Oakley, wandered in to my garage one night and the other, Jax, we adopted from a friend. Never thought I would be a cat person but they are very funny. Can't imagine not having pets.
My fat little buddy Oakley
The crazy one Jax
Active Ink Slinger
I have several cats. I will take them over people any day of the year.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by homealone71
One 5 lbs Chihuahua name Paco..But we call him Puk short for Puka Shell

Nice cat! I bet he's a real bad ass!