My stats were:
I was the 3,755,213,725th person on earth when I was born
I was the 77,928,055,181st person to have lived since history began
Now that is scary, when I was born there was only 2.5 billion.
When I was born, I was the:4,902,869,779th person alive on Earth79,749,418,846th to have lived in history.
[url]http://[/url] can't be accurate there are thousands of people born everyday how can they be sure exactly what number in that thousands i was? doesn't make sense
I was the 5,059,360,604th person alive on Earth and the 79,995,709,817th person to have lived since history began.
My BD is July 4 1970 wonder which one i am
Hey Sara o you were 3,696,681,476th
cool eh
2,750,948,212th alive on earth
76,132544,498th in history
person alive on Earth
person to have lived since history began
Quit amazing that the population has increased so fast.
I was 2,520,087,730rd Alive...
The rate at which the graph increases is astonishing! No wonder why we have so many enviormental issues.
When you were born, you were the:4,040,352,518thperson alive on
Earth78,382,956,323rdperson to have lived since history began
“I'm not one of those complicated, mixed-up cats. I'm not looking for the secret to life.... I just go on from day to day, taking what comes.”~Frank Sinatra~
Interesting for fun, but impossible to be accurate I'm roughly 5,511,963,423. And for ricog the site states it's an estimation based on rough figures
When you were born, you were the:
person alive on Earth
person to have lived since history began
There were only 4 people on Earth when I was born.... (Well, I say 'born'....)
He was called Adam, she was called Eve and they had two boys, (One of whom was a little shit...) And they had a pet snake....
They lived in a garden BUT I wasn't allowed go in there.... I could tell it wasn't going to end well for them....
The Boss said that if I just kept an eye on all the other stuff he created then one day he'd make me a REAL person... And to be fair, he did....
(You know 'fossils'???? That was My Idea!!!!!)
xx SF
Compared to the number of people available and my sexual exploits, I feel so conservative. Highbrow even.
When you were born, you were the:
person alive on Earth
person to have lived since history began
when i was born: 5,436,419,917th
person alive on Earth
person to have lived since history began
person alive
people since
I was the 5,189,766,988 person alive
80,195,810,743 born before me in the history of the world.
3??? what the...faints....
No one can make you jealous, angry, vengeful, or greedy -unless you let him.
- Napoleon Hill
When you were born, you were the:
person alive on Earth
person to have lived since history began
When you were born, you were the:
person alive on Earth
person to have lived since history began
When you were born, you were the:
person alive on Earth
person to have lived since history began