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What 5-7 Historical People would you like to have coffee or dinner with?

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In this one name the 5-7 Historical People from any era whom you'd like to invite for coffee, cocktails or have dinner with and if feel inclined you can state why or if adventerous what your menu would be. As well as state the topics you'd discuss.

Probably I would have the following over for a type of cocktail party along the way an English tea would be run and the following would be invited:

Winston Churchill

Vladimer Ilych Lenin

Sir Richard Burton (The Explorer not the actor)


Sandra Bernhardt (The French Actress not the comedienne)

Mata Hari

Ray Bradbury
Hmm... I'd have to take this opportunity to gather some of the mathematical minds I admire the most (assuming they could all speak English):

Leonhard Euler.
Carl Friedrich Gauss.
Augustin-Louis Cauchy.
Pierre de Fermat.
David Hilbert.

It would have to be coffee and cake and the discussion wouldn't have to be entirely mathematical, although it would probably lean that way.

I didn't use up the entire 7 spaces allocated, as I would also like to meet Nichiren Daishonin to chant with him. This would be at a separate time from the maths party, if that is permissible.
Mata Hari (WWI double agent spy that used sex to get secrets, eventually excecuted)
William Mark Felts Sr, (Deep Throat in the Watergate scandal)
William Melville (founded Scotland Yard)
Nathan Hale (American spy & patriot of the American Revolution who said before he was hanged by the British, "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country."
General Walter Bedell Smith, (former Director of the CIA)
Ian Fleming (former British Naval Intelligence officer and author of the James Bond novels)

Mata Hari
You are invited to read Passionate Danger, Part II, a story collaboration by Kim and ArtMan.

Spartacus (leader of the Roman slave revolt)
Gen. George Patton (coolest dude on the planet)
Pres. Theodore Roosevelt (greatest American President ever)
Sir Henry Morgan (the pirate)
William Wallace (Scottish patriot and freedom fighter)
Crazy Horse (Sioux Indian leader & great warrior)
John Paul Jones (American Revolutionary navy hero)
Daniel Morgan (American Revolutionary hero)
Hannibal (Carthaginian general)
William the Conqueror (The Duke of Normandy that conquered England)
And we would be drinking ice cold beer out of long neck glass bottles and smoking cigars!

Abraham Lincoln - Just to hear his thoughts
Thomas Jefferson - to see what the world has come to and his comments
my Father - reflections of an alcoholic whom has passed away
My Papaw- just coz I need comforted
Jim Croce - just to FEEL the music
Jim Morrison
Jimi Hendrix
Susan B. Anthony
Clara Barton
George Washington (and Martha)
Humphrey Bogart & movies are history too!
Malcolm X
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.
Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Jr.
Cleopatra III
Frederick Douglass
Joseph Louis Barrow
For me I would love to have dinner with:

Grand Duchesses Olga and Tatiana Nicolaevna Romanov

Eva Peron

Ella Fitzgerald

Edith Paif

I would discuss what their thoughts they have on how the world has turned out in 2011.
With the grand duchesses I would love to know what they think of their huge following from obsessive teenage and some very obesseive twenty somethings they have.

What Eva would make of her own country now days

And what Ella and Edith would think of todays female music artists.
"Sex is like eating and eating is like sex" It would be Casanova, the menu would be his and mine favorite , Oysters { obvious reasons } & macaroni sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar
Thomas Jefferson
Abraham Lincoln (To discuss the state of our nation and how to make it better)
Theodore Roosevelt

Sir Richard Burton (The explorer, not the actor)
Cetewayo (Chief of the Zulu's)
Mohammed Achmed -the Mahdi (leader of the dervishes) ( Discussing Africa's past, present and future)
Paul Cruger (leader of the Boer uprising)

Omar Bradley
Heinz Guderian
Winston Churchill (Reminisce about military tactics and WWII)
Irwin Rommel
George Patton

And yes, I know this is more than 5-7 people!
Quote by AGreyFoxxx
Thomas Jefferson
Abraham Lincoln (To discuss the state of our nation and how to make it better)
Theodore Roosevelt

Sir Richard Burton (The explorer, not the actor)
Cetewayo (Chief of the Zulu's)
Mohammed Achmed -the Mahdi (leader of the dervishes) ( Discussing Africa's past, present and future)
Paul Cruger (leader of the Boer uprising)

Omar Bradley
Heinz Guderian
Winston Churchill (Reminisce about military tactics and WWII)
Irwin Rommel
George Patton

And yes, I know this is more than 5-7 people!

That's fine
Socrates - Because he said this:
The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority, they show disrespect to their elders. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and are tyrants over their teachers.
430 BC

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi - Because I don't think anyone else has ever stood up for their beliefs in a more courageous way. The idea of non-violent civil disobedience makes him one of the most admirable men of all times.

Douglas Adams - Because he was very wise and hilarious.
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.

Cleopatra VII - Because she was the last and most famous pharaoh of Ancient Egypt, spoke 5 languages and dated Julius Caesar.

Gaius Valerius Catullus - Because I want him to write poetry about me. His poems about Lesbia are just about the most beautiful thing I've ever read.
Benjamin Franklin
H. L. Mencken
Jesus Christ
William F. Buckley, Jr
The Prophet Mohammed
Mark Twain
Winston Churchill
Might make for some spiritedafter dinner chit-chat. smile

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Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwords. -- ROBERT HEINLEIN
Pablo Escobar
Che Guevara
Martin Luther King Jr
Richard Dawkins
Neil Peart (totally subjective)
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Maya Angelou
Christopher Hitchens
Jimi Hendrix
James Hetfield
Dale Earnhardt Sr.
Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan
Cliff Burton
Jimmy Page
John Bonham
Quote by eviotis
Richard Dawkins
Neil Peart (totally subjective)
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Maya Angelou
Christopher Hitchens

I met and spoke with Christopher Hitchens and his brother Peter at a swanky do when I used to work for a national newspaper...

My choices would be:

Samuel Hahnemann, founder of homeopathy
Jesus, famous healer
Florence Nightingale, ahead of her time
Douglas Adams, one of my favourite authors
Ray Bradbury, he was also way ahead of his time
Agatha Christie, because I think she'd be very interesting
Boudica, leader of an uprising against the Romans
Joan of Arc, I'd want to ask her about those voices

Hmm, that's 8, well, the 8 that I choose today...
Adolf Hitler - would love to know what made him write Mein Kampf
Queen Elizabeth I - need to understand why she killed her cousin Mary Queen of Scots
Mary Quant - Fashion Tips !
Elvis Presley - why the man who was Mr Rock n Roll self destructed
Robin Hood - Dunno why he just intrigues my mind
Marie Antoinette

Marquis De Sade

Jack London

Jesus Christ

Napoleon Bonapart
H. G. Wells
Aldous Huxley
Ray Bradbury
William Gibson
Jules Verne

All authors of science fiction and fact with the exception of Gibson who created the genre Cyberpunk and the word Cyberspace. And be at a resturaunt in an informal setting in a private room having dinner followed by dessert, and cognac and cigars to sit and discuss the things they have written that have come to pass and to see what other things may follow from what they have seen or come from their writings.
Thomas Jefferson
Syd Barrett
Jim Morrison
Leonardo DaVinci
Ernest Hemingway
Marilyn Monroe
Princess Diana

If I Can Only Have 7 But So Many Others. Would Also Like To Ask Adolf Hitler WTF Was He Thinking!
I'd invite


Mary W. Shelley

And some real pirates to feel comfortable.

We'd have a buffé with food from different eras so that they could pick what they liked best.
We'd talk about life and death and science and sex, women always end up talking about sex or sexuality. We can't help it.
Sir Isaac Newton
Sir Thomas More (Morus)
Jean D'Arc
Alexander the Great
Emily Brontë
"I can resist everything except temptation." - Oscar Wilde
I'd have to go with:

long-time dead:
St. Augustine

somewhat more recent:
Abraham Lincoln
Charles Darwin
J.R.R. Tolkien
C. S. Lewis
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Leonardo Da vinci
Che Chevarra
Kahlil Gibran
Simone de Beauvoir
Billy Holiday
Buddy Holly
Nancy Sinatra
Kathryn Hepburn
Susan Anderson
Henry VIII
Alexander the Great
Really, sex and laughter do go very well together, and I wondered - and I still do - which is more important.
i think i would like to have coffee with elvis just because i feel like he would be a really down to earth guy.
Thomas A Kempis - I'd like to ask him why he returned to the Catholic Church, after declaring himself an athiest.
Eizabeth I of England, Benjamin Franklin,
and Sir Winston Churchill - I'd like their takes on the state of things in the world today.
Henry VIII - I'd like to play some of his musical works under his directio, to see what interpretation he really wanted
Benedict Arnold - I'd like to see what his true intentions were when the British took Ticonderoga
Paul Revere's wife - I want to know what she thought of his gallavanting over the countryside at all hours of the night.
"There's only three tempos: slow, medium and fast. When you get between in the cracks, ain't nuthin' happenin'." Ben Webster