What's the worst movie you've ever seen, or couldn't bear to keep watching, and why?
Mine would rhubarb. The one where they only said the word "rhubarb" through the the whole movie. I watched the nrest of it foolishly thinking we may hear one good word. We didn't.
Napoleon Dynamite
Cabin boy
Are the two movies I detest. I don't see how they are listed as comedy's
I had to go way back, but a movie by the name of "Poor Cow"
When it was finished, my date & I sat there stunned: "Are they serious? No discernible plot at all. They really paid people to make that piece of crap?"
Spiderman 3 is the worst film I've seen all the way through.
There are more that I gave up watching half way through etc. but cannot remember the titles.
Haha well all the beret wearing pseudo intellectuals can now attack me.
"My Dinner With Andre", the supposedly captivating and philosophical work by Louis Malle, was boring and full of pretentious bullshit from beginning to end. Roger Ebert loved this stupid film. The "Family Guy" parodied the film in a lovely way in the episode "My Dinner with Andre the Giant".
Can any of us truly be happy? Okay let's sit in a chair and fucking talk about it in a very pretentious manner and film it for 3 hours. WTF? Really? And I can't say anything? I just have to listen to your fucked up ramblings? No thanks.
Happiness is an entirely personal experience. This movie was empty of plot, direction and had no emotional arc to it. It was like very bad reality TV before the idea of really bad reality TV had even become a lightbulb moment for anyone in the media industry.
My vote goes to "My Dinner With Andre".
I've only ever WALKED OUT of ONE movie...
It was 'Once Upon A Time In America'. I walked out at The Car Scene with DeNiro and Elizabeth McGovern.
Now IN HINDSIGHT, I get it... In fact, I think it's a FANTASTIC movie now... (But I STILL can't watch that scene!)
xx SF
It's between Armegeddon and The Day After Tomorrow. Those movies sucked beyond horrible.
Spring Breakers. It's the most awful, boring, pointless film I've ever seen with bad acting to boot. How this film was ever conceived is beyond me.
"A dirty book is rarely dusty"
Mama Mia!!
Although technically I didn't see it as I couldn't bear more than twenty minutes of this utter, untalented drivel. I honestly cannot see what on earth anyone likes about it!
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
The Hulk...the one with Liv Tyler.
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The Lacemaker. If you've never heard of it, consider yourself lucky.
Wolf of Wallstreet, this movie celebrates exactly what is wrong with the world today
"If it doesn't leave you breathless, sweaty and ready to fade, it's just not worth doing."
Red Dawn 2012
That movie is insult to intelligence.
I really wasn't a fan of the new Godzilla movie. The one made in 1998 was way better IMO
A 2008 movie called Cloverflied. The ending was stupid. The plot was stupid. Do I need to say any more?
Any of the Twilight movies
Minions (whatever last one it is that they released)
50 Shades of Grey
Pitch Perfect 2 (sucks because I loved the first one)
Magic Mike XXL (not worth a dollar to see. lmao)
all three Hobbit movies, fucking rubbish
Oh god I have seen so many bad movies...
but I am going to have to go with DeadGirl............not only was it gross it was just plain fucking stupid there was nothing good about it...
There must be thousands of terrible movies so I'm going to choose a main stream movie that really should have been better than it was, Robin Hood, starring Russell Crowe. I nearly walked out of the cinema. The Flintstones had the same effect.