Whatever you want to say . . .
Sometimes I wake up in the morning with cat toys in my bed. I am not sure I want to know why.
Sometimes, but most often I prefer to wake up to cat toys than dead mice.
Sometimes I wake up with one or two Goldfish crackers in my bed. Sometimes I eat them.
Sometimes, I forget what I was going to say.
Sometimes I just want one spoonful of ice cream...no more...no less
Sometimes I get a craving for a Banana Split in the middle of the night
Sometimes I would like to remember my dreams

Art can never exist without naked beauty displayed. Sometimes, I don't finish what I've sta
Sometimes I wake up to my dog licking my toes.
sometimes I wonder why I spend so much time here
Sometimes I say things very bluntly
Sometimes I wonder why all the cats sleep in my room.
Sometimes I wonder why I let my 10# dog push me around
Sometimes I wonder if I'm ever going to get my story-writing mojo back.
Sometimes I just stop and stare at people... Shaking my head...
Sometimes I wish I could just wake up every day and move on like my ancestors did.
Sometimes I get home from a trip and go "glad to be home". Sometimes I get home from a trip and go "want more". I just had one of the latter.
Sometimes I wonder if Bethany will get her Mojo back, last seen on Myspace lol
In the world's harsh wear and tear many a very sincere attachment is slowly obliterated.
Είμαι ταξιδιώτης τόσο στο χρόνο όσο και στο διάστημα
Sometimes I wish I could start over.