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So Rolf Harris just got jailed for 5 years and 9 months...

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Quote by MrNudiePants

Prolly a math teacher. I'm just sayin'.

And it's MATHS not MATH....
“When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.”
Perhaps he should've been forced to use his £11 million pound fortune to compensate the victims in some way.

Five odd years in prison, at his age, is similar to a 84 year old being sent to a nursing home. His daughter will inherit his fortune, she has no plans to help the victims.

His daughter is the ideal person to help the victims; she's female, and was once a child!....
Quote by purpleshade
Perhaps he should've been forced to use his £11 million pound fortune to compensate the victims in some way.

Five odd years in prison, at his age, is similar to a 84 year old being sent to a nursing home. His daughter will inherit his fortune, she has no plans to help the victims.

His daughter is the ideal person to help the victims; she's female, and was once a child!....

It may well be that her inheritance will be HER compensation for what she will go through being his daughter after all that he has done! It's a shame that these victims have not stepped forward sooner - then he would not have been able to live the life that he has lived, and some may not have ended up as victims.
Quote by LittleLuce

It may well be that her inheritance will be HER compensation for what she will go through being his daughter after all that he has done! It's a shame that these victims have not stepped forward sooner - then he would not have been able to live the life that he has lived, and some may not have ended up as victims.

I hear what you're saying, hun. She'll have £11 million to cushion the blow. The other victims will just have horrid memories...
I'm sorry, but aren't we all avoiding another issue on this thread?


(Am I the ONLY person here who READS whole threads!)

I didn't even know we HAD a goat. I wonder why he wanted to escape? I HOPE nobody here was nasty to our goat! Do we know HOW he escaped? Was it a tunnel he dug or did he make it over the wall? I bet it was like Shawshank Redemtion except he had a poster of a cute Lady Goat in his room!


Are we getting a new goat, is my question?

xx Steph

OMG! I just had a horrible thought! You don't suppose the Literotica people KIDNAPPED OUR goat! That's just the kind of thing they'd do! And none of you got the kidnap joke. I'm wasted here.

Nicola: "You're certainly wasted, Fruitbat..."
Quote by stephanie

I'm sorry, but aren't we all avoiding another issue on this thread?


(Am I the ONLY person here who READS whole threads!)

I didn't even know we HAD a goat. I wonder why he wanted to escape? I HOPE nobody here was nasty to our goat! Do we know HOW he escaped? Was it a tunnel he dug or did he make it over the wall? I bet it was like Shawshank Redemtion except he had a poster of a cute Lady Goat in his room!


Are we getting a new goat, is my question?

xx Steph

nah, you are not, quite few of us read the whole threads, but not many of us care for goats though I am sure we will get new one, rumors goes that Nicola already ordered new
Quote by stephanie

I'm sorry, but aren't we all avoiding another issue on this thread?


(Am I the ONLY person here who READS whole threads!)

I didn't even know we HAD a goat. I wonder why he wanted to escape? I HOPE nobody here was nasty to our goat! Do we know HOW he escaped? Was it a tunnel he dug or did he make it over the wall? I bet it was like Shawshank Redemtion except he had a poster of a cute Lady Goat in his room!


Are we getting a new goat, is my question?

xx Steph

OMG! I just had a horrible thought! You don't suppose the Literotica people KIDNAPPED OUR goat! That's just the kind of thing they'd do! And none of you got the kidnap joke. I'm wasted here.

Nicola: "You're certainly wasted, Fruitbat..."

Got your back, Steph. I officially offer to donate one of my two pygmy goats to Lush. She won't escape, she's an indoor goat...and yes, I wish I were making that bit up.
Want to spend some time wallowing in a Recommended Read? Pick one! Or two! Or seven!

Active Ink Slinger
The Great Escape

My Karma just ran over your Dogma
Sick fuck. Hang the bastard or castrate him. Wanna bet in five years he will be right back at it? Child molesters can't be cured. When my son was three a pervert exposed himself to my boy in a Sears restroom. I beat the ass hole to a bloody pulp. I bet he will think twice about doing that again.
It's a good job that the 'fucking goat' did escape; I can envisage that being fucked too!...
Active Ink Slinger
Coming to HsTeacher's defense, some people that pulled her up on her spelling should have a look at their replies and fix up their errors first. Let those without sin cast the first stone comes to mind.

I believe they are going to start a class action against Rolf so Bindi may not get her 11 million pounds after all, a good chunk of it will line the pockets of lawyers.
"Hey, don't knock masturbation! It's sex with someone I love." Woody Allen

"I am willing to admit that I may not always be right, but I am never wrong." Samuel Goldwyn
The fact is he is likely at 84 to die as a result of incarceration. There is a very high mortality rate associated with abrupt changes in lifestyle in late life. for example when a long term psychogeriatric ward closed at a hospital in southern England 20 people were moved into a nursing home. 8 of them died within six weeks. Entering a prison is an enormous psychological shock. even if they put him in an Open Prison it won't be for a while, and it would not surprise me one bit to hear he is dead within a few months. These opinions are based on professional experience as a medic and a lawyer.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by tubby1961
Coming to HsTeacher's defense, some people that pulled her up on her spelling should have a look at their replies and fix up their errors first. Let those without sin cast the first stone comes to mind.

I believe they are going to start a class action against Rolf so Bindi may not get her 11 million pounds after all, a good chunk of it will line the pockets of lawyers.

If you're talking about my reply, the sarcasm has gone over your head.
As regards Bindi, she's likely to die before her husband, the daughter is more likely to inherit.
Quote by dpw

If you're talking about my reply, the sarcasm has gone over your head.
As regards Bindi, she's likely to die before her husband, the daughter is more likely to inherit.

Not too sure of your post here DPW....... Bindi is only 50 and has a son, her husband craig is 46. She is more likely to pick up the inheritance although this is not the thread subject.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by LittleLuce

Not too sure of your post here DPW....... Bindi is only 50 and has a son, her husband craig is 46. She is more likely to pick up the inheritance although this is not the thread subject.

Sorry, I got my names mixed up, I meant Alwen.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by dpw

If you're talking about my reply, the sarcasm has gone over your head.
As regards Bindi, she's likely to die before her husband, the daughter is more likely to inherit.

Firstly, I was not having a shot at you as I didn't come across any mistakes in your item. Maybe your sarcasm did go over my head as I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Secondly, Bindi is Rolf's daughter so I'm not sure what you mean. Is she ill?
"Hey, don't knock masturbation! It's sex with someone I love." Woody Allen

"I am willing to admit that I may not always be right, but I am never wrong." Samuel Goldwyn
Quote by HeraTeleia

Really hoping that your screen name doesn't indicate your actual profession. Just saying.

Yeah it does. She is a smart person and an attractive woman. You need to stop bullying people, you e-thug.

Quote by dpw

Wot du yu meen?

I'm disappointed in you most of all. You shouldn't go around encouraging Ms. E-thug.

Quote by SixtyMinuteMan

It's your handle. I couldn't resist.

Edit: Didn't see that someone had already done something like this. Hope you don't feel picked on, I meant it in good humor.

Yeah right, we don't believe you. Matter of fact I think you're just like one of the many masses: weak and willing to jump on a bandwagon in order to get a cheap thrill. You should be ashamed.

Quote by Dirty_D

Now that's just funny. I would do you to your liking just for that sole reason. I find a lot of your comments make me chuckle.

Quote by MrNudiePants

Prolly a math teacher. I'm just sayin'.

Well done sir. You rose above the pettiness.

Quote by stephanie

I'm sorry, but aren't we all avoiding another issue on this thread?


(Am I the ONLY person here who READS whole threads!)

I didn't even know we HAD a goat. I wonder why he wanted to escape? I HOPE nobody here was nasty to our goat! Do we know HOW he escaped? Was it a tunnel he dug or did he make it over the wall? I bet it was like Shawshank Redemtion except he had a poster of a cute Lady Goat in his room!


Are we getting a new goat, is my question?

xx Steph

OMG! I just had a horrible thought! You don't suppose the Literotica people KIDNAPPED OUR goat! That's just the kind of thing they'd do! And none of you got the kidnap joke. I'm wasted here.

Nicola: "You're certainly wasted, Fruitbat..."

Now, this is some dumb shit. I could over look this if it weren't for your lame attempt to take a jab at another. Oh look at me, I say something witty so that makes me witty--stupid.

When did I become the voice reason and kindness? I am suppose to be the forum ass hole who enjoys flaunting his dick, saying, "My dick like Jesus. Your dick, a fruit roll up. My dick pink and big. Your dick, stinks like shit. My dick, like super size. Your dick-- like two fries."
You guys are ass holes for making me be nice. I feel like punching someone right now.
Head Nurse
Quote by HeraTeleia
And the above post is what happens when you tell someone to stop messaging you, ladies and gentlemen.

Constant Gardener
Quote by vines
Now, this is some dumb shit.

I've been visiting this website for five years. Vine's comment above illustrates why, better than I could ever explain.

This place has been a content comedy goldmine, from day One.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by vines
Blah, blah, blah, I'm defending DA LADEEZ.

Behold, a White Knight doth appear! Forsooth, gallant sir, thou hast verily proved our villainy upon our bodies! Lo, we are vanquished.

Lighten up, Francis.
HeraTeleia, it has nothing to do with you. I just don't like seeing people picked on. Sometimes I have to play the good guy. Hey, you said don't message you, so I haven'th You wanted to tell me about your kids and I never gave you the chance. If you had not told me to stop messaging you, I most likely would have let you tell me about your kids. A girl tells me to walk on well that's what I do. And a shame it is, I would have listened and empathized with with everthing you said. Now let me be. On a bright note you will always be able to read my loveable forum posts and think fond thoughts of how we coud have shared great innocence moments of friendship with one another.
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
Quote by SixtyMinuteMan
Lighten up, Francis.

Nice reference!

Also...personal disputes folks. Keep those out of the public eye. Please and thanks.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Quote by vines
HeraTeleia, it has nothing to do with you. I just don't like seeing people picked on. Sometimes I have to play the good guy. Hey, you said don't message you, so I haven'th You wanted to tell me about your kids and I never gave you the chance. If you had not told me to stop messaging you, I most likely would have let you tell me about your kids. A girl tells me to walk on well that's what I do. And a shame it is, I would have listened and empathized with with everthing you said. Now let me be. On a bright note you will always be able to read my loveable forum posts and think fond thoughts of how we coud have shared great innocence moments of friendship with one another.

Sometimes I just can't be arsed...

xx Steph

(I mean I COULD... But I just can't...)

On a bright note, here's a tip... Don't talk, especially in public, in fact don't even REFERENCE anyone's kids...

Remember where we are, Lightbulb.

xx SF

I say witty stuff because I have wit coming out of my ass. See? (Irony.)
Facial hair and glasses. Who would of thunk it.
Short Arse Brit
Quote by Ajax
Facial hair and glasses. Who would of thunk it.

I concur

I hero worshipped him as a child...Ralphs cartoon time was the bee's knees and all the time he was a monster.

I feel violated from just watching his programmes as a kid....may he rott in hell with a horny cell mate called Brian with a 15" cock and who like anal
The Duchess of Tart

Please check out my new story, co-written with the amazing Wilful.

And my latest poem, The Temptation.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by kiera

I concur

I hero worshipped him as a child...Ralphs cartoon time was the bee's knees and all the time he was a monster.

I feel violated from just watching his programmes as a kid....may he rott in hell with a horny cell mate called Brian with a 15" cock and who like anal

I guess if you took a poll on most of us baby boomers in places like the UK, AUS and NZ there are a lot as kids growing up worshiped him. I thought he was a man of integrity and honor. A adult that I looked up to as a moral guide. Here in Australia he was the front man for British Paints commercials for as long as I can remember. His slogan was "Trust British Paints, sure can". You can rest assure that British Paints is off my hardware shopping list now.

Just goes to show how the medium of television can be such a misleading influence. I am sad about the whole thing and that is about all I can say. Just sad.
To boldly Lush where no one has Lushed before