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RUMPLATIONS: Awesome Honky Tonk and Cyber Bar How Y'all Are?

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Here are the results of the "Ultimate Seduction" Contest:

1st Place: A Hunter's Widow, by tams_back_yay.

2nd Place: The Five-Year Silence, by WannabeWordsmith.

3rd Place: Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall, by KimmiBeGood.

Rounding up the rest of the Top 10:

Washerwoman, by deviantsusie

Not A Normal Sunday, by DarkSide

Jennifer's Gift, by Stormdog

Once In A Career, by Hedone

The Blitz and My Balladier, by LilCoffeeluvr111

A Cure For Boredom, by Just_A_Guy_You_Know

The Table, by ScarlettElizabeth.


Congratulations to all the winners, but especially to Rumps' own Kimmi, Susie, and that occasional visitor – Stormdog!

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

Simple Scribbler

Thank you! I'm excited! And yes please, Bear, to the spanking mill! smackbottom

I loved all the Rumpsters' entries!

Writius Eroticus
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follows some polar bear in and shakes off the snow

Arctic out there. Need me something warming. Any suggestions from the bar or elsewhere?

And congratulations again to all comp entrants. What a storming contest.

Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 104 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 2 poems with the following features:

* 29 Editor's Picks, 70 Recommended Reads.
* 15 competition podium places, 9 other times in the top ten.
* 21 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.


Quote by WannabeWordsmith

follows some polar bear in and shakes off the snow

Arctic out there. Need me something warming. Any suggestions from the bar or elsewhere?

And congratulations again to all comp entrants. What a storming contest.

It's true I'm SOME polar bear – the best one in all of Lush, I think you'll find. And as barkeep here in Rumps, you wanna be nice. I've got Mickie Finn standing by, just for rowdy people!

Now – what to drink? You could always have some of our very own homebrew – guaranteed to strip the paint off bathroom walls at 30 paces!

Or you could have a Jameson's, neat, which happens to be my favourite, and therefore the best.

Plus we have a wide selection of non-vintage & wishy-washy wines, plus boring beers.

And I'll put out some munchies…

Plus, we'll put everything on Tamara's tab, so order as much as you want!

Truly, we've got just about anything you could want, WW. And welcome to Rumps! The greatest bar within these four walls! We're glad you finally hauled your ass in here!

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!


OH WAIT! – sorry, wrong munchie. She probably escaped from Kistin's Stall Three Salon!

Here are some peanuts instead. Just throw the shells on the floor, like everyone else. That's why everyone else is on the floor… (That's a little literary joke. Very little…)

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

"the Great God (snicker)" - James 'Bear' Llewellyn

Grabbing a coffee and some stale doughnuts to dunk...

Congrats to all the regulars that entered the competition special congrats to Kimmi on getting on the podium and Susie for her mention... anything they want, especially, as it's going on someone else's tab innocent

Kite's Kinky Tales

My latest offering -

Once more in Love Poems - My Forever Beauty

My 2 previous submissions:

Both Love Poems


As The New Year Dawns

Please read and enjoy. If you really enjoyed a story someone has written; how about clicking on 'Like' and/or 'Favorite'.
Why not leave a comment too?

Best down-under

Morning all, been a little too distracted (wonder why,) to drop into bars of late. Congratulations to the regulars and irregulars here on their competition results.

Lol, the first time in three years I haven't entered a competition (my consecutive streak is over at 18.) Suffering withdrawal symptoms, the comps not the lack of alcohol, well, on second thoughts, that too.

So thrilled for you Kimmi, first EP and podium is a testament to your writing craft.

I will take a coffee as it is not yet 10am where I am and way to early for anything else.

Do check out my latest story:

Unleashed competition: Bull Shite, Bull Dykes, Bull Fights: That’s Your Everyday D/s Love Story. | Lush Stories

And my other stories, including 5 EPs, 22 RR's, and 15 competition top 10's including my pride competition winner: On Oxford Street, This Gay Girl Found Pride While Playing With Balls

Simple Scribbler

Hi Annie! wave

Thank you and I can understand what's distracting you from comps. I didn't start writing until mine turned 20! Haha!

I'll take a hot cocoa and tons of mini marshmallows, please, barkeep. smile

Southern Barefoot Angel

Hi peepssmile

A chilly but pretty day here.

A large hot chocolate with a splash of coffee and a double handful of mini marshmallows would be great.

Tiptoeing over to my hidey hole and retrieving my donuts and sports page settling down in the corner booth

Congrats to the winners and all who entered the last competitionworship

Writers blocked kind of sucks I haven't written or published anything in Forever . maybe a poem might happen soon . Have an idea just have to tie it in . :)

Stay safe everyone:)


Quote by KimmiBeGood

Hi Annie! wave

Thank you and I can understand what's distracting you from comps. I didn't start writing until mine turned 20! Haha!

I'll take a hot cocoa and tons of mini marshmallows, please, barkeep. smile

As you wish…

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!


Quote by CuriousAnnie

Morning all, been a little too distracted (wonder why,) to drop into bars of late. Congratulations to the regulars and irregulars here on their competition results.

Lol, the first time in three years I haven't entered a competition (my consecutive streak is over at 18.) Suffering withdrawal symptoms, the comps not the lack of alcohol, well, on second thoughts, that too.

So thrilled for you Kimmi, first EP and podium is a testament to your writing craft.

I will take a coffee as it is not yet 10am where I am and way to early for anything else.

Lovely to see you, Annie! Give your little one a kiss for us!

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

1 like

Kimmi, I would give you a lifting hug if I saw you in person. I'm so happy for you. To see someone who has always been so encouraging to my writing reach this success makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Also, congrats to all the Rumpilators in the top ten!

Simple Scribbler
1 like

Quote by CarltonStJames

Kimmi, I would give you a lifting hug if I saw you in person. I'm so happy for you. To see someone who has always been so encouraging to my writing reach this success makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Also, congrats to all the Rumpilators in the top ten!

Awww, I would love that lifting hug from you, Carlton! Thank you! kiss You are a great writer!!!

Voyeur @ f/64

Just a reminder for all the lovely patrons of Stall Three (kistinspencil, prop.)


Wow, Kistin! You're really putting out…all the stops! Fetish Friday Potluck, eh? Hmmm… What can a polar bear bring to the party? Seals? Tail? Fur? I'll have to think about this!

Meanwhile, Lady Jay and I are making tracks for the north – well, Collingwood, which is only about 2 1/2 hours north of Toronto, but it's out of the city, by Georgian Bay, and quiet. Looking forward to the change of pace.

Now, let's get things rolling.

Tea Kettle is rinsed, refilled, and ready. We have the usual selection of fine teas available, plus sachets of Swiss Miss hot chocolate with yet another box of mini-marshmallows.

Next, it's Big Bertha time!

I've removed yesterday's sludge, and kept it for Carl (when he returns), rinsed her out, refilled her with tap sludge…I mean, water, and reassembled her.

Now, for the beans…"Kicking Horse Coffee – Smart Ass Blend – Sweet, Smokey, Audacious" – sounds about right for a Tuesday!

2 cups, coarse ground…close the lid, pat her nozzle (for Michelle), flip the switch…and there she goes!

Coffee is on its way!

Donuts for the Sweet Set, with Sara's Sprinklies and Atlanta sports section in her hidey-hole, plus sweeties for Kimmi, Linda, BG, Angel, Harley, and Vee. And I've added some jelly donuts for Mr. K.

Darkside said he was going to stop in for a whisky. We'll see if he shows up! I'll just put it on the back of the bar for him.

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!


Plus some Boston Creams for Donna…say, why doesn't DonnaCupcake like … well, cupcakes?

I'll throw some of those in, too. Plus some leftover turkey cookies from the weekend. They might be a bit stale, but…

There you go folks. Hold the bar until I get back – later today!

And stay safe out there!

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

Simple Scribbler

Quote by kistinspencil

Just a reminder for all the lovely patrons of Stall Three (kistinspencil, prop.)

surprised Sign me up, Kis! I volunteer to be used for demonstrations too!

Woohoooo! Friday can't cum soon enough. worship

I'll grab a few donuts courtesy of Bear and get back to work. Safe travels to you and Lady Jay, Bear!

Have a great day, Rumpies wave

Rainbow in the Dark

Hi All! Congratulations to any in the top ten who pop in here, it was a good contest, but as I said elsewhere, special congratulations to Kimmi for a podium spot with your awesome story!

There's still a couple in the top ten I haven't read. I got a bit distracted and ended up writing a story in a category I used to think was not my thing (Watersports) but I suppose you read enough naughtyannie and sprite stories and it changes you, so: (What's The Story) Morning Glory?

Surprisingly, not only is it not a horror story, it features no sexy gay action, but I think it's kind of cute. Not sure Noel Gallagher would approve, but you never know...

Punked competition entry: Punk’s Undead

A very naughty Catholic schoolgirl: Emma (Part 1) (RR) | (Part 2)

Horror: Women Of Dark Desires(RR), Doll Parts (EP), Lo! Baphomet! A Queer Erotic Horror (OS)

A cheeky little micro: Go Fuck Yourself!

Simple Scribbler

Hi Starbelly! wave And thank you! kiss

I would love to see how your write Watersports ... will read after work. I had to write in that category to get the Omnium badge, but my pee play was barely there. Hee Hee Just enough of a golden shower to get in the cat.

I thought your comp story was your best yet, BTW, but you said it missed theme a bit. Still loved it. smile

Chatterbox Blonde- Rumps Mystical Bartender
1 like

Hello my darlings.

I hope you've all been well and life hasn't been treating you like its personal litter tray.

I've been a busy bee lately, doing my famous beauty pagent runway ( some people call it job hunting but it sure feels like I need to get an awfully saucy bikini) and doing some home renovation.

We had a little leak in the attic and after a lot of chasing people around finally got an expert out to have a look and patch it.

Seems we have a small sagging gap in the internal waterproof lining, the addition of some wood propped it up and seems to have dine the trick.

Spent the weekend painting a sitting room. 3 coats of paint by hand with a brush before we got fed up with streaks and got the roller to it. Fabulous smooth walls (steady vicar) but it sure drank a lot of paint. Spent the time having a good laugh with my wife, singing silly songs and bonding. Who knew DIY could be so good for improving a relationship.

I'm hoping to throw a few words on the page again soon and see if anything comes together with an idea I have.

A dryad tells me that James has been a very busy bear indeed and this silly witch needs to get her pert butt back behind the bar to help out.

Big hugs to you all, I come with a cauldron of delightfully spiced non boozy beverages and some apple cake.

I missed you all so much.

Whatever was posted is always meant in love and respect never to offend.
I'm also highly likely to have posted this from a phone so there may be typos or odd word changes, auto correct can be a pain.

I've been listening to my kinky pencil here's my current work

My current Competition entry is here
A Cure For Stagefright

I put a little banner in here, it might change. I'm still messing about with it.
Kinky Quill

Quote by Twisted_Skald

Hello my darlings.

I hope you've all been well and life hasn't been treating you like its personal litter tray.

I've been a busy bee lately, doing my famous beauty pagent runway ( some people call it job hunting but it sure feels like I need to get an awfully saucy bikini) and doing some home renovation.

We had a little leak in the attic and after a lot of chasing people around finally got an expert out to have a look and patch it.

Seems we have a small sagging gap in the internal waterproof lining, the addition of some wood propped it up and seems to have dine the trick.

Spent the weekend painting a sitting room. 3 coats of paint by hand with a brush before we got fed up with streaks and got the roller to it. Fabulous smooth walls (steady vicar) but it sure drank a lot of paint. Spent the time having a good laugh with my wife, singing silly songs and bonding. Who knew DIY could be so good for improving a relationship.

I'm hoping to throw a few words on the page again soon and see if anything comes together with an idea I have.

A dryad tells me that James has been a very busy bear indeed and this silly witch needs to get her pert butt back behind the bar to help out.

Big hugs to you all, I come with a cauldron of delightfully spiced non boozy beverages and some apple cake.

I missed you all so much.

Your presence has been missed greatly, bear is bear is bear and somewhat misses your grace, charm and the wisdom of the skald. I am more than willing to partake of your brew and nibble on your delightful cakes.

I am glad that a flutter can mean so much, and be oh so powerful! Whilst I bring my own kind of chaos to those I choose to know everywhere, I do believe in Chaos theory, and I am glad that it is suggested that the fluttering wings of a butterfly can be felt the other side of the globe, it gives me hope that I can caress your soul.
Simple Scribbler

That's great, Elyse! I hope to read yours after work and look forward to it!

Hi Poet and Michelle! We've missed you Michelle. Hope things in your world are good! The holidays always cheer me up and I hope you enjoy yours! kiss

Kinky Quill

Quote by KimmiBeGood

That's great, Elyse! I hope to read yours after work and look forward to it!

Hi Poet and Michelle! We've missed you Michelle. Hope things in your world are good! The holidays always cheer me up and I hope you enjoy yours! kiss

hello lovely writer girl, is your wandering eye becoming more manageable yet?

I am glad that a flutter can mean so much, and be oh so powerful! Whilst I bring my own kind of chaos to those I choose to know everywhere, I do believe in Chaos theory, and I am glad that it is suggested that the fluttering wings of a butterfly can be felt the other side of the globe, it gives me hope that I can caress your soul.
Carey’d away.

Today is one of those days where Alan being gone feels unreal - to the point where I keep thinking it's a nightmare and that I'm going to wake up any minute - but, of course, it isn't and I can't.

I know grief isn't linear and and that there's no wrong way to grieve or rules for how long, but sometimes I wish there were.

My heart has wi-fi and the password is Drew Carey.

Simple Scribbler

Quote by Fluttered

Quote by KimmiBeGood

That's great, Elyse! I hope to read yours after work and look forward to it!

Hi Poet and Michelle! We've missed you Michelle. Hope things in your world are good! The holidays always cheer me up and I hope you enjoy yours! kiss

hello lovely writer girl, is your wandering eye becoming more manageable yet?

Oh Poet, I'm trying to be patient. The Dr said to give it until my next appt (Dec 21) and then we'll talk options if my vision is still not where it needs to be. I'm not very patient sad as you know.

Southern Barefoot Angel

Hi peeps

A beautiful day here even though it's chilly .

A large hot chocolate with a double handful of mini marshmallows would be great

Tiptoeing over to my hidey hole and retrieving my donuts and sports page and then moseying over to my favorite corner booth* im so behind in my reading and soon as this head cold takes a hike I'll play catch up .

Elyse I totally understand how you feel . My very first crush that left a lasting impression is John F Kennedy Jr and he died in a plane crash in 1999.

Simple Scribbler

Oh my, he was handsome, wasn't he, Sara? ❤❤❤

Carey’d away.

Quote by Denim_Daisy10

Elyse I totally understand how you feel . My very first crush that left a lasting impression is John F Kennedy Jr and he died in a plane crash in 1999.

...well, I mean, I've been in love with Alan for ten years and he's only been gone for five of them so it's not exactly the same...but I'm glad to know somebody understands.

I wish I knew how to put it into words better but I don't.

My heart has wi-fi and the password is Drew Carey.

Active Ink Slinger
1 like

Quote by Denim_Daisy10

Hi peeps

A beautiful day here even though it's chilly .

A large hot chocolate with a double handful of mini marshmallows would be great

Tiptoeing over to my hidey hole and retrieving my donuts and sports page and then moseying over to my favorite corner booth* im so behind in my reading and soon as this head cold takes a hike I'll play catch up .

Elyse I totally understand how you feel . My very first crush that left a lasting impression is John F Kennedy Jr and he died in a plane crash in 1999.

Mine was Mrs. Emma Peel (Dame Diana Rigg, in the 1960s on one side of the fence, on the other George Clooney. He's still alive but very married and very far away. Mrs. Peel lives on in my mind.