lmfao Lydia that's funny.
Umm I'm normally in the chat room and just talking. like lydia said, not necessarily sexy chat. just talk. Or I'm in individual chats. and every once in a while i might take some ideas from the porn and write
With a cigarette in my left hand ,, and a coffee cup in my right hand.
My lover and I watch porn together. We sometimes re-create the acts. Feels better than it looks on screen.
Really, we enjoy erotic movies more than porn. The act and foreplay before the act, so to speak.
Enjoy your next surf, no matter the conditions nor the crowds. Life is a wave that we ride everyday.
Hehe, i have at times watched porn just because im so bored i cant think of anything else to entertain me. When im in one of those moods i often end up watching silly stuff like "amazing foot wank" an i sit an watch an giggle to myself. I often then just end up lookin through things with really random titles an thinkin to myself do people really get off watching this coz i just cant stop laughing!
never thought about knitting while watching porn ... though I do knit while watching NFL, Criminal Minds and the XBox crew ....
great suggestion .... I'll let you know if I get any knitting done next time!
Most porn is comical so I watch it for entertainment while doing other things (bills, e-mail, etc). If the porn is good (in my view, sensual), I will watch it as foreplay with hubby or just by myself if the mood suits me.
Na-aah! Tried the knitting thing but got the three needles mixed up and ended up with matted wool. Ewww!
I'll stick to polishing my lance or trying to encourage my maiden to dance around the pole with me.AoPMsvO8vJuCTigq
"Whoa, lady, I only speak two languages, English and bad English." - Korben Dallas, from The Fifth Element
"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must man be of learning from experience?" - George Bernard Shaw
I like my porn like I like a Mexican TV dinner. Hot, rough, and spicy.
with a hand in my pants lol
Certainly home made stuff is better. It's nice to think that the person in the film is doing it because it actually turns them on and not just because they can't pay the rent.
It usually depends. I can sometimes use it for writing inspiration, or I may draw someone from the prono, though its hard cause they're always moving. May chat, but you wouldn't be able to tell the difference betweent he two.