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Plagiarism alert

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Rookie Scribe
I don’t and won’t often do this, but I’m going to call out an author.

E.F. Turner has stolen from authors. I know of many, including myself, who post at Lush and oher erotic story sites. For an example, in her “Erotica Collection #9,” she has plagiarized my entire story, Island Encounter, only changing the names of the lead characters.

My story, Island Encounter, was posted at Lush in October 2011, as you can see on my submissions page. Her book was published in May of 2014, and it was hardly the only one stolen from other authors. Please spread the word; if you recognize a story, please leave me a comment or if you can contact the author, do so. Most stories seem to be in the BDSM and and Non-Consent categories.

I realize it’s a risk you take on the internet, posting things for free, but I’m not going to let someone take advantage of me if I can help it.

She’s on Goodreads and Facebook. I’m not asking anyone — in fact, I explicitly ask that you don’t — to bully or otherwise harass her. Pointing out the stolen stories is enough.
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Alright, somebody was talking about plagiarism the other day, and I mentioned that I usually don't bother unless someone uses one of my pieces for commercial idiot has been sort of annoying me the last few years, using my poem "We Started As Friends" on his "being a good Mormon" site...he has ignored my requests, so I decided to fill out all the crap that Wordpress requires...let's see how this goes...this is what I got back from them earlier...and yeah, it's a lot of work...they make you fill out a fairly lengthy electronic form, and cite the copyright Nos. and the like...this is what it looks like...but, the poem is down from the offending site now, so yeah...progress...

[DMCA Notice #24727]
x DMCA < >
12:10 PM (1 hour ago)

to me
&gt; Email Address:
&gt; First Name: Alan
&gt; Last Name: Jankowski
&gt; Company Name: n/a
&gt; Phone Number:
&gt; Address: 169 N. Stevens Ave. #6
&gt; City: South Amboy
&gt; Country: n/a
&gt; State: New Jersey
&gt; Copyright holder you represent (if other than yourself):
&gt; Offending URLs:
&gt; Original materials:
&gt; I believe that's what I just did above...
&gt; The poem appears in my book btw...LOC: 1-813775133
&gt; Copyright holder:
&gt; Description of original materials:
&gt; It is my poem "We Started As Friends" with the title changed...everything else he kept the same, as you can is a link to my poem on a poetry site, you can see it was added by me months before he posted it...
&gt; The poem appears in my book btw...LOC: 1-813775133
&gt; Third party links:
&gt; n/a
&gt; Signature (legally binding): Alan W. Jankowski
&gt; Signed on this date: 2014-07-13 19:30:42

Hi there,

Your DMCA Notice has been received and reviewed for completeness.

In accordance with the requirements set forth by the DMCA, we have disabled access to the allegedly infringing material. Please note that we have notified the user who uploaded the material to provide them an opportunity to formally challenge this removal. We will notify you immediately If the user submits a counter-notice.

Thank you,

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Alpha Blonde
I get plagiarized often, and have filled out dozens and dozens of DMCAs over the years. I've literally lost count. I have also gone after plagiarists directly and make no apologies for it.

In this case, if you haven't already filed a formal DMCA with GoodReads, I would strongly suggest it, as it will possibly lead to the termination of the entire catalog of stories this person has published if they are a repeat infringer (which it seems they are). I've posted details about GoodReads DMCA procedure below, as well as for Google and Amazon (the ones I use most often).

Smashwords, iTunes, and assorted bookstores and story sites all have their individual takedown notice processes and will vary with time-to-respond as well as procedure. Some will take things down instantly once you offer proof (eg. Amazon, Google), others will contact the plagiarist to get their response, so this can drag things out a bit. Just be persistent.

The thing about plagiarists is that they tend to steal from multiple sources and once you're known around the writing community, people/fans and those you've networked with, will contact you and let you know when they see this happening and even fight the fight on your behalf. I am always grateful for that kind of support and regularly do the same for other writers when I see this happening as well.



Google has a drop-down menu style form for their DMCA. This covers Blogger/Blogspot as well. Follow the instructions carefully - if a longer story appears on multiple pages, you will need to fill out of those for 'page one, page two, page three' and so on, even though it's the same story. Turnaround time varies but expect it to take 2-8 weeks. I was dealing with a few take-downs two months ago that averaged around the 8 week timeframe. They do work though - I've never had one go ignored - so just fill out properly and be patient.

DMCA Form for Google


Amazon DMCAs - these get handled much more quickly - usually within 24 hrs, the book is pulled and you will be notified.

Reporting Copyright Infringement
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If you believe your work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, provide's copyright agent the following written information:

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DMCA Notice

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Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Here's another "author" selling plagiarized work on Amazon and other places... - LaRedeaux

My poem "Going Down Slow" which is here on this fine site, is in this book on pages 90 and 91...

One Man's Desire Paperback – March 8, 2013

I sent a note to came up in a search I did earlier for that's the link where it showed up is titled "Honey's Kiss" in this book...

Honey's Kiss

Chances are if they plagiarize one thing, there's probably tons we all know by now...

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Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Scarlet Seductress
Quote by DirtyMartini
Here's another "author" selling plagiarized work on Amazon and other places... - LaRedeaux

My poem "Going Down Slow" which is here on this fine site, is in this book on pages 90 and 91...

One Man's Desire Paperback – March 8, 2013

I sent a note to came up in a search I did earlier for that's the link where it showed up is titled "Honey's Kiss" in this book...

Honey's Kiss

Chances are if they plagiarize one thing, there's probably tons we all know by now...

I commented on her Facebook post with a link to your Lushstories poem asking her to explain the date discrepancy, she couldn't and has now deleted the whole thing from her timeline.

Read into that what you will.
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Quote by Liz

I commented on her Facebook post with a link to your Lushstories poem asking her to explain the date discrepancy, she couldn't and has now deleted the whole thing from her timeline.

Read into that what you will.

Yeah, pretty obvious...she deleted my comments from her page as well, and then blocked me...she got a bit upset about me posting in all the erotic groups over on Facebook about what a thieving pig she is...she sent me a message over on FB about's the message, I had to do four screen shots...and yeah, first she claims that she wrote it in '09, and then the poem goes back to 2012...she also implied something on her own FB page that it was about performing sex on a man, which it clearly is not, unless she failed anatomy...don't know if you caught that bit...

But's the PM's we had going on over on could tell I was a little annoyed...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Her Royal Spriteness
You need to watch your language, Alan. I, personally, am a little shocked at what you said that that thieving little skanky cunt.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Scarlet Seductress
Quote by DirtyMartini

Yeah, pretty obvious...she deleted my comments from her page as well, and then blocked me...she got a bit upset about me posting in all the erotic groups over on Facebook about what a thieving pig she is...she sent me a message over on FB about's the message, I had to do four screen shots...and yeah, first she claims that she wrote it in '09, and then the poem goes back to 2012...she also implied something on her own FB page that it was about performing sex on a man, which it clearly is not, unless she failed anatomy...don't know if you caught that bit...

But's the PM's we had going on over on could tell I was a little annoyed...

Fancy some more ammo, Alan?

Check out the first poem in the preview of this book of hers:
Published: 21 Jul 2014

It is copied from a 2009 publication by this chap on Smashwords:

For You
Poems of Faith, Hope and Love
Steven Clark

Smashwords Edition
Copyright 2009 by Steven Clark.
And That Guy Media, LLC.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in review.

That Guy Media, LLC
26 Nottingham Drive
Cartersville, GA 30121

The Poet

I paint a picture with words
I write a novel on truths
I am the story of an old man dying
Still searching for his youth
I can make you believe in love
I create worlds I’ll never know
And when the pen falls down and the candles dim
I’m the man at the desk who’s alone

Reality, I leave behind
My voice is spoken but unheard
I am the product of all my work
My life is but a blur
I am the man with wealth and fame
I am the man out on the street
I am everything in between
Until society tramples her feet
I can make you believe in life
I create people I’ll never know
And when the pen falls down and the lights go dim
I’m the man at the desk who’s alone
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Quote by trinket

If there is a filthier word than "cunt", she is it. Do you think she now knows she's a cunt, Alan?

Lol...yeah, I was not a happy camper at the moment there, as you may imagine...

And are the best...I just sent a quick note off to Steven...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
It is so sad that some people must feel that they have nothing original to offer so they have to take on other people's stuff to make themselves look good or to get some sort of identity. What are they thinking? They want to be something or someone they aren't? Or, is it just a money grab? I understand that there are bad people out there. I also understand there are people that will use whatever or whomever they can to get what they want. I can see using someone else's idea as a catalyst for something to create, whether it be a song, a product, a story, or whatever. But just to basically copy and paste someone else's creativity and call it your own? I don't get it.
Scarlet Seductress
Quote by DirtyMartini
And are the best...I just sent a quick note off to Steven...

From the same book:

This seems to be the original from a month earlier:

Than and Now

I used to look in the mirror and hate what I would see,
But now I find beauty in who is looking back at me.
I thought I was worthless and could never become anything,
I have come to see I am worth something and will become many things.
I used to sit in darkness as the voices in my head would scream,
Now It is filled with tunes of happy melodies.
I thought if I died it would stop the pain I felt,
I have come to see life gets better and I will be happy.
I want to spread my new found light with those in need.
I want to inspire others to become what they want to be.
I want to lead those who are struggling out of the dark.
I want to be everything I am made to be.

And then there's this one:

Which is by a poet named Andrea Hill from 1999:
Scarlet Seductress
It just keeps getting better...

Has she ever written anything herself, or is her entire back catalogue stolen?
Published: October 27, 2013


The original appears to be 'The Midnight Man' by Kevin Salto:
Published: July 06, 2013

The Midnight Man
By Kevin Saito

Copyright 2013 Kevin Saito
All Rights Reserved
Cover Photo by MorgueFile
Cover Design by Kevin Saito
Smashwords Edition July 2013

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, trademarked products, events, and locations are fictitious or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual events or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.
Smashwords Edition License Notes

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.
If you'd like to read more from this author, check out his website or follow him on Facebook.

- - - - -

“You’re late,” she called to him.

Milo closed the door behind him, careful to keep it from slamming. Outside, it was dark, cold and beginning to sprinkle. Thunder rumbled in the distance but sounded like it was growing closer by the minute. He figured that the storm wouldn’t be long in coming. Milo shook the sprinkles off his coat and stepped into the large common area of the abandoned dormitory finding his friends already in their usual spots.

“Dude, we live in the same dorm, how did I beat you here by fifteen minutes?” Called Lance. “You need to rub one out first or something?”

“Sorry guys,” Milo said. “Had to finish a couple of things and then had to wait for Reagins to clear our floor.”

“I think Lance is right, our little Milo had to take care of a little… business first,” Kyle said, pantomiming masturbation.

It brought a couple of laughs but most everybody rolled their eyes. Kyle wasn’t nearly as funny as he thought he was. Milo took a seat on the tattered old couch next to Jordan Aimes, his girlfriend for the last six months. Across from him on an equally worn couch sat Lance and his girlfriend Kacey. In battered but functional wingback chairs to his right were Kyle and Stephanie who were most definitely not together and to the left in a matching set of old chairs were Gabriel and Ruby who couldn’t decide whether they were together or not most of the time. Given that they were holding hands, it appeared that they currently were. A lantern sat atop a nicked and scarred coffee table in the center, casting them all in a strange orange flickering light but leaving everything beyond their circle cloaked in deep pools of shadow. Being in the old abandoned dorm gave Milo the creeps but not wanting to endure the endless ribbing from the guys about it, refrained from ever saying anything.
Her Royal Spriteness
we call her the Lizzynator. smile Hasta la vista, baby.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Quote by Liz
It just keeps getting better...

Has she ever written anything herself, or is her entire back catalogue stolen?

Yeah, we all know by now from past experience, generally if someone is low enough to steal one thing, chances are it's not the only item they stole...

No reputable writer is going to risk ruining their reputation by plagiarizing even one piece, if they are capable of writing yeah, there's a good chance her entire catalogue is stolen...and she's got a number of books listed on Amazon and elsewhere...

She's also rather active on Twitter and the like...note her badmouthing me over on Twitter for outing her...

Twitter - LaRedeaux

Apparently she's not happy with anyone trying to derail her little gravy train...and feel free to respond to her tweet btw...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Her Royal Spriteness
For the record, I've never tweeted before in my life, but this seemed like the right time to start, seeing as it's in support of my favorite author of historical satirical recipes.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Alright...we did get one book removed so far from Amazon...if you click on "Resurrecting Eve" here, you will see that it is gone...note the reviews this reader left btw...

Profile For A Writer: Reviews

Now here's something interesting that someone just posted over in a Facebook about "it just keeps getting better"...I mean, how low can you go?

If you look at her bio on her website...ironically titled "In Her Own Words" reads...

I write stories to entertain and offer a temporary escape into another life. I create interesting characters who may linger with the reader long after they have finished the story. Some stories examine lives, motivations, hopes and fears and the courage to change. I write about the everyday stuff, but with a fictional twist.

Midnight Publications - About Me

Now...go to this blog by Joanne Phillips...go down to where it says "Author Mission Statements" and read the shaded area...Joanne's mission statement...

Joanne Phillips

Sound familiar? She can't even write her own bio...what a sad, sad, piece of crap...really...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Alpha Blonde
Totally outrageous, Alan. I just got caught up on FB - let me know if there's anything I can do.

I've had my bio plagiarized in conjunction with stories before as well. Amazon is good at pulling books once offered proof by the author/copyright owner. Unfortunately I've found that pulling bios on various websites isn't as straight forward or seen as critically. One time I just rewrote my own because I couldn't be bothered fighting it and wasn't particularly attached to the verbiage anyway.

With this particular plagiarist - I literally couldn't believe what I was reading when I learned she had conducted an interview, discussing how she was inspired to 'write' a book that she had actually stolen from another author. Balls.
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Quote by Dancing_Doll

With this particular plagiarist - I literally couldn't believe what I was reading when I learned she had conducted an interview, discussing how she was inspired to 'write' a book that she had actually stolen from another author. Balls.

Yeah, I actually listened to her radio interviews the other day, it's almost comical in a way, have to look at the humor in this whole thing...this situation is different from previous plagiarisms, in that myself and the plagiarist had nine Facebook friends in common...

Think about the stupidity of that alone for a minute...didn't she think that maybe one of those friends might recognize my work? It's not like I've never shared my stuff around on the net, FB groups and the like...

Anyway, yeah, turns out some of my friends, and friends of friends knew her, worked with her, interviewed her...that sort of thing...and most important, trusted, this whole thing has had a significant impact in some circles...

Yeah...there's a radio show happening tomorrow night, inspired by this mess...possibly part of a series, and hosted by my friend and fellow author Kim Morrow...

BRPP Presents: PLAGIARISM!!! Words Are Meant for Sharing Not Stealing

Feel free to call's a two hour show, so there should be plenty of time for callers...and yeah, I'm sure I'll call in and say something as well...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
That radio show got postponed until tomorrow, Tuesday, for anyone not this earlier from Amazon, as well as similar notices from Goodreads and the, big progress...forwarding the information about the removal of her books to the company that hosts her website, Midnight Publications...would love to get that taken down as well...her Amazon page looks a bit abandoned these days btw...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
The Linebacker
It was just reported to me that one of my stories has been plagiarized on another site, that belongs to XNXX. Someone called onejobee stole my story, A Frat House Party Turns To Gangbangs, which I published here 14 April, 2011.

Mt story is copyrighted. Here is the link:

At, posted earlier today:

I have reported this to them.
Alpha Blonde
Quote by DirtyMartini
Here's the most recent I found...someone just made me aware of it...haven't searched for all the Lush Publishing titles, but I did find this...

Hard Candy (2013) by Ashleigh Lake

Thanks again, Alan.

I reported this and hope it'll get taken down. Likely I'll have to stay on top of it. I have this eBook up on Amazon as a freebie (for more exposure) and these people are charging $1.50 for it and pocketing the whole thing. smh
Testing The Waters.
As far as searching the web, you can use Google. Take an early, reasonably unique line from your story that doesn't involve character names or specific locations ( as these are changed by some thieves ) and surround the whole line in quotes so Google is searching for those words in that specific order.

Be very careful of any unknown sites that appear. Many of these are havens for malware. Don't go unless you have solid malware protection, and it's best to have ad-block + no-script as well. A lot of malware is being delivered via trojan-horse advertisements these days, and all you have to do on some of those is visit the page where the ad resides, if you allow it to load.

Finding something that's been stolen and posted to Amazon is a completely different beast. There's no real way to search, because Amazon is already doing its best to hide erotica from search results. Google doesn't have access to the "Look Inside" text.
Quote by RejectReality
As far as searching the web, you can use Google. Take an early, reasonably unique line from your story that doesn't involve character names or specific locations ( as these are changed by some thieves ) and surround the whole line in quotes so Google is searching for those words in that specific order.

OMFG...I want to strangle someone! Or multiple people! I took one line from one of my earlier stories ("Falling") and fuck if Google didn't come up with SEVEN fucking sites with the story on them...some didn't even bother to change the names of the I have to decide if I want to check all my other stories, or just take a deep breath and possibly a sedative and call it good.
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