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Our perception on Lush - how we are perceived here ?

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Active Ink Slinger
I think its interesting to know how we are perceived here at Lush as compared to our real lives.

In real life, I'm very disciplined, demanding and confident... that's requirement of my job also... Other than that I'm very friendly, extrovert, trustworthy and outgoing type of girl. Whereas, here at Lush I think I'm perceived as quiet, introvert and a high profile sex maniac lol... Well that's what I've felt.

So how about you? Tell about yourself, your Lush friends and I think this would make mutual interaction easier here smile
I like the way you make me feel even when I'm nowhere near...
All you need to know is I am a handsome bastard, a brilliantly imaginative lover, wealthy and am seeking world domination. And I like cats.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by apptobebad
And he has a sense of humour

ouch! *high fives you*

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Her Royal Spriteness
answering honestly, before this gets too off track, what you see on lush, is pretty much me IRL, with the exception that i tend to be a little on the shy side at times.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite
answering honestly, before this gets too off track, what you see on lush, is pretty much me IRL, with the exception that i tend to be a little on the shy side at times.

Shy??? and this from one that would pee on a jellyfish sting???

Oh say it isn't true
Resurrection the Beginning...My first story...Please feel free to have a look

Resurrection the Resurgence...Second in the series...

Resurrection the Redemption...Third in the series...
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Fletch64

Shy??? and this from one that would pee on a jellyfish sting???

Oh say it isn't true

yeah, but i'd be blushing the entire time.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by sprite
answering honestly, before this gets too off track, what you see on lush, is pretty much me IRL, with the exception that i tend to be a little on the shy side at times.

Is that your LUSH side or your IRL side?? Makes a difference in how you are perceived you know.

Me...?? I'm just an over-sexed septuagenarian who is dangerous for all the ladies to be around who want to maintain proper decorum and modesty. ... Really ... that IS me.TeYHlinntNip0JyK
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Smoocher

Is that your LUSH side or your IRL side?? Makes a difference in how you are perceived you know.

Me...?? I'm just an over-sexed septuagenarian who is dangerous for all the ladies to be around who want to maintain proper decorum and modesty. ... Really ... that IS me.rxZ9G7wdwU7DUGAP

my irl side... here, i can hide that side of me a lot easier.

and yeah, we're all about maintaining proper decorum and modesty here at lush.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Active Ink Slinger
How am I perceived? That's up to others to judge, but I'm pretty much myself here. Perhaps a little less shy towards the ladies than I am IRL.
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

In many countries being gay is a crime, and even in modern societies, politicians try to legalise discrimination. Your voice can make a difference. Have a look at All Out to find out how.

Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
I may be a little cheekier here than IRL, but it a place to let my hair down and have fun with friends. Otherwise, I am me.
You should first read this Looky Here!!

and then this Free stuff

then say 'Hi'
Rainbow Warrior
I think there may be a wide disparity of how I'm perceived here on Lush. But I'm pretty much the same irl as I am here.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by prettywild
I am here as I am in real life.... pure , sweet and incredibly innocent

i just choked on my drink. gee, thanks.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by BethanyFrasier
I think there may be a wide disparity of how I'm perceived here on Lush. But I'm pretty much the same irl as I am here.

So a strong, sexy, confident woman with a rather high sex drive? At least that's the perception I have.3rObql2TIpSbnksf

You know, I'm not even sure how I'm perceived here so it's hard to compare. I try to be a bit sexier and wittier than IRL, playing up parts of myself that maybe aren't as prominent day to day. Not sure if that how it comes across, though.
Active Ink Slinger
I am pretty much a WYSIWYG kinda guy... no different IRL than I am here. I haven't the time, talent, or energy to be another personna! Now how people PERCIEVE me...well that's up to them!
Bonnet Flaunter
Quote by LYFBUZ
All you need to know is I am a handsome bastard, a brilliantly imaginative lover, wealthy and am seeking world domination. And I like cats.

And Canadian. Don't forget that!

Blame Sprite! *runs off giggling*
I would imagine that many think of me as dark, due to some of my writings. Actually, I consider myself as a "straight up" male with a fantastic personality. I write only to entertain myself, hoping some of it rubs off on the readers. My life is full and my better half knows I enjoy writing. A few of my poems have been in some local mags which I am proud of. Also, I have mention before, that I most enjoy collaborations. Not being gifted, I do think that Lush has made me a better writer. I owe that to the mods, that have pushed me to improve. All that being said, most of the writer's on Lush who chat with me, know of my integrity.
LUSH has been amazingly therapeutic for me. I have social anxiety and a difficult time making friends IRL. It's like I put on my profile. LUSH is the one thing I never knew I always needed. When things are going badly for me, I know I can always turn to someone (usually Sprite. Thanks for always being there, it's why we all love you.wtyx1kDnbsCHlvKq )
I have shared things here that I would not share with others. Nicola really has created something very special.

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

Quote by curvygalore

And Canadian. Don't forget that!

Blame Sprite! *runs off giggling*

I can't believe you would try to blame sweet, innocent Sprite for your shenanigans. I'm horrified.

I always thought I was perceived as a Viking, having Norse blood in my veins after all.
The Linebacker
Quote by Adagio
I would imagine that many think of me as dark, due to some of my writings. Actually, I consider myself as a "straight up" male with a fantastic personality. I write only to entertain myself, hoping some of it rubs off on the readers. My life is full and my better half knows I enjoy writing. A few of my poems have been in some local mags which I am proud of. Also, I have mention before, that I most enjoy collaborations. Not being gifted, I do think that Lush has made me a better writer. I owe that to the mods, that have pushed me to improve. All that being said, most of the writer's on Lush who chat with me, know of my integrity.

Al, I've always pictured you in your bookstore dressed a lot like Colonel Sanders, writing your poems on paper before turning to your computer keyboard. Also, that you have a foul-mouthed talking parrot in your store and you and the parrot often get in arguments over the parrot's use of bad words of which you don't approve. And that you have lunch everyday at the same southern soul food diner, that offers great collard greens and fried green tomatoes (now I'm making myself hungry). And more, that you have a secret vault in your store full of rare and very expensive books, possibly having a manuscript with the truth behind the Knights Templar and where their treasure is hidden.

Am I close?
The Linebacker
I really don't know how I am perceived ever since the pictures of me were removed from all the US Post Offices after I entered the federal government witness protection program.

Quote by Buz

Al, I've always pictured you in your bookstore dressed a lot like Colonel Sanders, writing your poems on paper before turning to your computer keyboard. Also, that you have a foul-mouthed talking parrot in your store and you and the parrot often get in arguments over the parrot's use of bad words of which you don't approve. And that you have lunch everyday at the same southern soul food diner, that offers great collard greens and fried green tomatoes (now I'm making myself hungry). And more, that you have a secret vault in your store full of rare and very expensive books, possibly having a manuscript with the truth behind the Knights Templar and where their treasure is hidden.

Am I close?

Not far off. I live in a small town outside Savanah. Mostly swampy land, but have a loyal cliental. Recently adding a small attached shop to it. I'm no Colonel Sanders, but I often wear khaki britches and wear oxford clothes shirts. A carry over from my university days. I'm always watching for books that have "a little worth." I have a few a few 1st editions that I am holding on to. There is nothing I like better than southern cuisine, especially if fried. Okra, egg plant, green tomatoes, frog legs, catfish and hush-up puppies.
Active Ink Slinger
Well, I believe I am pretty much the same in RL as I am here. Except I am a little shy face to face at first.

There are times she is kneeling out of obedience, reverence and respect. Those are the times it is okay to stand above her. But when she is kneeling because the weight of the world is just too heavy to bear … that is when You should be kneeling beside her.

Daddy has a lovely family - Daddy’s Little Family …

He is behind the curtain - Someone’s Watching ...

Some childhood memories return - Memories of Daddy …

Just a ride in the country - Afternoon Distraction …

She waits to keep a promise - Promises …
Wild at Heart
Quote by BethanyFrasier
I think there may be a wide disparity of how I'm perceived here on Lush. But I'm pretty much the same irl as I am here.

Dude... Like a mad scientist sewed your head on another person's body in real life? Like a freakin' frankenstein? That's wild.
Normal Adjacent
I imagine that I am perceived differently by different people. I can't know how I am perceived unless someone else tells me. I can say that I try to be myself here and maybe more of myself since there are things I can share here that I might not in real life.
Active Ink Slinger
The people who know me well would know that I am exactly the same here as I am in real life. However, I think some of my family, close work friends, and other professional acquaintances would pass the fuck out if they even knew I was on Lush. I try to hide the naughty side, but that doesn't always work...
Snake Charmera
I do not know how I am perceived here but I try to be as real as possible. I'm a sweet person who tries to see the good in everyone. I am more open here than irl. I feel closer to people here than I do most people irl I know if I'm having a bad day I can find a friend to talk to.

My Anti-Valentine Entry 💔

My first EP and a top ten from the Pride Competition

Hanging in the background but around

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Gillianleeeza
I imagine that I am perceived differently by different people. I can't know how I am perceived unless someone else tells me. I can say that I try to be myself here and maybe more of myself since there are things I can share here that I might not in real life.

From what Ive seen, you are a pretty smart and level headed woman...and you ty to be realistic in life. These are qualities I admire and I'm proud to call you "friend".

Also ... the name Doodle Bug reminds me of a girl I dated some in HS ... she was Doodles. Sweet gal!!