I typically all my life keep things bottled up.
Yesterday spoke my piece and now I am the bad guy.
So guess I go back to keeping things in. And get in trouble for doing that too.
Opening up for the first time can shock people and make you seem like that bad guy type but if it made you feel better than who cares what others think. Its whats best for you and your family right? And if you opened up to a family or friend then they need to accept that you are changing and opening up now instead of being the closed fist type. Because if you keep things bottled up for too long you might go and hurt others or more importantly hurt yourself. I know and understand cause I was the quiet one for so long as well. If you ever need a friend to lend you a ear feel free to message me back.
don't keep things bottle up it will eat away at you. say whats on your mind and who gives a fuck what the other people think.
dont worry about them be yourself and if you feel you need to speak up. do so.
My opinions are usually not welcome, nor popular, so it's usually best to keep things to yourself. I like to be direct, but have found it usually just gets me into trouble.
I don't bother with the whole bottling things up. i am completely straightforward with everything i say. sometimes at the wrong time, but since i have been doing it for years, it's expected. It just depends on the context, and often that first unexpected outburst that gets you perceived negatively
Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado
As many have said, it's not in your best interest to keep things bottled up. And, as CK has mentioned, it depends on the situation, who's involved, and whether there is benefit to saying your mind/what your heart says.
In my life, I am one of those that writes things down. I'll stew over something if it's important to me or my loved ones. Sometimes, my opinion isn't popular, and as we all know, words can be like knives ... so I try to ensure my comments are not directly hurtful.
I have also found, as I "mature" (don't laugh, I am!) there are things that you really don't need to sweat over, things that will annoy you, and things that you do need to speak up about. The trick is learning what is which of those.
Good luck!
Hey countrygirl58, you're not the 'bad guy' just because someone else thinks you are, because others think you are not. I always had sort of the opposite problem of keeping things bottled up, I just blabbed. It has helped me to find other outlets: write it down, tell a trusted friend; go in the bathroom and throw water on my face., but there are times we can't do those things. In those times trust yourself. Of course you will be concerned about what others think, no one likes to have their thoughts rejected, but sometimes it is worth the risk to state yourself. Remember, you are important, just as much as anyone else, and so are your ideas.
If you ignore beauty, you will soon find yourself without it.................Frank Lloyd Wright
I always practice obedience, when it's in my best interest.
There are times for both 58. Sometimes you just have to get things off your chest and just say fuck the consequences...
i speak my mind...i get in trouble a lot ;) but i am learning to "know my audience" and temper my delivery. i have discovered that people cant hear you very well after you've smashed them in the face with a baseball bat. metaphorically speaking of course ;)
littlemissbitch ~ professional face ripper offer, at your service..
Some people are so narcissistic that they speak their mind or say what they think regardless of other people's feelings. Sometimes these know it all blabber mouth's just have no respect or regard for other people and think so highly of themselves that they cannot temper their mouth. Unfortunately for them, what they think is an intelligent statement usually just shows their ignorance.
As has been said several times, there is a time and place for speaking your mind and keeping your mouth shut. I have found out to my cost both. But at the end of the day, if you're not happy, tell someone and do something about it. I for one would definately just keep speaking my mind. it makes life more interesting.
Have to know when is acceptable and when it's not. It's all about knowing your place. At work, if you aren't the boss, keep it shut. On the street, probably not the best. But there are times you are fully able, so go for it. It's good to vent.
I often just don't say anything either, but the older I get, the more I feel the need to speak up sometimes. I typically only do it when not speaking up affects me personally, like someone persistently asking me about my personal business. Or if what someone is saying or doing hurts someone else. then I will speak up. but never just to hurt someone.
i have to tell aloud tto the world about my feelings,good or bad,i always like the consequences rather than keeping my feelings to myself
There is a time for both i think. Sometimes its best to sit back and keep your mouth shut. And then there are times you should speak your mind. The real test is knowing when to each. Because so many people get them mixed up and disaster happens!
There is a time for both i think. Sometimes its best to sit back and keep your mouth shut. And then there are times you should speak your mind. The real test is knowing when to each. Because so many people get them mixed up and disaster happens!
I guess it all Depends on things I guess for me. If I trust someone than I might open to them, but I have a terrible habbit of keeping stuff to myself, and letting things bottle up, till I explode.
depends on what's being said
I base it on the situation, but quite often my thoughts are a bit too honest to be spoken out loud.
"We speak when we cease to be at peace with our thoughts. And in talking, thinking is half murdered. For thought is a bird of space, that in a cage of words, may indeed unfold its wings, but cannot fly" Kahlil Gibran. Gibran aside, I'd suggest our need to put our foot forward, if only verbally, is a need that is based on insecurity. We don't need to prove ourselves to others. We just think we do.
"We speak when we cease to be at peace with our thoughts. And in talking, thinking is half murdered. For thought is a bird of space, that in a cage of words, may indeed unfold its wings, but cannot fly" Kahlil Gibran. Gibran aside, I'd suggest our need to put our foot forward, if only verbally, is a need that is based on insecurity. We don't need to prove ourselves to others. We just think we do.