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Keeping Your Mouth Shut or Speaking what is on your mind.

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Active Ink Slinger
Bottles are for Ketchup (Catsup?) Speak your mind softly and firmly. It will still be heard and often much more clearly than shouting.
Rookie Scribe
So, Country girl,

What did you say and who did you say it to....what happened?

"Inquiring minds like ours need to know!"

"I understand that 'Shit happens'! I don't under stand why I have to be under it when it does!!!"
Active Ink Slinger
There's times when I need to speak my mind and sometimes when I need to shut up. lol. fun times(:
I have a habit of saying what's on my mind but that's due to a lack of tact more than anything.
I think for a lot of reasons, it's best just to let things slide and keep quiet for a hassle free life but if someone pisses me off they simply must know there and then.
If I don't say how I feel and bottle it up I tend to become angry and short with others which is not fair.

As I said though, I have a habit of opening my mouth before the brain has a chance to filter stuff so my thoughts tend to come tumbling out.
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
I'm definitely a speak my mind kinda girl. However, there's a way to go about it. I usually try not to speak out of anger, because although I say everything I wanna say, it usually comes out wrong. So I do think before I speak/type my mind, that way I say exactly what I want to say the way it's meant to be said.

And there's a difference between speaking your mind and being a complete idiot. To quote a buddy I grew up with named Plato, "A wise man speaks because he has something to say; a fool because he has to say something."

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

I keep my mouth shut..if too much gets built up in me i go outside and scream my head off...
Active Ink Slinger
I speak my mind and if the person concerned doesn't like what I have to say then so be it, I'm not going to change and if that certain person can't accept that well then just to bad
I'm not a huge 'talker' to begin with. Life is situational...there is a time and a place for everything. I tend pick my battles, yet sometimes it is not worth it to say anything. Thank goodness that we are all entitled to our opinions;however, I don't always feel the need to express them. If I am passionate about something, I will speak up, but some people talk way too much and always have something to say about everything.
Wild at Heart
Quote by countrygirl58
I typically all my life keep things bottled up.
Yesterday spoke my piece and now I am the bad guy.
So guess I go back to keeping things in. And get in trouble for doing that too.

It's not about keeping things bottled up or speaking your mind. It's about knowing when to shut up or speak up. The same idea can be stupid on monday but genius on tuesday, depending on when and where you said it and to who.
Active Ink Slinger
Im very blunt, I dont say things to hurt people intentionally but If I think it needs to be said, Ill say it.
For me, I normally keep my mouth shut for a while. But like I have learned in life the only person you are hurting is yourself by keeping those things a secret. But at the same time when it comes to my relationship with my hubby, I speak my mind. smile There are times where we need to correct someone in love, that is what I try to do. :)
Active Ink Slinger
"Better to keep your mouth shut and appear a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt"

I think keeping your own counsel on certain matters is an admirable quality. When it comes to delivering good and bad news though, I'm with Machiavelli: he always advised drip-feeding good news over time but when you have to deliver bad news, you do it in one big hit.
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Never keep your mouth shut. Death will take care of that for you.
Always look a person in the eyes and speak your mind. And hope others do the same .
Active Ink Slinger
I've always opted more towards speaking my mind in a constructive and in round about ways of offending as opposed to doing it directly. The audience will be less willing to accept what is being told to them, but there are moments when you just have to say "Fuck it" and really lay it on someone. There is a time and place for everything, you have to be clairvoyant enough to decipher when that time and where that place is.
I believe in saying what I think with a number of caveats. It is important sometimes to ask yourself what good will come of this if you do speak up. Sometimes, none, so it is best to say nothing.

I think part of maturing is not having always to show how smart you are any more, or how much you know, so you can let things pass without comment. You have nothing to prove so, again, it is not necessary to say anything, especially if it may cause embarrassment to someone else (unless something important depends on them being right).

I have also come to realize that you learn more by being quiet, as people feel compelled to fill silence. Sometimes it is a good strategy.

Finally, in matters of principle, right and wrong, it is always necessary to speak up.
Speaking your mind can be very liberating! Just don't get shocked if you get a reaction! Some times it is better to think things.. speaking is silver..silence is gold... My advice chose your battles chose your moments to speak up... Follow your heart it will tell you what is worth saying and fighting for.
If it is important to me then I speak my mind, otherwise I shut up!
Cheeky Chick
I'm the type of person who says what's on her mind. I don't want drama or hell to deal with so I try to do it calmly. And privately. Some people like to make a bigger deal out of things and that's never cool. So I guess it all depends on what the issue is and how you go about it.
I think you've gotta pick your battles.
If it is about something important with somebody who is important to you...then okay. But sometimes it is better to just shut up and let it go. Someone who thinks that EVERYTHING they say, EVERY opinion they have is almighty and important needs to take a real good look at themselves in the mirror. Unfortunately, there are those who that person in the mirror is God and everything they think or say is almighty and important.
Another way to look at it is...give it the five year test. In five years is it gonna matter what I say. Maybe in five years gonna be missing that person because of what I said.BgMi4aEjm8dsYFh0
I speak my mind and rarely regret it.
I definitely speak my mind. Most people think I'm obnoxious but if they don't like my opinion then they shouldn't ask. If you want me to be honest with you then I'll give you my opinion if not then they can Shut the Fuck Up!!!!!!
Detention Seeker
I speak my mind when necessary I might be submissive but will always be entitled to an opinion.
Active Ink Slinger
Unless you have a cock in your mouth or busy licking pussy, you should always speak your mind!
Active Ink Slinger
Sometimes it's just better to keep your thoughts to yourself. A favorite quote from Robert Heinlein, 'Never try to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and it annoys the pig.' If the person has an open mind and is willing to hear another opinion, speak up. If they've got a stone for a brain, save your breath.
The Linebacker
Its best to have some self control and civility. Use some common sense, speak when it is necessary or keep silent. People that just open their mouths and blurt out 'what they think' all their time are just rude self absorbed narcissistic brainless assholes.
Active Ink Slinger
For: Its best to have some self control and civility. Use some common sense, speak when it is necessary or keep silent. People that just open their mouths and blurt out 'what they think' all their time are just rude self absorbed narcissistic brainless assholes.

Yes...self control and civility. I recommend it...
I really try to keep my mouth shut but there are time when i have to speak your mind or things can get really out of control
Like Magical_felix said; "It's not about keeping things bottled up or speaking your mind. It's about knowing when to shut up or speak up." and I couldn't have said it better myself.