Depends how much it was; However, in no particualr order;
..Pay off all my parents debt (morgtage etc)
..Buy a property for me...and 3 more as investments.
..Work for an international charity ( I would love to travel)
I have enough to quit my job, but I enjoy what I do and as long as I am healthy and feel like I can continue to contribute, I will continue to work.
First thing to do is quit job, buy properties, invest here and there, travel around the world and enjoy good life
As I'm retired I'm playing golf and enjoying life. IF I were to win a lottery, I'd probably buy some land, build a nice self sufficient home and continue to play golf and enjoy life with a few more toys.
Travel and buy another home on an island somewhere tropical
Travel all over every where and visit friends
Train, show, and trial my dogs in conformation, herding, and obedience.
I wouldn't quit my job but I would certainly travel more often. I really want to make it to the US again this year.
"If it doesn't leave you breathless, sweaty and ready to fade, it's just not worth doing."
Write. But I do that anyway.
Write more, I guess.
Become the world's number one lap dancer.
be a DJ, be such a high class escort that not many can afford me
This is so apropos ... I was able to sell my business in Atlanta, which afforded me the means to purchase a new home in the Bay Area. Now I'm utilizing a large portion of those proceeds to attend law school, so I may have an opportunity to make an even better income. It's a vicious circle!!! But for me, I have the need to keep on striving for success. So I guess my answer would be that I wouldn't want to just quit. You have to have a purpose and keep readjusting your goals. Never quit!
Travel the world for half the year. Write music and design / build furniture the other half
Probably wouldn't quit my job, but I certainly would work a lot less.
Invest a significant portion of it. Buy a new home and car for certain family members, then take a leave of absence and plan a very extended vacation for myself and friends.
Open up my own Coffee House and invite all my friends over
I honestly can't see myself not teaching or discussing books. Sometimes it shocks me that I get paid for it. It is so natural to me and actually quite relaxing--to lose yourself in the words and thoughts of others, to constantly be learning.
But, I suppose I'd do what I do here on a broader scale. I would finally have the time.
Move over Warren Buffet, I'd own the next US President...
I am fortunate to own a bookshop. I couldn't ask for anything more.
Keep working. I can't imagine a life without a job--even if I knew that I had enough in liquid assets alone to stop working and maintain or improve my current lifestyle.
Want to spend some time wallowing in a Recommended Read? Pick one! Or two! Or seven!
Well my husband Chuck sold our corporation a few years ago and we are blessed to live comfortably the rest of our life. He's 54 and I'm 39.
I quit teaching. I get asked all the time what do I do with myself? My answer is simple... What ever I want, when ever I want. I will be writing about some of my adventures.
Become a photographer to take images that I like to take.
I used to be a pervert. In here, I'm normal!
Watch this space...She is really - cumming soon!
I would get a second job.
A small cabin in the woods, I can smell the rain and pines now
Did it in 1995 and again 3 years ago