Time travel is still like fiction... but a fantasy many of us would like to think about, and I think that time travel could become a reality...
So if you could travel through time, where would you go? Let lush know about the past which interest you or is it the future that intrigues your mind more?
I like the way you make me feel even when I'm nowhere near...
I’d like to go back to the last presidential election and change my vote for Trump. Now that I’ve seen the bang up job he is capable of I regret the way I voted.
I would like to go back ad see the dinosaurs, and in the future, I would like to flit around and see how well (if at all) the human race got on.
I used to be a pervert. In here, I'm normal!
Watch this space...She is really - cumming soon!
I would like to see the world in 50 years. I don't have high hopes for the future of the US these days. I'd like to see how it plays out.
As for the past, it'd be pretty cool to see the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs (assuming that's how they died). As long as I didn't die myself!
Lots of times and places, I suspect. One of my first stops would probably be ancient China and Korea, then a stop in on classical Greece and Egypt. To see how technologically and culturally advanced humans really were at that time.
Easy..Haight Ashbury San Francisco during the summer of love, where I was meant to be
oh wow..so many choices.
I'd like to go back and see why the dinosaurs died out. I'd also have to go forward into the future, around 400 years, and see how travel has evolved and what we have done to the place.
My mom says I belong in the 70's when I wouldn't be the only girl walking around braless!
Athens c. late 3rd century BCE. Meet Epicurus and some of the other Hellenistic philosophers I have been influenced by for some friendly chats (I'd have to bone up on my Greek first)
Jerusalem during the procuratorship of one Pontius Pilatus to answer the question of a certain religious founder's reality and what he really said and did once and for all. Especially the crucifixion and resurrection part.
Kushinagar, India c. 5th century BCE to meet the Buddha
London in the late 16th century to see the premieres of some of Shakespeare's plays and maybe even see him act himself.
And, as others have suggested, head back to the Jurassic or Cretaceous and see real, live dinosaurs (see avatar). I'd actually avoid the K-T Boundary event (i.e. the extinction). I'm more interested in seeing them alive and how that ecosystem really looked and functioned at its peak.
I would go as far as it let me. I think it is possible to someday travel through time and make changes to it. I think the government has been looking into this for years and may even be close to breaking the barrier.
This why Dr. Who is one of my all time favorite shows. The possibilities are endless. But scary at the same time.
Stephen Hawking says nuh-uh, no way can you go back in time, only forward. So I'll go just far enough to see Trump impeached, indicted, and convicted of treason, cuz i can't wait. :-)
I'd go back to last Thursday and change my ebay bid on that VHS version of Barney the Dinosaur's Greatest Hits.
If you really like time travel, read Ken Grimwood's Replayer
Hubbie and I both love time travel movies and the thought of time travel. I have had some dreams of traveling back in time. One of the most memorable was when I traveled to the time and planet inhabited with those fire breathing dragons. That dream felt very real when I woke up.
On long trips with Hubbie, this question usually comes up. Out of the blue Hubbie will say, "We are now in a time machine, where would you like to go?" In that scenario I would bounce all over the calendar and locations, but usually with in a few hundred years in the past or future.
For this question I would start way back in the past to just before the time that the earth was formed. How long was that first day? Twenty-four hours? I think not. A billion years? Probably a lot closer than the thenty-four hours. Then put the machine in fast forward with stops in time and locations for every major event. That way I could find out the truth about what caused the events. I do not believe the Grand Canyon was created just from the erosion by the Colorado River. Nor do I believe the dinosaurs are the only source, if at all, of the earth's oil reserves.
Would probably slow down some time around 1968 when I was ten. Reliving the fun times, skipping the bad times. Then travel until the earth is destroyed or becomes inhabitable for us humans, animals and plants. Then come back to to my 17th birthday and relive my late teens and adult life with all the knowledge I gathered while on my time travels. I wonder if all those DVDs I would make would fit into the time machine. I know I would be bringing back at least a pair of unicorns.
Always a great fantasy!! Sometimes, I think of just traveling back 30 yrs ... other times, back when this country became the USA ... always curious to know the truth about things in History
Well if we are just talking about fantasy travels... i guess i could go back just to make sure i am rich enough in this life and enjoy the world as is....
I would travel to the original Woodstock so I would have an excuse to be naked and covered in mud.
I’d go back to March 27th 1995 so I can break into the Academy Awards and scream a time them top of my lungs, “You all are fucking nuts if you think Forest Gump is a better movie than Pulp Fiction and Shawshank Redemption!”
Oskaloosa Surf City Ballroom, February the third 1959 and persuade Buddy Holly not to get on the plane.
It would have to be the future as we can't change the past by definition. It would have been nice to have met John and Abbigail Adams.
Thru time... So many choices. But not to my own life... Maybe... Tothe days Jesus walked amongst us
Time is like an arrow - it only travels forward. So going back in time is not and will not be possible. Otherwise, we would've met folks from the future. I'd go to 2525 to fact check Zager & Evans.