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I thought "Avatar" was silly and teenage, am I the only one?

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I only got around to watching it this evening, hype tends to put me off movies significantly.

It was an obvious Hollywood rehash of "Tenkû no shiro Rapyuta" (Castle in the Sky), a Japanese movie made in 1986.


Watch the original if you can find it.
Active Ink Slinger
I don't think you're the only one who thinks 3D is retarded and the story is ancient and predictable as time.
Not so sure about it being a rehash of "Castle in the sky" since I watched that Miyazaki movie several years ago. But obviously Miyazaki has more talent than Cameron could ever dream of. No matter how much 3D screaming "cinema" he throws at us.

I thought Avatar was simply more of the same brainless popcorn Hollywood entertainment. As such it delivered just that and I didn't get annoyed by all the silly shit in it.

Btw, I read that Miyazaki is going to make a sequel to one of his first movies ("Porco Rosso"). His first sequel ever. Wonder whether he's running out of creative juice or whether he will be able to deliver something unique again.
Insert typical super smart ass comment courtesy of thepainter here.
I've seen both but my favourite of Miyazaki is 'Howl's Moving Castle'. I did think avatar was hyped up more than it should have been. The greatest movie of all time, I don't think so.
I'm not impressed with 3D. Most of the time it gives me a headache. I hadn't heard of the Japanese version or that Cameron stole it. What a shame. I think Hollyweird has been stealing movies and movie ideas for quite awhile now in it's "remakes". The only thing I found interesting was that the creatures looked a lot like the human version of them. Of course I suppose that was all done with CGI. And as a side bar, I'm thinking CGI isn't always that good for movies anyway.
I've often called it "Bambi on steroids". I didn't like it.

I think the 3D is better suited for action flicks, IMHO.

Cameron has been sued before for stealing. He stole the Terminator idea from Harlan Ellison's story, "Soldier", and was sued successfully.

In Avatar, I saw the "floating islands" that Roger Dean created for Yes covers many years ago.

Active Ink Slinger
Interesting rocco, so perhaps Miyazaki "borrowed" the idea of the floating islands and changed it into a floating castle.

For the record I'm not against 3D nor against people borrowing/stealing ideas as long as the 3D is functional and used well, and the borrowed ideas are put to use in a grander scheme which shows some amount of creativity.

I find it amusing when Cameron shouts that "The hurt locker" would've been an even better movie had it been shot in 3D. Yet I can easily see how this would annoy others. Like how George Lucas' changes to the original "Star Wars" trilogy has annoyed me.

Either way, I congratulate Cameron on an excellent promotion campaign. He really did set the bar in shouting louder than everyone as well as in more places than anyone else. Plus, he just re-released "Avatar" with 9 minutes (!!!) of previously unseen footage. Plus, the Blueray and extended DVD version will include even MORE previously unseen footage.
The guy is a wonderful capitalist and must've memorized the entire "Wall Street" movie. Greed is good!


Insert typical super smart ass comment courtesy of thepainter here.
Constant Gardener
Film snobs

I got off on the 3D eye candy. I had never seen the japanese flick, but I wasn't expecting a deep impact type of movie, either.

I saw it on a huge IMAX screen and it was the first theatre movie I'd gone to since Gladiator and I was actually almost as impressed that the 350 or so people in the room with me, turned off their flipping cell phones and didn't do a lot of yakking.

It was what it was. I enjoyed his Abyss film and his Titanic. Didn't make me believe in waterbending aliens in 1990 or true romantic love in '97 either.

$14.50 later I was pissed about the cost of the flick, but hey...the 3D technology was (to me) pretty effing cool.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Active Ink Slinger
I saw the same animated show years ago. It was called Fern Gully. Then they did a remake and called it Pocahontas.
Avatar is a rehash of the white guilt fantasy. I'm sure we could list a number of similar movies.
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Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Jillicious
I saw the same animated show years ago. It was called Fern Gully. Then they did a remake and called it Pocahontas.
Avatar is a rehash of the white guilt fantasy. I'm sure we could list a number of similar movies.

Yeah, now I think about it, Jill is absolutely right. Nice effects though.
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Wild at Heart
Quote by Jillicious
I saw the same animated show years ago. It was called Fern Gully. Then they did a remake and called it Pocahontas.
Avatar is a rehash of the white guilt fantasy. I'm sure we could list a number of similar movies.

The Last Samurai, Dances with Wolves, Farewell to the king... I thought Grand Torino and Rambo 4 were movies that followed the white guilt formula too.

I thought Avatar was alright. It's a good family friendly movie but that's about it. The weaknesses in the story become more aparent on the second viewing when the novelty of the special effects and 3D wear off a bit.
Active Ink Slinger
I got nothing out of Avatar, just made some struggling actress famous.

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Divine Rapscallion
Quote by Jillicious
I saw the same animated show years ago. It was called Fern Gully.

That was my exact reaction when we finally got around to watching Avatar (not in 3D) a few weeks ago! Avatar wasn't as bad as Fern Gully, though. That one bored the bejeezus out of me; at least Avatar was visually appealing enough to hold my attention.

~ Rascal
Maggie R
Active Ink Slinger
I liked the movie a lot : )
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Active Ink Slinger
I liked Avatar - I guess I'm the one in the minority on here now! (LOL) I liked Avatar because I used it for what it was - an escape from an otherwise mindlessly numb afternoon. I wasn't expecting it to solve any of our problems for us, or teach us anything, or bring about world peace due to it's awesomeness... it's just a fucking movie. It allowed me to escape into it's reality for short while and forget my own troubles and pains. Very few movies capture my imagination the way Avatar did. Then I walked back out into the real world again.

Oh, and I thought the 3D effects were amazing. I've never seen 3D done in such a realistic way before. If you never saw it in 3D, you should use the rerelease to go see it.
Active Ink Slinger
I personally didn't really care for it much!
I can't watch things in 3D, because of an inability to bring the two images into focus; it's known as a problem of divergence.

Sounds political, right? lol Nope, it's ocular. I don't have a "leading eye", and cannot use binoculars either. I see two images all the time, and can't bring them together to form one. I shut one eye instead.

So I just didn't bother with Avatar, or any other 3D films.
Active Ink Slinger
I saw Avatar when it first came out. I was really disappointed by it. There was a big hype and it definitely didn't live up to my expectations. The story line is pretty predictable and has been done a hundred times before in both movies and books. I am into Sci fi/fantasy books and I can think of a few that have similar plot lines.

A few days ago I went to the see the special edition version. I really didn't see much difference then the original, but I was able to enjoy it more the second time round. I didn't expect anything of the plot. I really like the plants in it though. The trees are awesome to look at (I have a bit of a thing for trees).
Constant Gardener
Next up from James Cameron - Avatar II (but he's also producing this...)

Guillermo Del Toro's script of: At The Mountains of Madness. An adaption from HP Lovecraft's novella, of the same name.

Cameron, "It's going to be an epically scaled horror film, and we haven't seen anything like that in a really long time -- I guess since Aliens."

He went on to say that "The thing about Lovecraft is he left a lot to the imagination. He never told you what they looked like. He managed to create a sense of creeping horror without specifics."
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Active Ink Slinger
So now we know wmm is on Cameron's PR team.

Insert typical super smart ass comment courtesy of thepainter here.
Active Ink Slinger
I thought it was a juvenile tree huggers socialistic diatribe but I'm usually fairly cynical so might just be me LOL

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off!
Bunny12...I love your take it on it! Well said. Avatar employed a very generic method of storytelling clothed in brilliant color, A hip and contemporary Pocahontas is all it was.
Considering the trash and even trashier remakes coming out these days (clash of the titans for example).... I have to say I honestly loved Avatar.

Yes the story was somewhat Disneyfied and predictable...

But the 3d artwork was simply amazing. The colours were spectacular, the planet and trees were realistic, and the details on the Navi's face were done to perfection...

If it makes me a person who enjoys silly teenage brainless popcorn Hollywood entertainment... sobeit.

To me, Avatar was not a brilliant movie, but a brilliant masterpiece of art.
I have enjoyed better film's than this one ( Serephina French Movie) I'm not huge movie person. The reason I liked Avatar was the cartoon effect the drawings etc and the magical feeling I got from this. The magical tree etc was my fave part. I too couldn't care less for the story line either, like I said I liked the cartoon graphics, that's what I liked.
Artistic Tart
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by LadyX

What she said.
Quote by Jebru
Quote by LadyX

What she said.

What did she say...
Rookie Scribe
Having put off watching it, more because I thought the hype was way over the top, than because i wouldnt like the actual movie. My one regret is that I didnt watch it at the movies. Your right, the story was infantile and predictable. Nothing I hadnt heard before.
The effects though were good and that alone makes me wish I had saw it at the cinema
Lollipop Girl
I thought it was boring.
"Haters make me FAMOUS!!!"
