GTGC = Got To Get Coffee
And in case no-one is aware the so called "text-speak" actually goes back as far as 1888 and was used in Newspaper Advertising in that time period as all was handset and had to pay in some cases by the letter so a lot was abbreviated to make most from your advertising dollar.
FYI can mean For your information, but also means fuck you idiot!
I use some abbreviations/anacronyms, but usually only within the constraints of an IM box, when you can say a phrase in txtspk and not use up all of your letters...
Generally speaking thuogh, I find lazy txtspk INCREDIBLY annoying and it's enough for me to not want to talk to a person TBH lol
Thanks for the responses. A friend of mine who was unaware of textspeak was over the moon when a prosepective date put LOL in a text. She thought he meant 'lots of love' and was getting really excited about meeting him. Thought he had fallen for her. When they met up, however, he was a PITA (pain in the arse) and he never got in touch after their meeting.
when i comes to language im kind of a purist so for a long time i hated textspeak. but then i realized its just another dialect and sort of fun and challenging too! provided i can think of it as actually not english then im ok. lol.
I can't stand txtspeak and don't use it. I don't ever lol or roflmao. I am guilty of shortening some words when texting or IMing on Lush. "Tho" and "thru" are about as close as I get. I have created some acronyms with friends, tho! ;)
Amended: I do use "FFS" ALL the time!!
TTFN was one of Tigger's sayings in the disney winnie the pooh movies
I don't mind the standard ones and I do use OMW, BRB, LOL, and K pretty regularly and probably a couple of others. I think at this point everyone knows them, so it's just a form of shorthand. I often have to delete parts of what I'm saying in both SMS and online lush messages and replace words, because my message is too long. I only get irritated when I can't figure out what the hell people are saying.
When my cousin was in her mid teens she would even hand write text speak.
It annoyed the fuck out of me.
There is a really good example on "Not another teen movie" when Priscilla says.
"I need t-to-the-fourth-power-y"
Which means "Time to talk to you."
I cannot stand text speak. I can take the little things like lol, wtf omg but I have had to stop texting and delete friends because it takes way to much time and thought to figure out what they are saying. I feel like they have to spend hours figuring out how to make these weird words when it really is faster to just say it how it really is
wot u sa....hell yes i find it annoying but i guess i am just too old to keep up with the
Ok so i'm 19, sometimes I will textspeak when I am actually texting friends on my phone. But a lot of times I will write out everything because if not my one friend will beat me up, she likes proper texts. When I mess up, I'll apologize to her
SSMS - Stop sending me shite. In the case of the annoying friend who texts you the following
1) Any kind of religious jesus loves you bullshit
2) Chain mail messages e.g. forty million kids in China will die if you don't foward it on
3) Old jokes( yeah I got this one first in like 2005).Add in any tasteless ones involving dead celebrities too.
99% of the time, I can´t understand text speak. If you´re capable of writing actual english, then do so.
Text speak!! The person who brought it into the mainstream should be shot with a ball of their own shite. OK, if you must use it. do it where it was designed for.
As far as I am concerned, textspeak is on the same level - way down - as some of the ways that people accept for "modern" spelling of words!!!!!
Text speak is fine in its proper place. It saves time when jotting a quick note off to a friend. Ppl=People Tho=Though are just a couple of shortforms I'll use.
If I use LOL it usually means I've laughed or giggled at whatever was said. If something makes me really laugh I'll use LMAO.
But when I see "Wot" or "Dis" it drives me crazy. It takes one more letter to make it a proper word so I consider it pure laziness when I see it used.
I use to use acronyms alot when I worked as a bartender... I think my favorite one was FOCUS
We (me and my coworkers) used it as a passive aggressive way in dealing with the drunken idiots while still keeping our jobs, but able to have a good laugh about them.
So if you ever hear someone say FOCUS it means "F*ck Off Cause Ur Stupid"
Hey now! I only said for you to FOCUS twice! Third times the charm...
textspeak is OK if it is a text on my phone, but that's the only time I care to see it.
i must admit i use lol a lot but it is because i know most people knows what it means but it about the only textspeak word i use. i don't even use text on phone, if you want to talk on phone, let's talk, not type, unless it's an emergency and somewhere you can't actually talk.
I can excuse the OMGs and ROFLs etc but otherwise it makes my eyes ache..... xx SF
I must admit I do use LOL as a few times my comments have been taken as serious, so it is my way of covering my back and making sure that the person knows that I am joking, however, I don't like other forms of text speak.
IAHGTWAS - in a hurry got to write another story