Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet. *** ********************************CLICK THE BANNERS TO BUY THESE WILLY-STIFFENING BOOKS!********************************
Quote by FtLMale Angel, I can never top Shylass but allow me to wish you a Wonderfully Happy Birthday....
Only because I posted first! Look, I quoted you, and now you're topping me!
Happy Birthday, TheDevilsWeakness! WOOOOOO!
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet. *** ********************************CLICK THE BANNERS TO BUY THESE WILLY-STIFFENING BOOKS!********************************
I hope you have an amazing day, and are able to hook up with *coughs*. All the best to you darling, you are one of a kind! Hugs and kisses...... A very Happy Birthday to you!!!
The night that changed my life, a four part series of a married man lusting after his co-worker