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You know you're getting old when...

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When you're talking to a kid and they say 'Who was Aretha Franklin?'
'Ya know you are old when you're in the Loo and your nuts go surfing when ya flush.'
when you tuck your tits into your pants!
to meet women older than me I have to go to a nursing home
When you start calling early 20 something adults kids....felt like just yesterday I was that "kid"
When you notice 2 of these 3 rules start to apply:
1-never pass by a bathroom (loo) without a stop
2-never trust a fart
3-never waste an erection
Quote by Squire3
When you notice 2 of these 3 rules start to apply:
1-never pass by a bathroom (loo) without a stop
2-never trust a fart
3-never waste an erection

Damn...I'm 3 out of 3!
When you remember saying: "If it's too loud, you're TOO OLD!" ...and realize you've reached the point where it's too loud.
Quote by Beffer
When you remember saying: "If it's too loud, you're TOO OLD!" ...and realize you've reached the point where it's too loud.

Thanks a lot Beffer, now I'm 4 out of 4!
You can still get down on the floor with your army guys, but you can't get back up.
I know I'm getting old when.......sorry, what was the question. Did he have a kind face..... Is the war over yet?

Nurse, nurse, Verity has got out of bed again
Be nice to each other

I thought I'd scored with a cute girl on the tram who was talking to me in Czech. I smiled at her and said I didn't understand; then she said in English ''would you like my seat?''
When the nightstand drawer has Poligrip instead of KY jelly - and you use it for lube anyhow!!

When you don't cry about taking a mid day nap, but look forward to it

You no longer recognize people you graduated high school with

When young you cried when had to take a nap and when you were spanked, now you don’t.

When talking about back pains gives you back pain

When you think it is cold in Hawaii.

your old when you look out the window and see its been snowing, "shit! thats going to be murder to drive in"

your young when you look out the window and see its been snowing "Mom im going out to play"

When elevator music is what you listened to in high school..

When your first car is now considered historic.

When hair grows in places it never did before... sad

When you can’t read the question in Forum without your glasses.

When you are consistently concerned about where the next nap is coming from.a life with No naps is not an ok way to live

When your replies to forum threads start with.....I remember back when...🙄

When you go to bed fine and wake up injured. That's me. blink

You start drawing your old age pension.

When you substitute in school and the kids cannot count that high and then tell you that their grandparents are not even that old!!🤣

I let others judge my idiosyncrasies…I am too busy creating more. My memory, eyesight, cock and hearing are adequate for my needs.

When someone offers you their seat - happened yesterday.🫤