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Would you teach people in your field?

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Active Ink Slinger
Hubby did his guest lecture at the design school the other night and afterwards we were talking about our jobs, and what it's like for him to teach others about the work he does. It suddenly awakened a desire to teach others in my field (psychology) that I never knew existed. I find myself studying education programs because I'd need the credentials, but I feel I'm pretty good at what I do and would love to share it with others.
How would all of you like to teach your own skills to others?

Just curious.
"A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere." - Groucho Marx
One of the career paths I've thought about is a teacher as I'd love to be able to teach the subject i'm studying, film, to 16 to 18 year olds just starting off in the subject. I also sometimes am that geeky person who will bore you with facts and things i've learnt in lectures, especially whilst watching films, for example, 'did you know that camera techniue is a direct reference to some old director no ones ever heard of?'

Dont want to do it as a full time life long career though as the title 'teacher' doesnt appeal to me as exciting or interesting. Occasional guest lecturer may be fun though.
Active Ink Slinger
i work in water[drinking] and waste water
would love to teach others need people
in my field always
Active Ink Slinger
I traveled around the states teaching at hair shows for a major manufacture of hair products on weekends for about 5 years, it was fun but after awhile I'm not sure if it got old or I did. Teaching was fun; people were great, travel not so much...
I do plan on teaching homebrewing at some point.
Active Ink Slinger
I work in a Theatre, Mostly technical stuff. Would love to teach other about that stuff.
Active Ink Slinger
Many ask why am I so happy all the time. Part of the reason is what I do. I do get to teach, lecture and instruct on the finer points of Oral (don't get your hopes up) English to Chinese teachers and students. I teach people how to speak the language, and re-teach many teachers as well. Simple tricks to get rid of stutters, public speaking, effective speaking, pronunciation and enunciation and so many others things (mainly culture).

It is the most amazing feeling in the world, when you leave your classroom and observe your students correcting other students, (chuckles) correcting their Chinese English teachers on the simplest of things. To watch your knowledge be passed on to a new group, and to watch them use it? To broaden their minds? To watch them grow into the people they are meant to be and know that I have helped to make them that person? Wow.

And wow? Doesn't even begin to cover the "high" you get.
Living life and enjoying life are two different things... just need to figure out how to do both at the same time to live it right!

Woman... GO FLY A KITE!!!!! Take a slideshow walk with me on a walk through the parks of Inner Mongolia, China. Then enjoy the tale of a very traditional day in the life of a white Woman in China.
Active Ink Slinger
Actually 'teaching' in a classroom environment is not for me. Have done the odd lecture / presentation and thoroughly enjoy that.

I've limited myself to 'mentoring' or, at best, apprenticeship style of passing on my skills. Has been more rewarding and personal.
"Whoa, lady, I only speak two languages, English and bad English." - Korben Dallas, from The Fifth Element

"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must man be of learning from experience?" - George Bernard Shaw
Constant Gardener
Quote by roccotool
I do plan on teaching homebrewing at some point.

I plan on learning homebrewing and tasting, at some point.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Active Ink Slinger
I work in a particular field of construction where I sell my products and services to both experienced builders, and private home-owners. Neither customer base knows much about the ins and outs of my trade. As such, when I'm on a sales call, I'm actually more of an educator then I am a salesman. This fits me, because I have no experience or training in sales, just in the technical aspects of my trade. I do my best to explain what it is we do, and all of the different options they should consider when looking over our product line. Whether they choose to hire my company or not, I feel I owe it to them to help them understand what to look for when hiring a contractor. When I'm finished, I feel better if I can honestly say that they client knows more about what we do than they did before.
Active Ink Slinger
I don't have a field and won't for a while. But I have done some teaching and am going to Belize in January to teach for a couple of months. I've gotten alot out of teaching though. I have mostly taught young children with special needs. I think one of the most amazing experiences was teaching in Tanzania. I mostly taught a class of 50 visually impaired children ranging from 5 to 14 all in one class. A lot of times teachers wouldn't show up and I would get thrown into a random class of 70 or so students with no supplies.

I have taught in a few schools where people had nothing, and were eager to learn. It's those classes that meant a lot to me. I have also taught some rune reading classes and other language ones, and really enjoyed it. So when I have a field I would consider teaching iit
Active Ink Slinger
If there were any people in my field i'd ask them politely but firmly to get off my land.
I'd love to teach a young man a thing or two in any field he likes
Quote by rougerogue
If there were any people in my field i'd ask them politely but firmly to get off my land.

I have had two main professions in my life. Medical and culinary. I did teach culinary. It was fun and rewarding. I'd do it again.
Not medical though as it changes daily and I don't think I could keep up with all the new things happening at this time all over the world.
I used to be a Hairdresser, and I have taught younger students. I get a lot out of teaching people a trade that they will have with them for life. It is good to pass on skills that someone taught me.
Yes I would,, I think that it is important for homeowners,, to be able to do ,at least some minor repair work to their own homes,,,they can save a lot of money this way.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by HoneyBee000
I'd love to teach a young man a thing or two in any field he likes

You know - it's never too late to teach an Olde Dog a few New Tricks...
Active Ink Slinger
I'm a photographer and every season newbies come in and use vets train the newbies on jobs. so whenever you order your child's school photo just think the person who took those amazing photos could have been a newbie or a vet! if its a bad picture its probably a newbie! lol