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Would you consider LUSH to be a porn site?

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!00% correct LittleLuce
I'm speaking as a late comer to sex/porn/erotica sites, having only started with a computer when I was in my eighties.
My wife and I were born and brought up in an era when sex was very much a hidden subject, when you were supposed to go to the marriage bed as virgins, - and it is surprising how many were, - especially girls. (No I'm not being sexist.) This was the time when mothers told their daughters that sex was something that men required, and to "lie back and think of England". Perhaps not literally, but to that effect. However, many (most) came to find it enjoyable, depending on their man's attitude towards them. But the amount and variety of sex was rather restricted, or unknown. The purpose of this preamble is to give an idea of my sexual experience before I stumbled across pornography/erotica.
After my wife died I turned to my newly acquired computer, and inevitably discovered 'porn'. This came as a complete and utter shock, at the amount and openness of what was on offer, and I became completely fascinated and dragged in. Now, after five+ years of exploration, the fascination has worn off, and I can look at the subject dispassionately, and , I think, see a difference between pure porn, and erotica. I think porn is more visual than literary. True, some of the more extreme writings could come under porn, but what I have read on here seem to be of a very high standard.
So I would say that Lush is a very high class site of friendship and erotica, where your own sense of sexual freedom can be expressed, but not a porn site.
Quote by Dreamer90
It's more of a save space to explore your own sexuality and meet like minded people.

I love this quote. You nailed it.
Rookie Scribe
No, i wouldn't say that.
Rookie Scribe
I would call it a Erotic fantasy site with a lite touch of porn. "Nothing wrong with porn"
But it's not a direct porn site, i don't see it as that.
Lush is not a porn site - it is mainly a place to post and read erotic stories. A lot of what members post on the site - on their own profile, and on others' profiles is porn - and I am as guilty as anyone else; and a lot of what is posted in the chat rooms is porn - again I hold my hand up, although I have decided to give up chat rooms, where I have been made to feel very unwelcome at times by younger members, most of whom have published nothing. The main reason I am here is to publish my stories and learn from other writers, and to chat one-to-one about all sorts of subjects to my close friends and my lover, whose support is a blessing and a delight.
I haven't been a member on here very long to have a solid opinion, but from what I've seen so far I wouldn't consider this as a porn site at all!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by naughtyannie

Or. to take another view, if it is a "porn" site, it's not a very good one smile

Ha ha cool, you're right. Maybe I should have the woman (and man) in my graphic naked, but that dress looks so nice.


If someone whom does not know LS would see it on our screen, they would say that we’re looking at porn.

I believe Paypal cannot be used to pay at sites such as this one.

As a result of this, to make it simple LS it’s porn site.

We know it’s far from it and that’s why we’re still here, also that's the same reasons that some members get confused about it and not getting the right satisfaction (as I have read in some posts) they could be prompted to leave.

Definitely calling it and putting it at a level of a porn site it’s not appropriate, but the right (legal) definition might never come.

LS it’s nothing more or less of parts our daily lives... liberally, more explored. I believe that is the success of this site.
Choose n Practice Happiness

Life is simple; we are what we eat and what we read. Talk is superfluous.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by CarlosL
I would call it a Erotic fantasy site with a lite touch of porn. "Nothing wrong with porn"
But it's not a direct porn site, i don't see it as that.

I'd have to agree with Carlos; there is porn here but it is not what the site is REALY about. Col
Active Ink Slinger
To me, Lush is a place where you can talk about things that you can rarely discuss in Real Life. People are free to admit their kinks to the world. Where else do you find people who describe their last masturbation session, or last night's sex, or their biggest sexual fantasy?

I have found lush to be very liberating, and I have seen new users go from shy and uptight to sexually open to anything. You don't have to hide anything, like you do in RL.

I think of Lush as a kinky community website. As for porn? Come on, any website that you have to hide the screen from's porn.
Rookie Scribe
Is there anything else on The Internet other than porn?
Its at low end of. Porn. But isnt porn just
Active Ink Slinger
NO i think of it as a place to read great stories and chat.... I think if is the perfect site for us women to relax and enjoy our sexuality in so many diverse ways.the stunning pic and video are helpful as well LOL
No.....I think lynda should be a lush spokesmodel
Active Ink Slinger
Absolutely not!

Lush is a beautiful and safe place for human beings to explore sexuality, learn and grow whether through reading stories of other member's lives or dreams or by meeting people and learning about ourselves through their eyes.
True that Lush has displayed many erotic pictures of the naked body - but the human body is glorious even when not "perfect", whatever that means. (Regarding nudity: Is the Creator of The Universe a pornographer?)

Also true, there are or have been some members who may want porn or other un-tasteful content and activities but we have the ability to choose or deselect whatever and whomever we wish.

Thank you Nicola for creating and maintaining this wonderful place.

The quiet and always horny old guy in Sunny Florida USA
Active Ink Slinger
No Lush is a multi faceted Diamond, there are pages for everyone and a lot of pages for particular people. I like it for the variety of all the various Chapters, subjects and people. Its rather like going into an old mansion, you never know what is around the corner ! Loving it
Active Ink Slinger
while there is a lot of pornography on lush it doesn't seem to be a pure porn site to me.
Head Nurse
I don't think so but the porn filter on the work wifi seems to think so. Interestingly, tumblr is not per said controls.
Active Ink Slinger
No I do not. But I know the filter blocking of it does exist at some locations
Active Ink Slinger
Lush is a porn site. If you want a non-porn story site then go to the blue sister site of Lush.
Active Ink Slinger
No. I would say erotica not porn.
I think it is a site where people are open to share all of thier sexual thoughts and desires no matter how extreme they are.
how is this porn? Porn is porn.

This is reading
Active Ink Slinger
It sort of is but the forum at least isn't designed to get people off (well for the most part it isn't). I sort of wish all the pornographic images were not there on the story section of the site though as it makes potentially getting caught reading porn stories much higher.
Active Ink Slinger
I Think of it more as a social media site more then porn...
Rookie Scribe
yes especially finding friends
Yeah, I'd say it's porn but intelligent porn! It's helped me a lot. The feedback on my writing is great and the forums are a help to everyone. Porn or not; great site!
not porn
as for the other question
has lush helped me
yes my writing is improving and I made some awesome friends and have enjoyed being here !

stay naughty,,
