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What is your high school mascot?

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Just curious, what is your high school mascot?
I've heard of some really weird ones; Unicorns, Hillbillies, Beet Diggers, Cornjerkers. So tell me yours.
As for mine, Go Spartans!
The Killer Daisies. Im not kidding.
I thought the school mascot was a beer keg, if I remembered correctly, but I was wrong...

Apparently it's "Go Mustangs" or something...I had to look it up...heck, they even have a website these days...

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If I recall mine was bobcats? or was it wildcats? eh one of the 2 LOL
“I'm not one of those complicated, mixed-up cats. I'm not looking for the secret to life.... I just go on from day to day, taking what comes.”~Frank Sinatra~
Mine was the BRAVES Baby. GO Purple and White. YAY!!!
Never went to High School but I think the equivalent was called a Secondary Modern or Grammar school and as we all absolutely loathed school the last thing we would have had would have been a school mascot. We once burned an effigy of the headmaster on the playing field and were beaten with canes as punishment but we all felt it was worth it and were only disappointed that we hadn't managed to get hold of the real thing.

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Senators. Our "plush" character that ran around at school events was ridiculously creepy.

Yeah, the shell.
Strangely, I don't recall it striking fear in our opponents.

Mine was a pirate. Fits right in now. But they were called the Raiders.
Mine was "The Sundevils."
"So don't cry to me.
If you loved me,
You would be here with me.
Don't lie to me,
Just get your things.
I've made up your mind."

We didn't have a mascot, per se, but our rugby team were The Badgers.
Hahaha our original mascot was and owl and the cheerleaders were the hooters.... You see where i'm going with this.
They got so much schtick (pardon the pun) that the school changed the name to the highlanders in the end.
Quote by FtLMale

Yeah, the shell.
Strangely, I don't recall it striking fear in our opponents.

Lol...yeah, that doesn't exactly put the fear of God into the opposition...

There must be some joke about a "shell game" in there...I'll come back when I think of it...

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We had a Trail Blazer. Whatever that is. I was too busy trying to understand the purpose of a "pep rally" and sneaking behind the bleachers with the drama crowd to spend any time wondering about the guy in the funny costume. I wish I'd paid more attention now (not really). I only spent a year in US high school, but I made the most of it.
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The "Braves" Ours was an Indian head & we had a guy that dressed as an "Indian brave" for our games.
Mine was the Eagles. We didnt have a real eagle as a mascot , just some guy in an eagle costume.
Quote by beeper726
A wolverine.

We had a mascot dressed as a wolverine and a real stuffed wolverine in the trophy case!
Quote by clum
We didn't have a mascot, per se, but our rugby team were The Badgers.

I thought of this old vid.