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What is your Chinese Zodiac?

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Jan.31,1900 to Feb.19,1901
Feb.18,1912 to Feb.06,1913
Feb.05,1924 to Jan.24,1925
Jan.24,1936 to Feb.10,1937
Feb.10,1948 to Feb.14,1949
Jan.28,1960 to Feb.14,1961
Jan.16,1972 to Feb.02,1973
Feb.02,1984 to Feb.19,1985

Feb.19,1901 to Feb.07,1902
Feb.06,1913 to Jan.25,1914
Jan.25,1925 to Feb.12,1926
Feb.11,1937 to Jan.30,1938
Jan.29,1949 to Feb.16,1950
Feb.15,1961 to Feb.04,1962
Feb.03,1973 to Jan.22,1974
Feb.20,1985 to Feb.08,1986

Feb.08,1902 to Jan.28,1903
Jan.26,1914 to Feb.13,1915
Feb.13,1926 to Feb.01,1927
Jan.31,1938 to Feb.18,1939
Feb.17,1950 to Feb.05,1951
Feb.05,1962 to Jan.24,1963
Jan.23,1974 to Feb.10,1975
Jan.09,1986 to Jan.28,1987

Jan.29,1903 to Feb.15,1904
Feb.14,1915 to Feb.16,1916
Feb.02,1927 to Jan.22,1928
Feb.19,1939 to Feb.07,1940
Feb.06,1951 to Jan.26,1952
Jan.25,1963 to Feb.12,1964
Feb.11,1975 to Jan.30,1976
Jan.29,1987 to Feb.16,1988

Feb.16,1904 to Feb.03,1905
Feb.03,1916 to Jan.22,1917
Jan.23,1928 to Feb.09,1929
Feb.08,1940 to Jan.26,1941
Jan.27,1952 to Feb.13,1953
Feb.13,1964 to Feb.01,1965
Jan.31,1976 to Feb.17,1977
Feb.17,1988 to Feb.05,1989

Feb.04,1905 to Jan.24,1906
Jan.23,1917 to Feb.10,1918
Feb.10,1929 to Jan.29,1930
Jan.27,1941 to Feb.14,1942
Feb.14,1953 to Feb.02,1954
Feb.02,1965 to Jan.20,1966
Feb.18,1977 to Feb.06,1978
Feb.06,1989 to Jan.26,1990

Jan.25,1906 to Feb.12,1907
Feb.11,1918 to Jan.31,1919
Jan.30,1930 to Feb.16,1931
Jan.15,1942 to Feb.04 1943
Feb.03,1954 to Jan.23,1955
Jan.21,1966 to Feb.08,1967
Feb.07,1978 to Jan.27,1979
Jan.27,1990 to Feb.14,1991

Feb.13,1907 to Feb.01,1908
Feb.01,1919 to Feb.19,1920
Feb.17,1931 to Feb.05,1932
Jan.05,1943 to Jan.24,1944
Jan.24,1955 to Feb.11,1956
Feb.09,1967 to Jan.28,1968
Jan.28,1979 to Feb.15,1980
Feb.15,1991 to Feb.03,1992

Feb.02,1908 to Jan.21,1909
Feb.20,1920 to Feb.07,1921
Feb.06,1932 to Jan.25,1933
Jan.25,1944 to Feb.12,1945
Feb.12,1956 to Jan.30,1957
Jan.30,1968 to Feb.16,1969
Feb.16,1980 to Feb.04,1981
Feb.04,1992 to Jan.22,1993

Jan.22,1909 to Feb.09,1910
Feb.08,1921 to Jan.27,1922
Jan.26,1933 to Feb.13,1934
Feb.13,1945 to Feb.01,1946
Jan.31,1957 to Feb.17,1958
Feb.17,1969 to Feb.05,1970
Feb.05,1981 to Jan.24,1982
Jan.23,1993 to Feb.09,1994

Feb.10,1910 to Jan.29,1911
Jan.28,1922 to Feb.13,1923
Feb.14,1934 to Feb.03,1935
Feb.02,1946 to Jan.21,1947
Feb.18,1958 to Feb.07,1959
Feb.06,1970 to Jan.26,1971
Jan.25,1982 to Feb.12,1983
Feb.10,1994 to Jan.30,1995

Jan.30,1911 to Feb.17,1912
Feb.16,1923 to Feb.04,1924
Feb.04,1935 to Jan.23,1936
Jan.22,1947 to Feb.09,1948
Feb.08,1959 to Jan.27,1960
Jan.27,1971 to Jan.15,1972
Feb.13,1983 to Feb.01,1984
Jan.31,1995 to Feb.18,1996
Torture the data long enough and they will confess to anything.
The Hare - always thought it was the rabbit before??

Hares fall under a most fortunate sign! Their sign is the emblem of long life and they possess the powers of the moon. Hares are very sensitive to beauty. They are gracious and soft spoken. Hares are the diplomats and the peace-makers. They enjoy a tranquil life and love a quiet evening at home. Hares are reserved and very artistic. They are thorough and good scholars. When Hares are moody, which is often, they will appear totally indifferent to the world.
Always thought I was a pig/boar, but recently learned I'm actually a dog.

"Dogs are honest,straightforward,and friendly. They are extremely protective of themselves and their loved ones. With a passion for fair play and justice, they never fail to rescue you time after time. They may rant and rave, but they never rest until they right the wrong. They are true humanitarians and suffer with the world.In spite of their concern for others,social graces and fancy parties do not impress them. Having sharp eyes, they will see through people's motives. They are quite private about their personal lives and someone prying into their affairs make them secretive and withdrawn. Once you gain their confidence, they open up freely.

Once Dogs classify you, they rarely change their minds. There are few in-betweens. Dogs perceive things either in black or white. You are either friend or enemy. Luckily, they are good judges of character and have superb insight into human nature. Dogs are tolerant of their friends. Before they approve of you, the friendship must develop slowly with a variety of meetings and conversations. If they look you over and decide they can trust you, you remain in their hearts forever. If you need them, Dogs will be there.

When the time is right, Dogs work long and hard, but they know how to relax, and enjoy their home and loved ones. The Dogs have playful moods and a great sense of humor. They have quick emotions and if you offend them, they will snarl and insult you with expertise. They forgive with the same speed. Dogs are intelligent and well-balanced. With their stable minds, they make good counselors or psychologists. They endure during any crisis situation. They are trustworthy people and know how to keep a secret. Being efficient and very diplomatic, they can hide their prejudices well. Most Dogs have a comfortable home and do well.Dogs always defend what is theirs and have a high sense of value. Home and family come first,and Dogs will work to see that they have the best!"

The profile seems to suit for the most part, although the people of lush disagree with the humour part. lol
I am the Horse

Horses are very appealing people. They are warm and friendly and dearly love social atherings with plenty of people. They are perceptive and enjoy talking. They have a high spirited nature and are changeable. This makes them hot-tempered, rash, and headstrong. They are always falling in and out of love. Quick to warm to someone, they are just as quick to lose interest. Here today and gone tomorrow-these are the Horses. Then when you decide not to see them again, here they come ready to pick up where they left off!

Horses are adventurers at heart, but they do have sharp minds and good abilities for managing money. They are self-reliant and energetic. They love exercise, both mental and physical. Their movements are rapid, yet graceful; their speech is quick, yet elegant. Horses want things their way and they will become aggressive when all else fails. They value their freedom above all else. They are not possessive or jealous of others. Being moody creatures, Horses depend on the feel of things. They possess the ability to improvise while events are in motion and can handle several things at once. Horses find it difficult to unwind. They keep strange hours and suffer from insomnia. When they stop, it is usually from exhaustion. It is hard for them to follow a schedule for they have no respect for routine.They need to keep busy but do best when given a free hand.

Horses are full of new ideas to solve tricky problems. When they have an idea, they want to get right to it. They work around the clock until they finish. Horses want you to come to the point quickly since they don't have time to spare. They will not care if you are blunt, just don't waste their time.

Horses must be allowed to show their emotions. They are hot-blooded, hot-tempered, and impatient,and they will gladly demonstrate. In love, Horses are quite vulnerable. They give up everything for the object of their affections. This causes them trouble since they are such impulsive creatures! They must learn to use caution. If one has a Horse in their house, you can bet the Horse receives most of the attention. Horses like being the hub and have everything revolving about them. In return, they work hard and share with everyone.

Horses don't mind starting over. They maintain their determination and enjoy new successes. They belong in careers where they are surrounded by people. They sway crowds and love being flattered. The willful Horses get into countless predicaments but they bail themselves out. They enjoy fighting their own battles. Colorful and lively, they make many friends. If they could be in several places at once,they would be delighted! Their spirit is restless and searching. Creativity is part of their being.They are talented writers and performers.

Most of its true but i definately not that hardworking!

...Rats have great respect for their parents and dote on their own children. They love their home. Family life is very important to them. Rats born during the evening are tempted to a more hectic life than those born during the day.

Rats learn early, quickly, and are avid readers. They know how to express themselves well-both written and orally. Given the slightest chance, Rats can make a success of their lives.
Torture the data long enough and they will confess to anything.

Oxes may appear docile, but watch out! They also have quite a temper. They are extremely determined and work tirelessly to get what they want. Step by step and piece by piece, they move steadily toward their goals. People born under the sign of the Ox are dependable and stick to a routine until the job is done. They are fair-minded and good listeners, but they can also be extremely stubborn.

Because of their trustworthy character, Oxes will often hold positions of authority and responsibility. They always get ahead in the world. They must be careful not to become slaves to their jobs or profession. Oxes can be forceful leaders and eloquent speakers when the occasion arises. In troubled times they will have great presence of mind and will never be intimidated. They are very proud souls. Oxes are systematic and respect traditions. They mistrust things they don't understand,and they hate loose ends.They can also be vulnerable in romance. They are so straightforward that they don't relate to the love games others play. Since it takes a long time to develop intimate relationships, Oxes like long courtships. Once they have made up their minds, they are loyal and giving-almost to a fault.

Ox people are neat and punctual, honest and hard working. Oxes make ideal mates since they always do more than their share. They have a long memory and remember the little details others miss. Once Oxes are angry with you, they will carry their grievance a long way. When they are unhappy or upset, they will bury themselves in their work until they feel better. Oxes always pay their debts. If they owe you anything, they will never forgive themselves until the debt is paid. They always remember a favor, and though they don't use flowery words,they will show their appreciation in other ways. Their actions speak louder than words.

When Oxes lose their temper, they really lose it! There will be no reasoning with them, so get out of their way until they cool off. Always appeal to the head rather than to the heart of the Oxes. They quickly understand the pros and cons to the situation. Oxes seldom get sick and are not tolerant of weaker people. They should learn how to relax more.

Oxes hate to ask for help. If it takes them twice as long to accomplish something, they still prefer working alone. They want things to last and build them with care. Oxes love their home and family and provide well for them. They do well at long term investments with stability and firm foundations. They are definitely not gamblers. Oxes earn their success by their own merits and don't expect any free rides.

Very very close.
Well I am a rabbit of course what else would I be! lol I really am the hare funny huh!

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off!
Dragon people are balls of fire! They are full of vitality and love of life. Always on the run, they drag their faithful band of admirers behind them. Dragons are egotistical, eccentric, demanding, and giving.

They are proud, direct, and loaded with high ideals which they always try to live up to. Having a zeal for life, they want to live it on a grand scale. They have the potential for accomplishing many great things as long as they don't get too far ahead of themselves. When dragons do something, good or bad, you can be certain their deeds do not go unnoticed! Dragons are always making the news.

It is next to impossible to win an argument with Dragon people.They intimidate anyone who challenges them. Once you arouse their anger, they keep after you for a very long time. Dragons are extremely loyal to friends and family. When really needed they always come to the rescue. They are the first ones to say "I told you so". In spite of being overly emotional, a Dragon is not sentimental or even romantic. They will just take it for granted that everyone loves them. Although they are stubborn and irrational, they are not petty or begrudging with their favors. It is hard for them to hide their feelings. They don't even try.

Not being secretive themselves, they can't be expected to keep a confidence for long; but Dragons speak from the heart and are always sincere. Their manners may seem brusque and too direct, but they merely want to get things moving. Being creatures of action, they motivate others, too. They often get into rushes and fail to see the flaws in a situation.Instead of diving in, Dragons need to learn to check things out better. Dragons need purpose in their lives, causes to fight for, and goals to reach. An uninvolved Dragon is a sad sight indeed.

Dragons consider themselves very strong. They will often bite off more than they can chew. When this happens, they are too proud to ask for help and exhaust themselves. Dragons can do many things well. They may be artists, politicians, doctors, or ministers. When Dragons choose the right profession, they will be successful and devoted. They just can't help winning!

In romance, Dragons are seldom the losers and are usually the ones breaking hearts. Dragons don't marry too young, and many are content and happier living alone. Dragons will always have more than their share of friends and admirers to keep them company. Dragons are really softies and fall apart if they lose their supporters. They dazzle as long as there is someone who believes in them.

Snakes are romantic and charming. They are deep thinkers and always mysterious. Snakes are graceful and soft spoken. They love a good book and appreciate all of the arts. They lean towards all of the finer things in life. Snakes trust themselves above all others and are seldom wrong; but behind a sophisticated front,Snakes are very superstitious!

Snakes are good with money and don't have to worry about finances. Somehow, when money is needed, it appears. In spite of their good luck with money, Snakes should never gamble. They could suffer big losses if they did, but Snakes learn fast. Once they have made a mistake,they never repeat it. They also never forgive you if you break a promise. By nature they are skeptical beings but keep their suspicions to themselves. They are very private and not concerned with the business of others. Idle gossip is not for them.

Snakes can be possessive in their relationships with others.They are passionate but jealous lovers. You can never tell how far Snakes will go to achieve their aims. They are relentless and their computer-like brains never stop plotting.When you anger them, you feel their icy hostility instead of hearing any sharp words. They will bide their time for revenge, so watch out! Snakes are elegant dressers, well-mannered, and always discrete. They always appear quiet and docile, but watch out, they never betray their true feelings. Their moves are planned out well in advance and they will hold their position to the bitter end. They can be evasive, and just when you think you have them, they slip away.

Snakes make good politicians since they can negotiate just about anything. Snakes also have a great sense of humor, and even in a crisis situation, they can lighten the atmosphere. They never lose their spark even when weighed down by trouble themselves. Being pillars of strength,they always maintain their presence of mind during confusion or crisis.

Snakes have beautiful skin. They possess a cool and classic air about them. They love expensive things,too. Snakes save for the real thing rather than buy an imitation. Snakes admire power and surround themselves with successful people. Their many talents and natural abilities make them sought-after as leaders. People admire and support Snakes even if they don't understand them.

Whatever happens, Snakes always strike out for themselves. They know how to use people and situations to their advantage. They are destined for fame and fortune.
A jug of wine, a loaf of bread, and thee.

Long live the Snake... wooo!
Its not who i am, but what i do that defines me.
I'm a rooster.

Their stamina is amazing

It's true. there's a shock!!!
I wrote this into another Forum I belong too... and figured this would be the best place for it here. There are many who question their animal personalities, and colours and such. This way, no one has to go looking.

Quote by Harold the Hamster who lives in my Brain
Well, well, well....

As we come to the end of the Western calendar... the end of the lunar calendar is coming to an end as well. It is always so amazing and fun to watch all the decorations come out of storage and to see the city transfer itself from a green Christmas Wonderland to a bright and festive red for the Spring Festival Season.

The sites and the scents of the city change as do the attitudes of everyone. Everyone becomes happier knowing that they get holidays, and all day you get to hear the kids lighting off fireworks from the time they are allowed outside, till they are called in to go to sleep. Oh yes. 'Tis the season of the fireworks!!!!! And I now live in a war zone!!! Huzzah!!

And here we have it... your Chinese horoscope for the coming year of the Rabbit!!!! Which animal are you? Do you feel you have your animals personality? Are you happy to see the year of the Tiger go away?

What do you hope to have happen in the coming year that maybe the bunny's personality will help you on???

Chinese Astrology in 2011

Would you like to know what Chinese Astrology for 2011 has in store for you?

Something interesting for you.... In the Chinese tradition; on the morning of Chinese New Year, it is customary to wear an entirely new outfit, paying close attention to socks and shoes. "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step - Lao Tzu". New shoes, means you will have luck on your journey!!!! If this is your year, make sure to wear the lucky red colour to show that you are open to luck, happiness and prosperity coming your way!!!!! (knickers do count!!!! In fact, every knickers shop I have seen over the past two weeks ONLY has red bras and knickers on display. Humm... Learn something new every year!!)


The following is from Moonslipper

Why not have a look below to get a free forecast of what 2011, the Year of the Rabbit, holds for you! You’ll also find out what personal traits you need to let shine through the coming year!

The history of the Chinese Zodiac is very interesting! It is said that Buddha invited all of the animals in the world to join him for the New Year celebrations, but only 12 animals bothered to turn up. As a great reward, Buddha named a year after each one of them and they actually run in the order that the animals arrived to celebrate with Buddha, starting with the rat and ending with the last guest, the pig.

The Chinese believe that those born during a year of a particular animal would inherit some of the good and bad personality traits of that animal.

Also, each Chinese year is influenced by whatever animal it falls in. The Year of The Rabbit begins on February 3rd 2011. Most Rabbit years are quiet, positive and inspiring and 2011 looks to be heading in this direction – a refreshing change after the fast-moving and quite dramatic Year of the Tiger. Family, diplomacy and personal development will all be highlighted in 2011. Once again alternative sources of energy and green living will be under the spotlight. The arts and culture sector of society will very busy producing amazing works of art and staging important exhibitions throughout the year. Love, romance and family life are well-starred, with a renewed appreciation of loved ones and friends. Overall, it should be a fun and relatively peaceful year. Even though aggression, violence and war zones will still be in evidence, the Chinese Rabbit year favours peaceful solutions and diplomacy, so there will be a feeling that all is not lost and that hope is still very much alive.

Let’s take a look at each animal, their major personality traits and what the prospects are for 2011, the Year of the Rabbit.

The Rat

Rats are charming, elegant and clever. They can be a bit gossipy and prone to being distracted. They’re also thrifty and very good with handling money. Family and close friends are exceptionally important to them. The Rat is charming beyond words and throughout his undoubtedly long life he will always be popular and will have many friends.

Forecast for 2011 The Rat will feel glad in a lot of ways to see the end of the Year of the Tiger! There were a lot of changes and the pace was fast - not something the Rat is entirely comfortable with. The Chinese Year of the Rabbit is the opposite – its tempo will be slow and steady and the Rat must try to be patient and remain content with steady progress throughout 2011. Work will again be highlighted but this time the Rat’s experience and knowledge will be called upon, helping him to advance quite nicely in his career. April, October and November are well-starred for this. On the love and romance side of life, there could be cause for celebration during the year in the form of an engagement, wedding or birth. July, August and December and January will be particularly special months. An important aspect of 2011 for the Rat is time for personal growth, hobbies and developing skills that bring happiness. For any Rats that like to write, this year will see their creativity heightened and whether for pleasure or profit, writing is highlighted in a most positive way. Health wise, the Rat will have felt burnt out sometimes during 2010 and in 2011 his vitality will be improved. He will feel stronger and will also be taking better care of himself, maintaining a good diet and steady exercise routine.

Interesting Rat Facts:
Zodiac Stone: Garnet
Special Flower: Narcissus
Best Hours: 11 pm -1 am
Season: Winter
Horoscope Colors: Black, White, Purple

The Ox

Sturdy, earthy, no-nonsense – that’s the Ox. Affectionate and easy-going, the Ox can show a fierce temper when agitated. He is neat, tidy, quiet and studious, with a great love of his home. Music can be a great love. Family life and a loving partner are high on the Ox’s priorities. A wonderful loyal friend.

Forecast for 2011 The Ox will have grown quite a bit during 2010. Its whirlwind moments and sudden challenges meant the Ox had to adjust his thinking and change direction on a dime! Some may feel a bit low about the way things went and it’s important to look forward to 2011 and put 2010 firmly behind them. The Chinese Year of the Rabbit will be encouraging for the Ox. For those who wish to change their career or at least change the direction of it, February, March and September will bring exciting offers and progress. Romance is highlighted in a very special way this year, with unattached Oxen finding themselves in exactly the right place at the right time to meet someone very special. For those in a relationship, this will strengthen and grow. June, July and October are wonderful months for love and romance. Friendship will be important during 2011. Whether the Ox is looking for new friends or drawing on friendships he already has, it’s important that he stays socially active. March, August and December will be particularly busy socially. The Ox should take time to ensure his diet is healthy and that he is taking time to exercise and spend time outdoors. Rest and relaxation will be vital for all Oxen during the Year of the Rabbit.

Interesting Ox Facts:
Zodiac Stone: Aquamarine
Special Flower: Carnation
Best Hours: 1-3 am
Season: Winter
Horoscope Colors: Green, Yellow, Black

The Tiger

Magnetic, passionate and grand! When the Tiger does anything, it’s noticed! Indecisiveness and stubbornness can mar the sparkle of the Tiger personality. On the one hand generous, on the other hand a little mean, it’s sometimes hard to know where one stands with the Tiger. Flexible, honest and truly entertaining, one has a friend for life with a Tiger.

Forecast for 2011 Most Tigers will be feeling quite pleased and energized at the end of their own year in 2010. The Year of the Rabbit will be another positive year for them. Romantic matters are particularly to the forefront, with many born under this sign deciding to get married or to take the relationship to the next level. Single Tigers will have many chances to meet a partner with June to September particularly well aspected. If they have faced recent personal trials and tribulations, 2011 will prove to be a much brighter year. Financially, the Tiger will most likely see an increase in income, either due to a pay rise or an unexpected windfall. With careful planning and budgeting, they can enjoy this monetary increase whilst easing financial burdens. Hobbies and outdoor pursuits will also interest the Tiger this year and will provide relaxation and a social setting, both of which will suit him just fine. Travel and spending holidays with friends will be a focus during late spring and also August and September. If there is a dream location he’s always wanted to visit, this is the perfect year to do so! A house purchase or change of home could very well feature on the cards also. This will be an exciting rather than overly stressful development and Tigers should thrive in their new environment.

Interesting Tiger Facts:
Zodiac Stone: Sapphire
Special Flower: Violet
Best Hours: 3-5 am
Season: Winter
Horoscope Colors: Green, Blue, Yellow

The Rabbit

Cuddly, warm and affectionate are the attributes of the Rabbit. Mysterious and a great party-giver and host, the Rabbit enjoys being the centre of attention once in a while. The Rabbit is occasionally over cautious and can be a bit boring. He is also one of the luckiest signs in the Chinese Astrology chart.

Forecast for 2011 The Rabbit will have found the momentum during 2010 quite unsettling, little realizing that his accomplishments during the year will set him up beautifully for his own year in 2011. This will be a stunning and most favorable year for him, especially in regard to work and career. His ability to interact with others will put him in the lead for any promotions at work. Also, if the Rabbit is considering a completely different career, this is the perfect time to explore his options. Not only will the change energize him but he will feel happier than he has done in some time. March to May and October to November will be important times for career developments. Finances during the Rabbit’s own year are buzzing, with his luck running high! He may see a salary increase, receive a gift or make extra money from a hobby or entrepreneurial idea. Socially, August, September and December will be hectic! Single Rabbits could meet their significant other this year and the relationship could move very fast. Those with partners will find their relationship becomes more serious and important. Stress and worry over decisions may drain the Rabbit’s vitality during 2011 and it’s very important he gets enough rest and relaxation. He must also remember to call on friends and loved ones for support and advice during any challenging times.

Interesting Rabbit Facts:
Zodiac Stone: Pearl
Special Flower: Jonquil
Best Hours: 5-7 am
Season: Spring
Horoscope Colors: Grey, White

The Dragon

Assertive, energetic and talented are all words to describe the Dragon personality. On the other hand, the Dragon has a tendency to be condescending and tactless without realising it. In the Chinese Zodiac, they are born under the sign of luck. They generally enjoy robust health and tend to be very successful in anything they turn their hand to.

Forecast for 2011 The Chinese Year of the Rabbit will be a more balanced and secure year than 2010 for all Dragons. They will have loved the exciting nature of the Tiger year, but now it’s time to take it down a notch or two! Many of them will have had changes in their job and the steadier tempo of 2011 will help them to settle in and possibly even go for promotions. July, September and November will give Dragons a chance to reassess what they’re doing and what direction they now want to go in. The opportunity to retrain or take night classes should be considered seriously. The foundations they now lay will greatly enhance their prospects in 2012 – their own year. Romance is beautifully starred with opportunities to meet new people all through the year but particularly during April, June, September and December. On the whole, this will be a positive and happy year for Dragons. The monetary situation will improve for most and their eye for a bargain will be particularly keen. Travel is also highlighted during the Rabbit year and time spent with friends and loved ones will be especially valued. Breaks during April and May or September will prove to be memorable. Hobbies and talents should be pursued and enjoyed as they will provide great pleasure and relaxation during 2011 and could lead to other interesting opportunities.

Interesting Dragon Facts:
Zodiac Stone: Amethyst
Special Flower: Sweet Pea
Best Hours: 7-9 am
Season: Spring
Horoscope Colors: Black, Gold

The Snake

Intelligent and highly intuitive are two of the Snake’s many fine qualities. He makes an amusing and romantic friend with a definite flirtatious streak. When challenged or criticized he can be a sore loser. The Snake is very lucky with money and is fond of the odd bet or two. He is quick-witted and enjoys reading, music and occasionally the paranormal side of life.

Forecast for 2011 Snakes like to have plans and follow their itinerary in an orderly fashion – 2010 threw all this out the window! The Chinese Year of the Rabbit will be a much more appealing year to the Snake and he will feel back on track, albeit still busy and full of activity. The focus of 2011 for the Snake will be to make sure he is doing something he likes, something that allows him to express his creativity and talents and something that he excels at. February, March and October will provide windows of opportunities in his career to achieve this. However, he must put in the effort and make his intentions known, or the windows may close again. Financially, things are looking much brighter for the Snake and with planning and saving, this will be an excellent year. Home decorating and refurbishments are highlighted this year and time at home with family and friends will be treasured. Romance and friendship will be superb in 2011 and he will get much enjoyment from social gatherings, especially ones connected with work. A word of warning for all Snakes – there is the possibility of a lapse in judgement or a piece of harmful gossip – this could lead to awkwardness. Tread carefully! Healthwise, Snakes should take care to have a balanced lifestyle or their energy could suffer.

Interesting Snake Facts
Zodiac Stone: Opal
Special Flower: Passionflower
Best Hours: 9-11 am
Season: Spring
Horoscope Colors: Brown Gold, Green

The Horse

Fun, charming and attractive sums up the Horse’s traits perfectly. They love parties and crowds and being the centre of attention. They can also be egotistical, hotheaded and impatient. The Horse is a considerate and protective friend and partner and when in his company, there will always be excitement around the next corner.

Forecast for 2011 The spotlight will have been on the Horse for much of 2010 with his sparkling company and friendship being frequently in demand. In 2011, the focus for the Horse will be on his career, with unexpected developments and promotional opportunities on the cards. He should watch events carefully, for when an opening occurs he will need to act fast and be alert. April, May and October and November will be encouraging months for moving ahead in work or indeed finding a new job altogether. Health and well-being will be on the minds of many Horses in the Chinese Year of the Rabbit and it’s a perfect time to re-think fitness routines and diet. Socially, as always, the Horse will be busy, with May to September and December being full of fun opportunities with friends. Attached Horses will fare better than single ones in 2011. If a new romance is on horizon, the Horse would be well advised to relax and let the relationship develop slowly and without rushing. March, September and October are prime months for finding someone special. The Horse is an adventurous soul by nature and may do some travelling to far-flung places in the Year of Rabbit. Financially there is a definite chance for the Horse to increase his earnings over the year and he should make every effort to manage his money carefully.

Interesting Horse Facts:
Zodiac Stone: Golden Topaz
Special Flower: Rose
Best Hours: 11am-1pm
Season: Summer
Horoscope Colors: Orange, White, Yellow

The Goat

Graceful and optimistic, kind and easy going, would describe a Goat personality. They can also be petulant and discontented, likely to throw the towel in at the beginning of a problem. They can be charming without revealing their true feelings. The Goat is very talented and imaginative and can turn his hand to most creative pursuits.

Forecast for 2011 The Year of the Rabbit starts off brilliantly for those Goats seeking employment or wanting a career change. By networking and keeping his ear to the ground, some exciting possibilities will come up. March, April and September are well-starred for work advancement and positive changes. The past couple of years have been challenging for the Goat and 2011 will be much more upbeat, positive and happy. There will be many chances over the year to make new friends and attend social outings – just what the Goat needs. The support and friendship of others will be very important to him this year and give him the encouragement and confidence he needs. The single Goat will find 2011 an excellent and thrilling year for romance and those who already have a partner may be thinking of taking it to a more serious level. February, August and September will most likely present opportunities for romantic encounters, but the whole year will bring happy social occasions. The Goat must look after his own health this year, ensuring that he is getting enough rest and relaxation. It’s going to be a busy year, in the nicest possible way, but it could also be a bit draining on his vitality. Financially, things are looking much brighter than in previous years and many Goats will have fun buying bits and pieces for their home or taking short trips.

Interesting Goat Facts
Zodiac Stone: Emerald
Special Flower: Larkspur
Best Hours: 1-3 pm
Season: Summer
Horoscope Colors: Green, Blue

The Monkey

The Monkey is playful, lively, fun and a quick thinker. They get bored very easily and find it hard to settle down to doing any one thing. The Monkey can also be vain and offhand. They are ambitious and usually very good with investing money. With their quick wit and wonderful sense of humour, they are a great party guest. The Monkey’s life will never be dull and predictable!

Forecast for 2011 The Monkey will find 2011 very much to his liking with plans and goals moving ahead smoothly and as anticipated. For Monkeys involved in creative work such as writing or art, this will be a particularly inspirational year and their work will be highly regarded. The Chinese Rabbit Year will offer some brilliant promotion opportunities and by being proactive and alert, the Monkey will reap the benefits. For those seeking work, attention to detail when applying for jobs will open up significant windows of opportunity. February, September and November should be outstanding months for their career. Friends and family will provide many happy and memorable occasions during 2011 and there may be one or two special celebrations. March to May and December will be very active socially for most Monkeys. For single Monkeys, there should be quite a few opportunities to meet someone special through outings with friends or at work. In addition, trips to art exhibitions, museums or other cultural venues will prove delightful for many Monkeys. The Chinese Year of the Rabbit would be an auspicious year for him to follow up on self improvement ideas he may have been considering for awhile. A fresh look at his fitness routine, diet and how he unwinds, could do him the world of good. 2011 will be the year for the Monkey to move forward, leaving any disappointments and regrets behind. It can be a most satisfying and enjoyable year for him.

Interesting Monkey Facts:
Zodiac Stone: Peridot
Special Flower: Gladiola
Best Hours: 3-5 pm
Season: Summer
Horoscope Colors: White, Violet, Green

The Rooster

The Rooster is always popular, extravagant and creative. They can be brutally honest and generally like being showered with attention. They are wonderfully loyal friends and also give advice freely – whether they are asked for it or not! Family means the world to the Rooster and they are one of the most loyal signs in the Chinese zodiac.

Forecast for 2011 The Year of the Rabbit will be a much quieter year than 2010 for the Rooster. However, the Rooster will have to curb his natural exuberance and enthusiasm just a bit in 2011 and practice some patience and common sense. On the work front, it will be vital for the Rooster to work closely with his colleagues and practice his networking skills. This will stand to him during the months of March, April, November and December when unexpected developments happen . All the work he does now on the career front will pay dividends in 2012, the Chinese Year of the Dragon. The Rooster should also consider any opportunities he may have to study or for training. This would go extremely well for him and again benefit him greatly later on in the year. On the social and romantic side of life, this will be a much more settled and quiet year, which will be to many a Rooster’s liking. March, July and August look to be the most active on the social scene. A word of warning though – the Rooster must take care to temper his words with friends and not be too harsh. A quarrel or end of a close relationship could result. Financially, the Rooster may have a few home-related expenses this year with repairs, decorating and renovations. It would be wise to manage any project sensibly and shop around for the best deal; Chinese Rabbit years can be expensive for all signs. On the whole, 2011 looks like being a pleasurable and encouraging year for all Roosters.

Interesting Rooster Facts:
Zodiac Stone: Citrine
Special Flower: Aster
Best Hours: 5-7 pm
Season: Autumn
Horoscope Colors: Orange, Green

The Dog

The Dog is wonderfully hard worker, a perfectionist and someone who loves the small details. He is also a bit anti-social, pessimistic and stubborn. They are one of the most honest and trustworthy signs of the Chinese zodiac and will always go to bat for a worthy cause. The Dog is a fantastic listener and his advice is usually very intuitive.

Forecast for 2011 The Chinese Year of the Rabbit has shining possibilities for all Dogs. The main emphasis will be on their personal life. If attached, the Dog will find their relationship grow and become much more meaningful on all levels. Single Dogs will be particularly lucky in finding someone very special. All social occasions will carry the possibility of meeting someone new, with April, June, August and December being the busiest months on their social calendar. Career-wise, the Dog will see the jobs expanding or promotional opportunities arising unexpectedly. It is crucial he discusses any worries or ideas with friends and family. Increased confidence and self-respect will garner the respect of work colleagues. The most favorable months on the work front are March and September to November. Seize the moment when it presents itself! Financially, the Dog can look forward to an improvement in his situation. This will allow him to indulge his hobbies and perhaps take a trip or two. In the Year of the Rabbit, the Dogs must guard against lost, delayed or incorrect documentation. Make doubly sure that everything is as it should be on all paperwork this year. The Dog will have a renewed interest in health, fitness and outdoor pursuits this year, which will greatly benefit his vitality and zest for life. If he can leave the past couple of challenging years behind him, 2011 will be a most gratifying and happy year.

Interesting Dog Facts:
Zodiac Stone: Diamond
Special Flower: Marigold
Best Hours of the day 7-9 pm
Season: Autumn
Horoscope Colors: Silver and Red

The Pig

The Pig is an innocent, sweet and lovable personality. They can also be quite melancholy and over-sensitive. The Pig loves the company of others, and adores parties, gossip and chit chat. They are highly intelligent, but prefer to keep this side of their nature under wraps. The Pig does not care that much for money, but is one of the Chinese zodiac signs that is very lucky.

Forecast for 2011 The Pig loves to have fun and socialize with family and friends and on this front, the Year of the Rabbit will not disappoint him! He made not have been the life of the party recently, but in 2011 his social network will greatly increase with April, May, July and October being the most enjoyable months. Single Pigs could very well meet a romantic partner through a friend or at a family gathering. The Pig parties hard and works hard and in the Year of the Rabbit he will be bringing in the rewards for all his hard work. For any Pigs who wish to change jobs or who want to climb up the promotional ladder, there will be quite a few opportunities this year to do either. But they must act quickly, ensuring they have made all the right enquiries and connections. March, April and September will see work developments happen, but they must be ready to pounce at any time during the year. The Pig will be feeling good in 2011 and would like all manner of wonderful things to happen – all at once! He must learn to pace himself and go along with the more leisurely speed of the Rabbit year. Otherwise, he may burn himself out. Overall, 2011 will be a progressive and enjoyable time for all Pigs.

Interesting Pig Facts
Zodiac Stone: Ruby
Special Flower: Chrysanthemum
Best Hours: 9-11 pm
Season: Autumn
Horoscope Colors: Purple, Red, White

Monkey see... monkey likes... monkey will do.

I am a monkey, pure through and through.

And I am SOOOOO Happy that the Year of the Tiger is almost over. I cannot wait till it is gone. This past year has been the worst of my life. And in a very few ways, also the best. But one I truly wish I could forget.
Living life and enjoying life are two different things... just need to figure out how to do both at the same time to live it right!

Woman... GO FLY A KITE!!!!! Take a slideshow walk with me on a walk through the parks of Inner Mongolia, China. Then enjoy the tale of a very traditional day in the life of a white Woman in China.

Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

Why not read some stories instead

NEW! Want a quick read for your coffee break? Why not try this... Flash Erotica: Scrubber
Quote by overmykneenow


Ox.... something else I have in comon with Astir.
"Whoa, lady, I only speak two languages, English and bad English." - Korben Dallas, from The Fifth Element

"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must man be of learning from experience?" - George Bernard Shaw
Nice topic, Myself. The Rat in me agrees with you on what you posted smile

Quote by Woman

The following is from Moonslipper

They’re also thrifty and very good with handling money. Family and close friends are exceptionally important to them.

The Rat will feel glad in a lot of ways to see the end of the Year of the Tiger! There were a lot of changes and the pace was fast - not something the Rat is entirely comfortable with.

An important aspect of 2011 for the Rat is time for personal growth, hobbies and developing skills that bring happiness. For any Rats that like to write, this year will see their creativity heightened and whether for pleasure or profit, writing is highlighted in a most positive way. Health wise, the Rat will have felt burnt out sometimes during 2010 and in 2011 his vitality will be improved.

Thanks for the link, Woman. I've always thought the Chinese Zodiac is pretty cool and more on par with a lot of my far as the star signs go. More so than the Western Zodiac and horoscope stuff. I don't really get to into all of this but it is definitely interesting to read up on now and then.

Funny, there were a lot of changes for me (my family) over the past year and I am glad to see things starting to calm down again and get into a nice groove since our move and everything. And that little bit about being more about that!? I've never written anything for anyone else to read (other than the occasional poem for a friend or loved one). As far as penning any erotica, that desire has always been in the back of my mind. My little 'journal' of random thoughts and ideas (which I have kept mainly to myself over the years lol) has been calling to me more and more over the past couple of months and I'm really feeling that I would like to turn some of those jottings into something with a bit of a plot and a couple of saucy, fun and naughty characters...hmmm, yep, feeling the itch to do this!

Anyway, again Myself, good and interesting topic for a post :).
Wood rat
i was born in the year of the Kangaroo! *giggles and bounces*

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I'm a Horse...and a Taurus bull too, and in case you didn't notice, I'm actually a, yeah...look out
I'm a horse.

Explains a lot!
Quote by Butterfly
Nice topic, Myself. The Rat in me agrees with you on what you posted smile

Quote by Woman

The following is from Moonslipper

They’re also thrifty and very good with handling money. Family and close friends are exceptionally important to them.

The Rat will feel glad in a lot of ways to see the end of the Year of the Tiger! There were a lot of changes and the pace was fast - not something the Rat is entirely comfortable with.

An important aspect of 2011 for the Rat is time for personal growth, hobbies and developing skills that bring happiness. For any Rats that like to write, this year will see their creativity heightened and whether for pleasure or profit, writing is highlighted in a most positive way. Health wise, the Rat will have felt burnt out sometimes during 2010 and in 2011 his vitality will be improved.

Thanks for the link, Woman. I've always thought the Chinese Zodiac is pretty cool and more on par with a lot of my far as the star signs go. More so than the Western Zodiac and horoscope stuff. I don't really get to into all of this but it is definitely interesting to read up on now and then.

Funny, there were a lot of changes for me (my family) over the past year and I am glad to see things starting to calm down again and get into a nice groove since our move and everything. And that little bit about being more about that!? I've never written anything for anyone else to read (other than the occasional poem for a friend or loved one). As far as penning any erotica, that desire has always been in the back of my mind. My little 'journal' of random thoughts and ideas (which I have kept mainly to myself over the years lol) has been calling to me more and more over the past couple of months and I'm really feeling that I would like to turn some of those jottings into something with a bit of a plot and a couple of saucy, fun and naughty characters...hmmm, yep, feeling the itch to do this!

Anyway, again Myself, good and interesting topic for a post :).

The combination of Libra and the Rat pretty much explains me completely. The Rat wants order for family and home and the scale of Libra needs balance : ) I want a lot (can't help it).
Torture the data long enough and they will confess to anything.
I am a Dragon ........ look at my file you can see how much I claim itsmile
My man is the Dragon through and through : )
Torture the data long enough and they will confess to anything.
Hi I am a MONKEY

Occupying the 9th position on the Chinese Zodiac, the Monkey possesses such character traits as curiosity, mischievousness, and cleverness. Forever playful, Monkeys are the masters of practical jokes. Even though their intentions are always good, this desire to be a prankster has a tendency to create ill will and hurt feelings.

Although they are inherently intellectual and creative, Monkeys at times have trouble exhibiting these qualities. When that happens, they appear to others to be confused. But nothing could be further from the truth as Monkeys thrive on being challenged. Monkeys prefer urban life to rural, and their favorite pastime is people-watching.
Believing that being sick is a waste of a valuable day, Monkeys very rarely feel ill. Their constantly active lifestyles are likely what helps Monkeys remain in good health. When Monkeys do become ill, such feelings are generally the result of feeling nervous.
When it comes to work, Monkeys can do just about anything. They adapt well to changing environments and they’re very intelligent. They work quickly, but they’ll frequently charge double for their services. Good career fields for Monkeys are accounting and banking. Other good careers for Monkeys include: scientist, engineer, stock market trader, air traffic controller, dealer, film director, jeweler and sales representative.
When it comes to relationships, Monkeys aren’t quick to settle down. In fact, they generally are promiscuous; a tendency that probably has to do with the fact that Monkeys are easily bored. Monkeys will end this type of behavior once they pair up with the perfect partner. In fact, more often than not, they’ll commit to that person in every way for life.
Quote by steve4713

When it comes to relationships, Monkeys aren’t quick to settle down. In fact, they generally are promiscuous; a tendency that probably has to do with the fact that Monkeys are easily bored. Monkeys will end this type of behavior once they pair up with the perfect partner. In fact, more often than not, they’ll commit to that person in every way for life.

Yup!!!! One of the traits the doctors were telling me about today.

They say monkey's are the best of them all as a partner as they are loyal and have a very strong moral compass. The mate that a monkey chooses, their friends, never lack for fun, creativity and enjoyment. Their mate is never going to be bored in the bedroom either.

I'm a monkey!!! Who wants to play??????
Living life and enjoying life are two different things... just need to figure out how to do both at the same time to live it right!

Woman... GO FLY A KITE!!!!! Take a slideshow walk with me on a walk through the parks of Inner Mongolia, China. Then enjoy the tale of a very traditional day in the life of a white Woman in China.
I'm a dog apparently.. now I just need a rabbit to chase...
I'm a Sheep Myself ;) Or Goat, or Lamb... somthing.
Good finaicals are good... Taking trips, even better! smile

Graceful and optimistic, kind and easy going, would describe a Goat personality. They can also be petulant and discontented, likely to throw the towel in at the beginning of a problem. They can be charming without revealing their true feelings. The Goat is very talented and imaginative and can turn his hand to most creative pursuits.

Forecast for 2011 The Year of the Rabbit starts off brilliantly for those Goats seeking employment or wanting a career change. By networking and keeping his ear to the ground, some exciting possibilities will come up. March, April and September are well-starred for work advancement and positive changes. The past couple of years have been challenging for the Goat and 2011 will be much more upbeat, positive and happy. There will be many chances over the year to make new friends and attend social outings – just what the Goat needs. The support and friendship of others will be very important to him this year and give him the encouragement and confidence he needs. The single Goat will find 2011 an excellent and thrilling year for romance and those who already have a partner may be thinking of taking it to a more serious level. February, August and September will most likely present opportunities for romantic encounters, but the whole year will bring happy social occasions. The Goat must look after his own health this year, ensuring that he is getting enough rest and relaxation. It’s going to be a busy year, in the nicest possible way, but it could also be a bit draining on his vitality. Financially, things are looking much brighter than in previous years and many Goats will have fun buying bits and pieces for their home or taking short trips.

Interesting Goat Facts
Zodiac Stone: Emerald
Special Flower: Larkspur
Best Hours: 1-3 pm
Season: Summer
Horoscope Colors: Green, Blue
maybe I should just chase a sheep instead ? ;)