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What do you dislike about the opposite sex?

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Women can't drive / park to save their lives.

They are useless with anything mechanical / electronic.

Nag too much. Worry needlessly about everything and anything.

They always want to yack in your ear when you want to go to sleep.

I'll add more as I think of them.
This is going to start wars..

Ok the way guys never ask for directions(I always assumed this was like a joke until I started dating lol)
The way they bitch and moan if you take them food shopping even if they are going to eat the end product of that prepared by yours truly...
How they assume the washing fairy has picked up and cleaned and dried and folded their clothes into the cupboard..

Oh and man flu *rolls eyes*...
Quote by mrplow
Women can't drive / park to save their lives.

They are useless with anything mechanical / electronic.

Nag too much. Worry needlessly about everything and anything.

They always want to yack in your ear when you want to go to sleep.

I'll add more as I think of them.

that they lie!!
I don't want to further my sullied reputation by posting in this thread

Wash the damn basin after you've had a shave damnit.

Opps, that one slipped out.
Why do women think it's always there perogative to change there minds, and whats the deal with having so many pairs of shoes anyway
It IS our perogative to change our minds....And you will put up with it and like it or you dont get any, right ladies? And not all women have millions of shoes (I own 3 pairs)....its just the truely interesting ones who have lots of shoes, right Z?
Quote by Lil_Birdie
It IS our perogative to change our minds....And you will put up with it and like it or you dont get any, right ladies? And not all women have millions of shoes (I own 3 pairs)....its just the truely interesting ones who have lots of shoes, right Z?

Tell him, sister!

PS - I own 11 pairs of shoes and it's my right! Some are dressy, some are casual, some are for cold, some for hot, and some for play. Get over it!
Its all part of what makes us interesting....and what makes you men keep coming back for more. Dont ask why, just enjoy...
Sorry, Nic...I got carried away and used lots. Wont happen again. Forgive me just this one time? hehe
I'm just going to enjoy some of Nic's popcorn and stay quiet while the war begins. I don't like stereotyping the opposite sex. One woman showed me not everyone's the same.
War? What war?

And thank god they aren't.

But to each thier own.
One man's beaty is another dog.

The fact that they think their bodily functions are so funny/interesting...

Not everyone is so fascinated that you have just released gas from your body, be it up or down...

And no, I will not pop that thing on your back that has been BUGGING you all day! That's just gross!

What is there to not like about them?

that they are too tired, have a headache or/and "have to get up early" when you want to:
- have sex
- cuddle
- talk
- sing karaoke
- watch a great movie
- have a snack
- drink beer
- or whatever you would want to do anytime of the day and night.

Tries to help out in the kitchen when you told him to roll you some smokes in the livingroom.

Breaks up with you, come back two weeks later and can't understand that you have moved on and his "it's over" is more of a "pause" than an actual break up.

Can't really find anything to dislike with men...
Oh, right, they never live in Sweden, if you get interested in them.
Quote by nicola
I don't want to further my sullied reputation by posting in this thread

Wash the damn basin after you've had a shave damnit.

Opps, that one slipped out.
Why should we, you women never lift the toilet seat up for us!
Learn to sit down and pee! It's better for your health aswell!
Quote by roccotool
I'm just going to enjoy some of Nic's popcorn and stay quiet while the war begins. I don't like stereotyping the opposite sex. One woman showed me not everyone's the same.

See Stuart? Maybe you should sit back and take some Rocco lessons...

That they expect you to be there at their beck and call but when you ask em to come over they dont show. Then expect it to be acceptable when they fook off for 6 weeks and want you to come back like nothing happened

Oh and they think with their dicks
Quote by MMonroe
Oh and they think with their dicks

It's not that they think with their dicks, they are one with their dicks. It's a zen thing.
They should learn not to do everything the little head wants to do.
Learn to put the seat down!!!!
What I hate about Men…

1. They are always complaining about everything that we do.
2. They can never find anything (even if it’s in front of them.)
3. They throw their clothes on the floor (even if the hamper is next to them.)
4. They expect “us” to do everything for them, and when we do it they talk smack about how they could have done it better.
5. They try to act like they can do EVERYTHING we can, when we ALL know it’s not true.

Ughhh … I think I’m going to stop, I’m getting heated!
You want an answer from a mans point of view? Well ....lets get started......(wunders how much space aloud for a response)

On second thought...I refuse to answer on the grounds that it could get me permantley Banned from this site....
and I like this site...Dammit
LMAO!!!...these responses are hilarious!!!.....

Mr. Plow I will talk to you later about your 1950's mentality along with David....

Stuart.....everyone has the right to change thier minds women and men as for shoes....its my perogative to own as many as I want for the simple reason that I buy them...LOL!

Ali, Catnip, Nic and Lil Birdie....high five....LOL!

Welcome Monroe....

Ahh Roccolicious Tech has done wonders for

Baker you have the right to express yourself as long as you are not violating someone else's rights or degrading someone in the process.

ziiomara......como que hate is a strong was like dislike....hahaha...pero te entiendo...LOL!

And as for me I love men and women and all thier little quirks and when I feel I don't like you anymore I simply more on to the closed.....the end....LMAO!!!

"Love all, trust a few, and do wrong to none."