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sex with co-workers?

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As a guideline i try not to incase things end badly and then it complicates things at work. But i have slept with a couple of co-workers though yes.
Yes, did it. We were both single and it ended as badly as it could have. Since that time, have not even been tempted, not even a little bit. Bad Mojo...
Does getting blowjobs count?
Yes, a long time ago, and I learned a lesson. It happens a lot, it seems. More than people probably know.

If you expect it to last beyond a brief encounter, I would highly recommend against it if you have any reporting relationship with the person (i.e. your superior or subordinate, once or multiply removed) as that is potentially a firing offense, or opening the door to a whole lot of trouble.

If you are otherwise not that close, so to speak, then the only problem is what happens after a good thing goes bad. and that is not a trivial concern. So many times, you see people super-friendly at work, then BOOM - they are intentionally distant, after being so "chummy". it stands out almost as obviously as if they were caught "in flagrante". Even if you did not suspect something going on beforehand, because they were really good about keeping it cool at work, it is still noticeable to third parties when things go bad. Or, so it seems.

The only way to escape is if one or both parties change work locations. This is sometimes an option only when you work for a big employer with lots of job sites. if you cannot change jobs, or work apart on the same site, then things can get uncomfortable real fast.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than open one's mouth and remove all doubt" - Mark Twain (or Lincoln, or Confucius, or...)
Quote by heat23
Does getting blowjobs count?

Yes, here it does, maybe not in the white house, but yes here.
Back in '93 I married my secretary, had two awesome kids and then divorced in 2000. In '01 I hooked up with my secretary at another company and we've been happily cohabiting (well, with a few hiccups here and there) ever since. We've owned three houses together and she even buys me cars while I'm away on business.

So yes... I guess you could say that I've had sex with coworkers!! And GREAT sex at that!!!
Flash a Trucker... It's appreciated!!

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Quote by doctorlove
How you ever and how easy it for you to have sex with a co-worker at work and who started ?
Yes i have. In both cases i helped them get jobs working fornother managers. in both cases they came bacl to me and things developed. you can read about them one my site
I have. We work for the same company, just different locations. We always flirted over the phone and met when we were out of town at a conference. Too much wine on a pier over looking the beach lead to him staying the night in my hotel room. He's made 4 trips to my city so far. Called me last week and said he'd be in town this month.
yes in my office do it alot with the girls they all know i show my pussy before it gets me going then go into werk all worked up
Quote by chriskayaks
she even buys me cars while I'm away on business.

A CYNIC might suggest you over-pay The Typist...

xx SF
Before I was married - two LTRs (if three years is considered long term) and two flings. Always kept it a secret. Still friends with one of them. I have lost contact with the others.
can't say that I have
Considering how much time one spends at work, sleeping with a coworker is almost inevitable. At almost every job I have had, I have had sex with a coworker. My Master and I met at work, he was my boss (how's that for foreshadowing). So, I am a big fan of sex with coworkers!
I tried it years ago with a manager of another department in the same office building I worked in. Back then I used to smoke cigarettes, so we met on my smoke break...then after work. A few times he worked late so it became office sex. Lots of fun and forbidden too, which is very exciting. Crazy, but fun
I've had sex with someone I've worked with. We had flirted basically the first day I started, until finally we hooked up. But it wasn't long before he found a new, better paying job. So, there was no awkwardness when it ended months later.
NO, its a red zone for me as it is to be with one that a friend was with
Never, I would find it to be too awkward afterwards. Gossip afterwards just not worth it.
Many years ago. I realised that its not the ladder to success it is claimed to be but the stairway to the door - out.
Quote by doctorlove

Yes, here it does, maybe not in the white house, but yes here.

"I did not have sex with that woman"

"What difference does it make"

sex with co-workers ,as I've experienced, will come back to b
"bite you in the ass" . Took me a few times to get this thru the big head !
Yeah, I have but for me it was kind of different. We knew each other for some time before we worked together, and we ended up dating for about two years before we broke up.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have. I saw a few coworkers at a former job get together, and it got very messy afterward.
Yes, I have and they have all been quite successful. Discretion was maintained and my good name has remained intact over the years
Yes, he was married, headhunted me to go work with him when he switched companies, I went. He couldn't handle it, it ended and I left.
Happened once - not worth the hassle. Almost happened again, but I remembered the mess from the first time. Of course, back then I was young, dumb and full of ......... Let's just say, I learned my lesson in the Navy back in the late 70's.
"I expect nothing. I fear no one. I am free." Nikos Kazantzakis

I can't go into detail because it's to shocking to broadcast publicly, but I am currently embroiled in workplace sexual shenanigans and things are getting seriously out of hand. I wish I had never started it all. Things are going to end very badly indeed.
Not Me!

But Special Aunt.

She worked with this guy and they were friendly but that is all.

Then he then asked her out and her reply was " Go Away and Forget It Your Are Too Young"

A few months later he tried again and got the same response.

On the third try she said "OK I will go for a drink with you but that is all. She knew how to send a man packing

You see she was 39 and not beautiful but Stunningly Gorgeous! He was 26. Everyone said it was just about sex and that could never work.

Months later after they had been dating for a while she suggested maybe they could live together. Which he rejected and informed her marriage or nothing.

They have been married 52 years and who knows maybe it will not work.

So maybe office sex is just fine.

So maybe an older woman and a younger man can last longer than a hot Sexcation.

All I know for sure is that every woman would like to be loved like my Special Aunt is loved.

No, havent done it.
†Jinxy Approved†

Never had the temptation or inclination which is a good thing because of my position. It wouldn't be a good thing at all. Besides, I'm too busy working when I'm at work. I get slammed just not sexually.
Came close to having sex with a co-worker, but we were at a park, and to much traffic coming and going....
The fantasy is strong the environment leads to thoughts of fun filled pleasure, however the reality is a major challenge. From a legal or corporate policy this is best left alone unless your company is large enough that you will not see your dalliance in a working capacity (even then people move around all the time ... Hey Bob guess who your new boss is, not so smiling now are you ...)

In general if you will proceed as with all things in life, don't be a jerk is a good policy. Be open, communicate and if things don't work out do the best to mend the bridge so you have a good working relationship and it doesn't spill over into work.