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Readers that don't write. Do they give lower scores?

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If someone only reads and doesn't write, do you think they're more likely to give a lower score to someone's story?
And if you're a reader, not a writer (we love our readers, btw smile do you have a red and white avatar??

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

Kind of hard to say either way. I think other authors are more likely to vote though. A lot of readers don't even join the site. They just read. I know I didn't join until I had to because I wanted to post a story.

What I can say for certain is that if you have a low vote count, say under 15 a story, then the voters don't find your stories very compelling. Not compelling enough to give it a vote anyway. Since most every story here has above a 4.9 score I would say that anything below that isn't too hot. 4.6 is getting on the low end of quality.
I always have a low vote count, because poems don't grab men like a stroke story does. Logic says, there are those who think giving a low scores demeans the writer. It funny how some people think. If its worth being verified then it should be no less than 4.5.
I'm not sure they are more likely to give a lower score, but on the rare occasions that I notice that someone has given a lower score on something of mine and can pin down who it was, it usually tends to be a non-writer in my experience. I think maybe there is not the same appreciation on the part of some non-writers for how much time and effort is spent on bringing these stories to life - for free - to entertain people. And yes, good scores and comments do feed the ego and encourage more writing. We're all human, and it's nice to be appreciated for what you do.

And the red and white avatars, no. That's just people that haven't bothered to create an individual av and has no bearing on whether they write or not.
Quote by Magical_felix
Kind of hard to say either way. I think other authors are more likely to vote though. A lot of readers don't even join the site. They just read. I know I didn't join until I had to because I wanted to post a story.

What I can say for certain is that if you have a low vote count, say under 15 a story, then the voters don't find your stories very compelling. Not compelling enough to give it a vote anyway. Since most every story here has above a 4.9 score I would say that anything below that isn't too hot. 4.6 is getting on the low end of quality.

I would agree with most of what you're saying. But I think a writer has to earn those higher numbers. If you're new, you're most likely fairly unknown so lower scores have to be expected. It's like anything else, I guess. You gotta work for it to earn it.

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

Writers can't know what a reader scored??
Quote by Maryana
Writers can't know what a reader scored??

No, and it should be anonymous because there are those who would retaliate, sadly to say

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

Quote by Simmerdownchick

No, and it should be anonymous because there are those who would retaliate, sadly to say

Tsk tsk
Quote by Maryana
Writers can't know what a reader scored??

Actually, if one is not getting lots of scores coming in at the same time, and one is watching the timeline, one can see what someone's score is on ones story. For example, you just gave me a 5 on my latest story. Even though you left no comment I could see when you scored. Thank you, dear Maryana.
Quote by Green_Man

Actually, if one is not getting lots of scores coming in at the same time, and one is watching the timeline, one can see what someone's score is on ones story. For example, you just gave me a 5 on my latest story. Even though you left no comment I could see when you scored. Thank you, dear Maryana.

I always give you a 5.ivhEgnPOXH4daBt9
Quote by Maryana

I always give you a 5.O2g2sVonoBSdUDx3

Quote by Green_Man

Quote by Simmerdownchick

I would agree with most of what you're saying. But I think a writer has to earn those higher numbers. If you're new, you're most likely fairly unknown so lower scores have to be expected. It's like anything else, I guess. You gotta work for it to earn it.

Not really. By that rationale the oldest members would have the most votes but that's simply not the case.

If you're talking about vote trading then I guess you have to work at it until you sit around and get 30 or 40 authors who will trade 5s with you.

But... I see new authors who know how to write things that the voters will want to vote on. Whether the writing is of high quality or not, it resonates enough go get 30, 40, 50 votes. There are just certain styles, subjects, word counts, etc that lush readers like the most. New or old, good or bad, some authors just know how to hit that sweet spot.
I've NEVER got this kind of concern...

(One of my Best Friends here is OBSESSED with NUMBERS...)

I couldn't give a flying fuck...

Once it POSTS, it has FUCK ALL to do with me... (Some of what I think is MY BEST never gets hit!!!)

I'm a WRITER, so I don't know what it would be like to be JUST a reader... But most people, (Me Included!!!) are just readers too!!!

I don't think it matters.

xx SF
i can't speak for all, but i voted YEARS before becoming an author and i never scored low. if i took the time to score and comment, it was because i TRULY enjoyed the work.

Say. Her. Name.

For me, it's about honing my craft. I love to write, and I think I've put out some pretty good stuff. Not great stuff, but it's all about learning and getting better at it. I can tell with every story I write that I've learned something new or improved in some way. Scores, well, I'd like to say I don't care. I don't want to be like Steph's friend and be obsessed with scores.
I'd never want to lose the pleasure and self satisfaction I get from wrting a story that I really enjoyed wrting...putting a part of myself on pen and paper, so to speak.

But, I started this thread, so maybe there's a bit of that insecurity in me that needs high scores. Hmmm...I saw my shrink yesterday, I should have asked him about this

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

I don't think it's a case of readers giving lower votes. After doing a quick count up, I've come to the conclusion that votes lower than 5 are extremely few and far between as a whole on the site.

Of the 30 stories on my homepage there is a combined total of 282 story votes. Those votes are as follows:

Votes of 1 -- 0

Votes of 2 -- 0

Votes of 3 -- 1

Votes of 4 -- 11

Votes of 5 -- 270

It's not a matter of readers voting lower, but more a case of very few people voting lower than a 5.
I think it takes time to build a fan base. Sometimes, readers are looking to follow writers who they enjoy reading. They might be less inclined to read stories from new writers who they are not familiar with.

I write on other sites where the votes are anonymous. The same stories that are here that I put elsewhere are scored much lower on those sites. I have built a strong fan base here which has taken a lot of hard work and a lot of time.

I also know there are people here that love to down score popular writers. They love to give the stories 1, 2, 3's. They get so much pleasure from doing that and then they delete their accounts. I get bombed all the time. I just giggle. The scores really only get you to be on the top lists.

I have always said the views are what tells the story. If you have views, you're getting read.

I find mostly the avatars that are red and whites always are the ones that throw the low scores. Most people are very generous and give 5's and lots give 4's.

Hope that helps,
I am one of the just readers ( I write comments but so far, no stories.) And never have thought to give low scores. As Mysteria says, I choose first the known authors (like she is) and enjoy their work. Then look for new ones, first my friends, then others. I think giving lower scores is bad thing and the ones doing it mostly are because they are anonymous and leaving site. I think if you don't like what you reading, move forward, each story has its own fans and if someone doesn't like it that doesn't mean is bad. Even more, why someone gives 3 or lessmif they can't even try to write? Maybe they give those scores just because they are frustrated. I mean, if you resd it, then it wasn't so bad. And if you didn't read it, how can say something about it.
Personally, I think that it is ok to get the lower scores too, but it should be an automatic comment with at least 100 characters to force them to tell you why. I do not mind the lower scores, and as such I write the individual, wanting to know why or how I can improve my writing.

To block someone for a lower score is not my cup of tea, I am not a writer of Hallmark caliber and as such I welcome the constructive criticism. Now for the trolls, why push the issue on them, this is not a paying site, this can be a step to see if some one might pick you up as a writer, but for most it is just a past time.

Most of the time I think that the scores really do not show whom you are as a writer as I feel this is more of a, popularity vote, as to who has more friends, and how well you play with others, as far as communication and many times if you cyber or not with the individuals, I do not agree with that, but it is what it is...

Personally I think the voting should be open to the public, even non members, and just as our counter on views on our profile goes once per IP address a day so should our votes. it is more realistic as to what a writer is worth rather than just the popularity among one another. that is my .

to answer your question, yes, I find that readers that only score and dont post give you lower scores.
The voting only helps stories become top stories or top poems. That is the only purpose of votes.

Now, the views give you famous stories and legendary stories.

I myself would rather just focus on the views.

My friends most of the time don't even read my work. I do blog to my fans and followers what my latest story or poem is. I do not do mass mailings or any of that.

I don't have cyber sex with people and rarely visit the chat rooms. I have worked hard in 2 years 8 months to build a fan base. It takes a lot of time and hard work. I do suggest that people become omnium writers. That would get your stories looked at more if you decided to write in all 39 categories. This helped me develop my fans.

Readers love variety. Poem writing is great but that only attracts a certain reader. The readers on Lush Stories are looking for stories. They have all kinds of interests. I love to think of topics that are way out of the box. I like to keep my readers engaged with the crazy thoughts that I come up with.

In the past I have written fantasies and stories out for my fans by request. I love to make people happy.

OK this is how it works for 95%+ of all votes cast on stories here:

1) The message voters are intending to convey -
5 = I liked your story or you, maybe both
Anything else = I dislike you personally

2) How that message is understood by the author -
5 = You're an amazing author/poet
Anything else = watch your back, you have an enemy hell bent on maliciously destroying your writing career
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

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To answer your question, I'm a reader but not a writer and I rarely leave a score below 4...

... however I would like to add that this is partly down to how offended writers get if you score anything less than 4. In my opinion the rating system on this site is broken and people leave 5's regardless of how good or bad the story actually is. For example, I rated a story a 4 recently and logged on to Lush later that day to find a scathing message from the author who was furious with the low score. I argued that 4 wasn't a bad score but they were having none of it!

In some cases I genuinely think it's better to leave no rating than give your actual opinion.
Quote by overmykneenow
OK this is how it works for 95%+ of all votes cast on stories here:

1) The message voters are intending to convey -
5 = I liked your story or you, maybe both
Anything else = I dislike you personally

2) How that message is understood by the author -
5 = You're an amazing author/poet
Anything else = watch your back, you have an enemy hell bent on maliciously destroying your writing career

Yes, at last, someone who can see it for what it is. The scoring is superficial. People are not using the voting system for what it's intended for.

I'll do a little more research, but as far as I tell, at least 95% of votes on all stories are a 5. Why is that?

And I can't believe that people are debating whether or not non-writers give lower scores. How can people debate such a thing when only a mere 5% of scores given are less than 5. I'm confused; I don't understand what's going on here.
Quote by MonsoonMicky
Of the 30 stories on my homepage there is a combined total of 282 story votes. Those votes are as follows:

Votes of 1 -- 0

Votes of 2 -- 0

Votes of 3 -- 1

Votes of 4 -- 11

Votes of 5 -- 270

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I'll show my working out and how I calculated the percentage from the figures above.

12/282 = 0.04255310

0.04255310 x 100 = 4.25

By my calculations, a mere 4.25% of the 282 votes on the homepage last night were scores less than 5.
Quote by MonsoonMicky

Yes, at last, someone who can see it for what it is. The scoring is superficial. People are not using the voting system for what it's intended for.

I'll do a little more research, but as far as I tell, at least 95% of votes on all stories are a 5. Why is that?

And I can't believe that people are debating whether or not non-writers give lower scores. How can people debate such a thing when only a mere 5% of scores given are less than 5. I'm confused; I don't understand what's going on here.

To be fair the scoring is never going to display an even distribution of scores - it's not like reviewing something you bought on amazon or rating an app you downloaded - if you don't like a story invariably readers will skip it and move on to the next one. You have to question the motivation of anyone who stuck with a story just score it a two when there are so many other stories around they could be enjoying.

As other have mentioned, the scoring system is a long way from perfect - that's why many people seem to treat it as a Like button.
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

Why not read some stories instead

NEW! Want a quick read for your coffee break? Why not try this... Flash Erotica: Scrubber
Quote by overmykneenow

To be fair the scoring is never going to display an even distribution of scores - it's not like reviewing something you bought on amazon or rating an app you downloaded - if you don't like a story invariably readers will skip it and move on to the next one. You have to question the motivation of anyone who stuck with a story just score it a two when there are so many other stories around they could be enjoying.

As other have mentioned, the scoring system is a long way from perfect - that's why many people seem to treat it as a Like button.

That is the best analogy for it. I really hadn't looked at it like that, but you're so right. Getting less than a 5 is like being told "eh, it was okay" when, for the most part one has pained over every word.
Thanks for that making comparison.

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

Quote by MonsoonMicky

Yes, at last, someone who can see it for what it is. The scoring is superficial. People are not using the voting system for what it's intended for.

I'll do a little more research, but as far as I tell, at least 95% of votes on all stories are a 5. Why is that?

And I can't believe that people are debating whether or not non-writers give lower scores. How can people debate such a thing when only a mere 5% of scores given are less than 5. I'm confused; I don't understand what's going on here.

Like John smith mentioned and chica admitted to... Authors on lush are sending voters who give them a 4 scathing emails. That's so ridiculous. And people wonder why readers are shy to vote.
Unfortunately, scoring becomes a popularity contest. It's pretty obvious. I feel if a story is verified, it should be no less than 4. One doesn't have to care for it, because writers have different styles. I write because I wish to and I don't play the patronizing game for fame. What is to be had by being a Lush celebrity? Its all a matter of truth.
Quote by adagio_sabadicus
Unfortunately, scoring becomes a popularity contest. It's pretty obvious. I feel if a story is verified, it should be no less than 4. One doesn't have to care for it, because writers have different styles. I write because I wish to and I don't play the patronizing game for fame. What is to be had by being a Lush celebrity? Its all a matter of truth.

We are all amateurs here. I'm like you and write because I like to write. My stories are just things I like to think about. If others like them too, so be it.
