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Reaction to a fake

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Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Liz
For those of you that are not aware, a user asked recently if they were ok to start a thread on here calling out people with 'fake' profiles/photos.
The answer was 'No, please don't.'

There is no need to make waves.
Consider what Lush actually is to a lot of the people that use the site. It's a fantasy world.
Somewhere they can be who they want to be and escape from their everyday selves. Some people choose to do this with an alternate persona complete with pictures.

The more savvy of us know when we look a profile whether it looks legit or not. If you don't agree with those people that upload a photo or two of someone else they found online, then just leave them be.


BINGO!! Live and let live. We all have our reasons for being on here and more importantly, we have the power to choose who we friend and unfriend and need not justify anything to anyone. There are plenty of REAL people on here who will more than make-up for any of the fakes. Be discerning and try to remember to keep a sense of humour while navigating around here because it really can be quite entertaining
I agree. Everyone has their own reason and right to be here. Sadly there are times that those who hide behind a fake profile are the ones who end up hurting those who are genuine. It happens, it's called the Internet, it's called reality. Just be cautious of those you connect with on a personal level is the best advice I can give. We all came here to enjoy ourselves, so do just that, have fun!
the internet allows people to be who they are not

i say let them

as long as they are not committing a crime

let them live in fantasy land

isn't life hard enough without others taking away some small pleasure?
Active Ink Slinger
I am surprise that you were surprised. It seems that you have been a member since 2006 and posted over 370,000 times and never crossed your mind that some of these photos or profiles are fake. This site is like most things on the internet, as real as you want it to be.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Lilkate
I am surprise that you were surprised. It seems that you have been a member since 2006 and posted over 370,000 times and never crossed your mind that some of these photos or profiles are fake. This site is like most things on the internet, as real as you want it to be.

the ire knee is overwhelming.
Quote by Lilkate
I am surprise that you were surprised. It seems that you have been a member since 2006 and posted over 370,000 times and never crossed your mind that some of these photos or profiles are fake. This site is like most things on the internet, as real as you want it to be.

Ummmm, "guest" is not a Lush member, it's a place where all the forum posts go to reside when someone deletes their account. Sorta like Lush heaven.
I am what I am!

Of all our inventions for mass communication,
pictures still speak the most universally understood language.

Walt Disney
Active Ink Slinger
In general it doesn't bother me. Be who ever you wish, I have no issue with it.
We all come here for a bit of escapism, to explore our sexuality, to connect with like minded individuals and most importantly to have a good time.

It's in our own best to use a bit of common sense, to question what we read and see and decided for ourselves if what is portrayed is anything resembling the truth. In saying that though, some people here are deceitful, manipulative and cruel, and take great pleasure in the games they play.

In an ideal world everyone would be exactly who and what the say they are, in reality that's never going to happen wether that's in real life or especially here.

If I find someone has lied to me I decide if it's deliberately cruel or if it's a bit of harmless escapism. If it's harmless, I smile and move on with our friendship. If it's a deliberate attempt to hurt me... I do love the delete button smile
In general it doesn't bother me, I mean, I don't like or respect when is lyed to me, saying no to a question if to personal is perfectly ok and if a person decide for their outlet to create new different alter life and stick with it, is fine with me as well.

As it goes for me, Lush is my oasis of liberation. I am even more honest and myself than in real life. In life I am careful and protective of myself, here my laptop is protecting me and allows me to be me. Doesn't make sense? It doesn't matter as well, giggles.
Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado
Quote by She
In general it doesn't bother me, I mean, I don't like or respect when is lyed to me, saying no to a question if to personal is perfectly ok and if a person decide for their outlet to create new different alter life and stick with it, is fine with me as well.

As it goes for me, Lush is my oasis of liberation. I am even more honest and myself than in real life. In life I am careful and protective of myself, here my laptop is protecting me and allows me to be me. Doesn't make sense? It doesn't matter as well, giggles.

I am in agreement with She with her statement (particularly the bolded! .... me too!!).

I just don't see the point in passing off a pic of "one's self' when it is clearly from tumblr. I want my Lush experience to be a little more authentic and real (hahaha ... I know, it is the internet) ... Leaving out info, perfectly fine. Stating something that is a blatant lie, not so great. I have friends who have NO pics ... even their AV is just an AV representing them. I prefer the honest person over someone who says .... "here's a private pic of me" and it's really an Amercrombie&Fitch model.

As far as a reaction to a fake ... I've been here on an off since 2009 - the fakes are many; some linger, some leave, some get their kicks playing .... it's the nature of the beast. And the crazy thing is .... when someone does fess up, it makes it easier to go forward and maybe find out more about them - their insecurities, why they chose to do that, what really makes them more interesting than the fake they thought was an improvement on themselves.
Actually, the fakes who chap my ass the most are ex -Lush friends. They create new accounts, send new requests, and act like they're someone I've never been friends with before. Eventually, they slip up, and I usually figure out who they are or at least that we were friends previously. It's happened more than once and one guy has done this to me about 5 times so far. Grrrrr Makes me suspicious of new friends.
Quote by CurlyGirly
Actually, the fakes who chap my ass the most are ex -Lush friends. They create new accounts, send new requests, and act like they're someone I've never been friends with before. Eventually, they slip up, and I usually figure out who they are or at least that we were friends previously. It's happened more than once and one guy has done this to me about 5 times so far. Grrrrr Makes me suspicious of new friends.

I kind of have someone doing that to me now. He isn't exactly a fake though, he was a really close friend who actually lied BIG time to me. I won't add him so he follows my stories, he thinks I'm just that stupid to realize that it is not him.
Its one thing to post a fake picture and admit its not you when asked, but its another thing to portray it as yourself. There are plenty of people on here who will tell the truth and others who won't. Im not big into the fantasy world. You can get too caught up in it and lose your perspective on reality. Just my two sense...
Active Ink Slinger
I have told everyone who I have friended that there are no pic of Me anywhere on Lush and the reasons for that. And all My friends accept that.
In return I do not care whether the avatar is them or not. My friends are My friends because of who they are, not what they look like. Whether they look like their avatar or not is of little consequence to Me - it's the person themselves that I am looking for, not whatever picture they put up.
Active Ink Slinger
I think as others have said, it's normally fairly apparent if someone posts professional pics of someone else and claims they are them.

However, I have to admit it winds me up when I see girls post 'me on the beach on holiday' photos and they have a stamp in the corner showing they are straight off the internet! Fair enough use avatars and upload pics that you think are sexy or represent yourself, but some have whole albums claiming to be them that aren't and I just can't get my head round that sort of misrepresentation!

Personally I would never upload anything other than myself, as Lush is my little sexual getaway and I want to show people who I am sexually not who someone else is !?
Google is the answer!! hahaha xD It's easy to find out if someone's pics are fake or not. but I don't care. If it's sexy. It turns me on. =P

Oh well my pics are of myself, but only parts of my body. I don't take full body pics(with face) for personal reasons. I'm flattered that people like them. =)
Active Ink Slinger
I agree with She, I am more honest in Lush than out in the real world. All the pictures that I claim are me, ARE OF ME. if you have seen them it should be obvious.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by HappyEndings
Opinions abound on this subject and here is mine and it is merely my opinion.

I think if you post a picture and claim it is actually of yourself then it really should be so.

I think if you use someone else's pictures and claim they are you, then you should be liable to be sued for it and it's very dishonest and cowardly.

I think if you post pictures of your face on this or any other internet website linked to sexual activity, pictures or stories, then you are taking a big chance of being hugely embarrassed or even fired or arrested as a pervert some day and I avoid that like the plague and suggest you do as well.

I think we should all be allowed our fantasies and to have our fun here but should at LEAST abide by the above stated "ethics".

Just remember that all the above is my opinion and only that and if you get your panties in a wad over it then it's your own problem. ;)

Couldn't agree more! I'm all for fun and being protective of your real identity. However to steal someone's photo and claim it as yourself is wrong and against the law. What if that person works at a reputably public firm and is recognized. It can ruin their image. When I figure out that a person on my profile is fake or pretending, I usually just delete them. Its the best thing to do, unless you really like their photos!
Just to throw some thoughts out:
-What if say Angelina Jolie came here, called herself Angie J, posted her thoughts, stories and played around. You have cybered with her, known her and guess what she has done? She has hidden in plain sight and been honest. But no one would have believed it.
-What if a person has a bad break up? The ex takes the sexy pics and spreads them everywhere and the person posting on Lush has no idea. So yes the pics are on the internet while they think they are being sexy only here.
-I think I am sexy and I post everywhere, I love porn sites and I put my pics everywhere. I am hot as hell in my mind and amateur porn star but I love Lush so I come here too. Share some photos, my favorites and don't think they are exclusive.
-I come here for a fantasy and you spoiled it so I am not longer your friend. I have 3 children, dead end job and a bad marriage. I wanted to be someone else for a bit and now I can't with you.
-You outed her and she is frightened that you will look her up, show up with a squirt gun, a cammo jacket and ring begging her to marry you. Maybe you freaked her out.

Life is not always so obvious.
Candy Connoisseur
Im picky with who I friend. Nothing against those with ridiculous names, fake photos, fake persona's etc. Its when I accidentally discovered one of my first friends here had over 20 accounts, was friends with themselves, and those fake accounts were friends with my friends, I could not hit the delete button fast enough. I didnt go telling everyone, they can figure it out. But I wish I was a fly on the wall when they got my message via the admin message service about having multiple accounts. I guess I was not picky enough.
Quote by CurlyGirly
Actually, the fakes who chap my ass the most are ex -Lush friends. They create new accounts, send new requests, and act like they're someone I've never been friends with before. Eventually, they slip up, and I usually figure out who they are or at least that we were friends previously. It's happened more than once and one guy has done this to me about 5 times so far. Grrrrr Makes me suspicious of new friends.

Same here!! It's so disheartening when this happens... Grr

Makes me wary of new friends too...
Quote by SydneySider
Im picky with who I friend. Nothing against those with ridiculous names, fake photos, fake persona's etc. Its when I accidentally discovered one of my first friends here had over 20 accounts, was friends with themselves, and those fake accounts were friends with my friends, I could not hit the delete button fast enough. I didnt go telling everyone, they can figure it out. But I wish I was a fly on the wall when they got my message via the admin message service about having multiple accounts. I guess I was not picky enough.

That is seriously creepy. 20 accounts! Who has the time? Oh yes a crazy person. I learn something new about Lush everyday. I am still shocked though. And friended themselves? What? Strange.

Mazza and Curly. Another new lesson. Sigh.

I shouldn't be surprised but I am.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by CurlyGirly
Actually, the fakes who chap my ass the most are ex -Lush friends. They create new accounts, send new requests, and act like they're someone I've never been friends with before. Eventually, they slip up, and I usually figure out who they are or at least that we were friends previously. It's happened more than once and one guy has done this to me about 5 times so far. Grrrrr Makes me suspicious of new friends.

I have a something similar happen to me. I was friends with this girl and she was really nice and fun to chat with. I was always a little skeptical about her pics but I really didn't care. She was fun. Then one day she told me about a bunch of her friends who were on and they wanted to friend me too. I friended a few of them. Then one day I happened to see one of her pics online when I was surfing and when I went to the site, I saw pics of all her friends too. They all used pics from some porn site and claimed they were of them.

I told the girl what I found and that I liked chatting with her and she didn't need to lie about who she/or he was. She dropped me and so did all her friends I had friended. They have since left Lush but wouldn't be shocked if they are back under different names. I even had a girl request to friend me and from her profile I had a feeling it was on of these people. I rejected her and now I am wary of adding new friends!
Very discouraging, and it'd just get me worked up, and pissed off too. I'd have to keep going at it, until it was real.
If I do find someone who is nothing but a fake I will delete them. If people want to stay anonymous just don't add pics leave them out. Be honest other wise..
Bonnet Flaunter
This is a fascinating and eye opening discussion! I'm gauging from people's responses that there is a perceived difference between people who maybe project a persona/ post avatars that are not photos of themselves for fun or to protect their privacy; and those who are trying to deliberately fool others by pretending to be someone they are not. The first is fantasy, the second is manipulation... *shivers*
Active Ink Slinger

I've had a few under the 'new' format that seem very (too?) friendly, reveal very little of themselves in pics and almost immediately want to switch to message on private email or 'chat'. I've had a couple ask for money or 'gifts'. Yeah, right! Starting to be fairly easy to spot the insincere types. Too bad; mostly good folks here, I've always thought.

What nonsense. Of course everyone here is exactly who they say they are. That's what me and my best friends, Beyoncé and Rihanna, think anyway.

Why in the world would it matter. If someone is elaborately fake then in all likelihood they are either exceptionally creative or insanely divisive.

Voyeur @ f/64

Some of the imaginary folks are much more interesting than the real ones. And more honest.