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Reaction to a fake

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I recently friended someone who has their hidden pictures labeled as them but are actually someone semi famous. I posted on those pics the real person's name and they dropped me as a friend. I was just going to let it go, I don't like drama. Is this the right thing to do?
Quote by JDOre
I recently friended someone who has their hidden pictures labeled as them but are actually someone semi famous. I posted on those pics the real person's name and they dropped me as a friend. I was just going to let it go, I don't like drama. Is this the right thing to do?

Sometimes discretion is the way to go.
Not everyone on Lush is who they claim to be; I'm not sure how getting unfriended by someone after you 'outed' them came as a surprise though.
Not a surprise. I won't announce it. Just curious.
I agree. There are people on here not who they claim to be. But in a fantasy world, fantasy is the rule. I think you did the right thing. Just goes to show that that person has no integrity.
i will tell everyone that there are NO pics of me on the lush site. saying that, i would want to know if i was misleading anyone.
especially being new and not knowing the rules.
what may seem to be common sense to one person is not so clear to another.
It seems like a good part of the people on here have fake pictures. One even managed to have pictures of a porn star... It always surprises me that people believe these, but to each their own. If that's what they need to make themselves feel better, than clearly they have some serious self esteem issues. It is annoying though. Someone should call them out. Props.
I think you made the right call; even if most everyone stretches the truth a little here. I'm always amazed at the comments by men on women's picture when it is obvious the picture isn't of them, but now that I think of it maybe these responses by horny men are typical...
For those of you that are not aware, a user asked recently if they were ok to start a thread on here calling out people with 'fake' profiles/photos.
The answer was 'No, please don't.'

There is no need to make waves.
Consider what Lush actually is to a lot of the people that use the site. It's a fantasy world.
Somewhere they can be who they want to be and escape from their everyday selves. Some people choose to do this with an alternate persona complete with pictures.

The more savvy of us know when we look a profile whether it looks legit or not. If you don't agree with those people that upload a photo or two of someone else they found online, then just leave them be.

I used to be adamant about 'outing' fakes as well. But after being here a while, I've realized this place is an escape for many people, as Liz previously stated. And also, most people can spot fakes on sight (it's really not that hard) while others remain blissfully ignorant. But who are they hurting? I'll never understand what people get out of posting someone else's pics and claiming them as their own. I mean it's not like the loads of compliments you're getting are being directed at you. They're being directed to this poor, unaware stranger. But hey, to each their own.

Sure it can hurt if you become deeply involved with someone only to find out they aren't who they say they are. But on the other hand, it's up to you to do the necessary 'research' beforehand.

I have many people on my friends list who have albums full of pics that they claim is them, but I know it isn't. In my earlier Lush days, I would have happily outed them. But I guess I'm numb to it now. It really is more trouble than it's worth. And I personally think you make more of an ass of yourself than you do of the person you're publicly outing.

I get a good laugh out of it, but that's about it. I say leave them be. You know the truth, so you know to avoid them. Others will learn eventually, or remain blissfully ignorant. Either way, what harm is it doing to you?

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Thanks, I'll just ignore it. It's not worth the problems it would create.
As others have said, there are a lot of those on LUSH. But me personally, I would rather not have them as friends, and if I find out they are not who they present themselves as in pictures I will remove them from my friend's list. I don't have time for that stuff. I understand about the whole "fantasy" thing, but I want that in the stories I read, not in the friendships I have here. The truth is that a fake complete fraud on LUSH is more liked than those who might "out" them and ruin the "fun". So be careful who you find yourself caring about.
I know this is improbable but maybe the person really is the semi-famous person in the pictures but didn't want his or her real name known here?

I haven't seen anybody ask about that possibility.
I really don't care if someone is portraying themselves as something they are not. Those who do are usually creating a persona that reflects a real part of who they see themselves as being anyway.

Lush is a place where a person can express levels of themselves they either can't or won't in real life and I doubt seriously that there are many of us who don't hide at least a little of the truth. I know that I do. My life is highly compartmentelised and there are precious few who see more than a few of those compartments. In that sense, I'm as fake as anyone here. If that offends, that's your right. I won't blame anyone for disliking me for what I hide any more than I blame others for hiding a portion of their lives.
Quote by CleverFox
I know this is improbable but maybe the person really is the semi-famous person in the pictures but didn't want his or her real name known here?

I haven't seen anybody ask about that possibility.

Interesting possibility and thought.
Yeah I pretty much agree with the majority. This is a fantasy world, and if that's what turns he/she on, posing as some body else, then leave well alone and let them have their cheap thrill.
I use to post my real pics and videos, know one can deny that. Then I realized why should I, this is not a dating site it's about stories and making a few friends. Guy's you're not gonna meet anyone on here or score. I mean even when I posted my real shit I would never date a guy who actually gets off on this shit. Just take it for what it's and enjoy the site. Who cares about the pics, really people, 98.9 percent on here are fake pics.. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Summer J...
DJDOre. I actually ran into the same issue, A girl on here had pics she claimed to be "her" and one wouldn't be able to disagree, and she also posted pretty decent stories. Within a month i seemed to catch on her shitty excuses and explanations for pictures she posted. The following weeks, i actually noticed the same pictures, well in video though ,, a porno. I was like wow, a porn star on here. "to which i figured why?" I confronted her about it and she mainly ignored me but said she just did a "few" videos, which is bull, seeing she stated she was "Christy Mack" a face and hairstyle you can't mistake. (google her if you want). So then in the following month she actually deactivated her account and i was like whatever, why fake it and act like someone your not.

But it all became more weird when i read a story posted by a guy, which was word for word, detail to detail from which ive read before. (i have an eidetic memory) So i confronted the guy about it, and he said it was his old girlfriend who stole his laptop and used all his stories and when he found out he wrote to a Mod, about it. I then laughed and said she was portraying Christy the porn star and he lost it saying she was no such porn star and far from it.

But now he has actually left and his account and stories are gone, so i do wonder some days what was truth and what were lies?? a lot of gray i say.

But yeah i left it to die and moved on, there a lot of people who don't claim to be there self and i just don't feel the need to bother unless it directly affects me.
You can tell my pics are real from the poor quality. If they are too professional, they're are probably fake...
Was it the right thing to do?

I'm not going to answer that for you because it's not for me to answer.

Just realize that people are on here for various reasons. Don't get so hung up on it. Some are here to read stories, some are here to get people to chat them up, some are here for the attention, some are here to post pics, some are here to write.

Since this is a social networking site mixed with erotica then you will get a mixed bag of people.

If you don't want people as friends that offer fake pics, then specify that in your profile. But realize that it's not necessarily a dating site. And realize that people are here for their own reasons.

Sometimes I think people mistake the site because it's not what they thought it was, or think that all social networking is for fucking. Which it is. But this is also a site that offers more than just a people connection. It offers creativity and stories.

And sex smile
forgive me while i point it out some of the things said ITT that don't sit well with me. :P

just because you don't want people to trick you/make you look a fool doesn't mean you planned on fucking them. just like if you're here it doesn't mean you "get off" to the stories or are some sex-crazed person. (not saying it doesn't apply to some or most because, like mal said, some come here for different reasons) i like to chat and this place has a forum and allows me to chat with many people from around the world. simple as that. if anything else comes to fruition, then awesome. but i'm not here to meat people.

also, the quality of said pics means nothing these days. i see plenty of fakes using photos they find on sites like facebook or amateur porn sites that are "poor quality" or look legit just like i have had people i know that are real who post their modeling pics. i have even seen fakes pose as their best friend. it's sickening.

and the whole "If you don't want people as friends that offer fake pics, then specify that in your profile." is ludicrous. that should be a given!

i mean....who in their right mind would want to friend a fake? O_o

trust/honesty is a very important part when it comes to friendship. if they are basically going to lie about who they are, why would you believe anything else they say or do?

PS: i can understand escapism, but don't use someone else's pics. just leave it blank. identity theft is not cool.

just my 2 pennies.
I must emphasise that my avatar thingy really is me. I remember Leanardo saying at the time how he felt he caught me just right. Yes I truly am a dirty OLD man.
I've seen some that were pretty easy to tell were fake. I've got mine blocked to anyone but my friends. That being said like a friend told me if I were going to use fakes I'd have picked someone a helluva lot better looking than me lol
I have no issue with people wanting to keep their real identities hidden. Not everyone is comfortable sharing their real pics for fear of being recognized which may put their careers or relationships in jeopardy. Completely understandable and I respect that. Lord knows, I've friended many people over the years who have never shown me a picture of themselves BUT what they lacked in real pics, they made up in intelligent, articulate, respectable and sincere conversation. Sometimes that goes much further than just flashing a pearly smile or raging cock.

When I first joined and was much more active on Lush, I used to take major issue with those blazon profiles that were so over-the-top fake. I even fell for a few myself until I learned how to play the game - and it can definitely feel like a game at times on here. Right from the way their profile is written to the ridiculous pictures posted that were clearly pulled from the internet and/or photo shopped to death, they've become easy to spot. At the time, I just couldn't understand why anyone would go to such trouble to be so deceitful. Hell, I STILL don't quite understand it and all I can think about is how completely exhausting it must be to keep up with all the lies and pass oneself off as anything other than themselves.

Nowadays, I really couldn't give a shit. Honestly. More power to them if they can get away with it. I actually find it incredibly entertaining! Thankfully, I've honed my skills over the years to spot the fakes ones a mile away and with a blindfold on which is not that difficult if you think with your brain instead of your cock or pussy. There is no point in outing fakes, they have every right to be here. We have no idea what they're going through in their real lives that drives them to be so deceiving. At the end of the day, the decision to accept their friendship and/or believe what they post or say is up to us and is ultimately our responsibility. It's as simple as that.
You see fake personalities and pics on here all the time! It really doesn't bother me personally and in some instances it is quite funny to see/read.
Friends become just that through intelligent, meaningful conversation that doesn't always revolve around sex and avatars, and when people become close the truth always shines through, well hopefully it has for me and I hope that it continues too
I agree... Reality is some people here are living a fantasy and want to look different than they do or are afraid to show their real selves... There is a big difference between being private and trying to pass yourself off as someone else... I dont have a problem with people posting pictures of people other than themselves... Just dont ask people to believe its really you... I have called people out on their pictures and have been verbally attacked for it... Thats when I choose to walk away...
As for the person being someone famous... I highly doubt they would come here, make a profile and then lie about who they are... I would think if they were going to post their own pictures, they would take credit for being who they are... I think a famous person would just remain anonymous and not risk being caught so to speak...
So all the hot, young "models" who come here and show off "their" professional pictures (both male and female) take note... Most here definitely question the authenticity of your pictures as well as your profile...
A lot of guys and gals hve fake pics here personly I like for any one to talk to me because they want not be cause id have a pic of a model on my profile. if it looks to good to be true then 99 out of 100 times its fake but they not hurting any one so let them be
Opinions abound on this subject and here is mine and it is merely my opinion.

I think if you post a picture and claim it is actually of yourself then it really should be so.

I think if you use someone else's pictures and claim they are you, then you should be liable to be sued for it and it's very dishonest and cowardly.

I think if you post pictures of your face on this or any other internet website linked to sexual activity, pictures or stories, then you are taking a big chance of being hugely embarrassed or even fired or arrested as a pervert some day and I avoid that like the plague and suggest you do as well.

I think we should all be allowed our fantasies and to have our fun here but should at LEAST abide by the above stated "ethics".

Just remember that all the above is my opinion and only that and if you get your panties in a wad over it then it's your own problem. ;)
Great minds think alike but dirty minds work together.... ;)
I would like to think that I am Mulan.. biggrin Hey let it go! You cant expect everyone to like you pointing out their shit smile
You just got a learning experience. Many people, for reasons of their own; come on sites like this and PREFER to remain anonymous. LET THEM! LOL And, HOPE, that should YOU choose to do the same sort of thing they will give YOU the benefit of discretion.