Quote by adi_me33
Hate is an every day occurance everywhere. And be glad it wasn't too close to home....you don't want this pain....
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
Quote by Mysteria27
This is such a sad story. How people can just go out for an evening of fun and get killed. Terror is meant to scare. Although, we can't let them make us scared. I am so upset for the victims and their families and friends. This was a very sad story to hear about. Praying for all involved. Praying for America to deal with the gun problem that is here.
Here's a prayer:
O God, we pray for those who have been murdered on the streets of our city. We commit to your loving care those who have died, beseeching you to receive their souls into the mercy of your love. Comfort their loved ones who mourn. Enable them to meet the lonely and painful days ahead in the strength of your love. Let the love that you have made known to us lead us to create safer streets for all to walk upon. Amen.
Quote by Simmerdownchick
You're so right, I have removed that. I have family in Arkansas and Oklahoma, and I know that hate lives everywhere I've been. Sorry, that was just anger...We need to be angry at people like ISIS and it's followers
Quote by Mysteria27
Praying for America to deal with the gun problem that is here.
Quote by sprite
yesterday, i made the mistake of following twitter. such an outpouring of love, but so much hate, too, that i refuse to post here. hard to keep faith when you realize that so many people wish harm for you simply because of who you love....
and then, last night was so beautiful. thousands of gay people, straight people, christians, muslims, athiests, black, white, hispanic, asian gathered together at Cal Anderson Park in Seattle...
yesterday was all about shock. today, as they release the names of those who died, it hits home.
Quote by sprite
Anyone who feels the need to help in a more tangible way, there's a gofundme to support the victims:
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
Quote by Dancewithme
Yes, sprite. Some of us adore women like you.
I used to work in Orlando and am crushed and praying as you can imagine.
I just spent 3 days in NYC for a chance to spend them with a gay friend of mine from LA even though I am not gay myself. We are truly "brothers" we say, and if anyone harmed him, I would be devastated.
I can't say I love every single person I have ever met in the LGBT community, but I have found many have been very easy for me to fall in love with.
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.