behind the ears tickles and my nipples rubbed oh also my rectum if worked correctly
To boldly Lush where no one has Lushed before
My soft warm lips on your neck...
my erogenous zones can change , but the usual ears neck boobs and ??? lol its fun discovering
Sexy Comes in all colors and Sizes[/size]
My clit is super sensitive, also my neck
The tip of your tongue trailing softly against my skin, right behind my ear. The combination from the feel of your breathe, and wetness from your tongue, drives me crazy.
My patellar reflex - it is crazy sensitive - I have kicked doctors
My scrotum when it's pulled up tight. TMI?
My feet, my hands, the back of my knees and the insides of my elbows.
My inner thighs and nipples
Bottom of my feet, in an if you touch me I'll fucking kick you kinds of way.
Back of wrists, back of knees, inner thighs, collarbone, where ear & jawline meet (Like MyssT said above, do that and I'm yours).
my collar bone.... or behind my knees
With out a doubt my clit
Behind my knees and my nipples
The back of my neck, my nipples, my inner thighs, my clit and last but not least my heart
Happiness will never come to those who don’t appreciate what they already have
I forgot to add my feet they are very ticklish
My psyche ... or my sac. Define sensitive.