Late Sunday night, just as I was going to bed, the serious contractions started, and off we went! And at 11:41 AM, On Monday, Julia Rose came into this world. 6 pounds, 11 ounces, happy, healthy, and oddly hairy! She's got darn near a full head of my black hair, and her daddy's blue eyes, and...she is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.df6dyzWN5vE6etFQ I was a mess of tears of joy, and everything else, but it was an experience I'll never forget. The absolute flood of emotions when they hand your baby to you is incredible. They let me go home this morning, and she comes home tonight! Or, as hubby says, goodbye regular sleep! Labor wasn't quite as bad as I'd been led to believe, but the sheer exhaustion afterwards completely wiped me out. I fell asleep around 2 pm and woke up around 4 am, but still tired! Napped much of the day in and out, and slept a good 12 hours last night, but I feel I could sleep another 12 tonight, although as my mother says, it'll NEVER happen now. I almost shot hubby on the way home today when at a stoplight he said "so when do we try for number two?". However, he is also over the moon, hugging everyone he meets, and handing out either chocolate or real cigars depending on your preference! The house is ready, the nursery is ready, we have 26,398 outfits for her....motherhood awaits!!! I'll be taking at least 6 weeks off from work, so I might get some writing done!
"A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere." - Groucho Marx